MPViT:Multi-Path Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction


MPViT : Multi-Path Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction

This repository inlcudes official implementations and model weights for MPViT.

[Arxiv] [BibTeX]

MPViT : Multi-Path Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction
🏛️ ️️ 🏫 Youngwan Lee, 🏛️ ️️Jonghee Kim, 🏫 Jeff Willette, 🏫 Sung Ju Hwang
ETRI 🏛️ ️, KAIST 🏫


We explore multi-scale patch embedding and multi-path structure, constructing the Multi-Path Vision Transformer (MPViT). MPViT embeds features of the same size (i.e., sequence length) with patches of different scales simultaneously by using overlapping convolutional patch embedding. Tokens of different scales are then independently fed into the Transformer encoders via multiple paths and the resulting features are aggregated, enabling both fine and coarse feature representations at the same feature level. Thanks to the diverse and multi-scale feature representations, our MPViTs scaling from Tiny(5M) to Base(73M) consistently achieve superior performance over state-of-the-art Vision Transformers on ImageNet classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. These extensive results demonstrate that MPViT can serve as a versatile backbone network for various vision tasks.

Main results on ImageNet-1K

🚀 These all models are trained on ImageNet-1K with the same training recipe as DeiT and CoaT.

model resolution [email protected] #params FLOPs weight
MPViT-T 224x224 78.2 5.8M 1.6G weight
MPViT-XS 224x224 80.9 10.5M 2.9G weight
MPViT-S 224x224 83.0 22.8M 4.7G weight
MPViT-B 224x224 84.3 74.8M 16.4G weight

Main results on COCO object detection

🚀 All model are trained using ImageNet-1K pretrained weights.

☀️ MS denotes the same multi-scale training augmentation as in Swin-Transformer which follows the MS augmentation as in DETR and Sparse-RCNN. Therefore, we also follows the official implementation of DETR and Sparse-RCNN which are also based on Detectron2.

Please refer to detectron2/ for the details.

Backbone Method lr Schd box mAP mask mAP #params FLOPS weight
MPViT-T RetinaNet 1x 41.8 - 17M 196G model | metrics
MPViT-XS RetinaNet 1x 43.8 - 20M 211G model | metrics
MPViT-S RetinaNet 1x 45.7 - 32M 248G model | metrics
MPViT-B RetinaNet 1x 47.0 - 85M 482G model | metrics
MPViT-T RetinaNet MS+3x 44.4 - 17M 196G model | metrics
MPViT-XS RetinaNet MS+3x 46.1 - 20M 211G model | metrics
MPViT-S RetinaNet MS+3x 47.6 - 32M 248G model | metrics
MPViT-B RetinaNet MS+3x 48.3 - 85M 482G model | metrics
MPViT-T Mask R-CNN 1x 42.2 39.0 28M 216G model | metrics
MPViT-XS Mask R-CNN 1x 44.2 40.4 30M 231G model | metrics
MPViT-S Mask R-CNN 1x 46.4 42.4 43M 268G model | metrics
MPViT-B Mask R-CNN 1x 48.2 43.5 95M 503G model | metrics
MPViT-T Mask R-CNN MS+3x 44.8 41.0 28M 216G model | metrics
MPViT-XS Mask R-CNN MS+3x 46.6 42.3 30M 231G model | metrics
MPViT-S Mask R-CNN MS+3x 48.4 43.9 43M 268G model | metrics
MPViT-B Mask R-CNN MS+3x 49.5 44.5 95M 503G model | metrics


All models are trained using the same training recipe.

Please refer to deformable_detr/ for the details.

backbone box mAP epochs link
ResNet-50 44.5 50 -
CoaT-lite S 47.0 50 link
CoaT-S 48.4 50 link
MPViT-S 49.0 50 link

Main results on ADE20K Semantic segmentation

All model are trained using ImageNet-1K pretrained weight.

Please refer to semantic_segmentation/ for the details.

Backbone Method Crop Size Lr Schd mIoU #params FLOPs weight
MPViT-S UperNet 512x512 160K 48.3 52M 943G weight
MPViT-B UperNet 512x512 160K 50.3 105M 1185G weight

Getting Started

We use pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.1 cuda==10.1 libraries on NVIDIA V100 GPUs. If you use different versions of cuda, you may obtain different accuracies, but the differences are negligible.


This repository is built using the Timm library, DeiT, CoaT, Detectron2, mmsegmentation repositories.

This work was supported by Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. 2020-0-00004, Development of Previsional Intelligence based on Long-term Visual Memory Network and No. 2014-3-00123, Development of High Performance Visual BigData Discovery Platform for Large-Scale Realtime Data Analysis).


Please refer to MPViT LSA.

Citing MPViT

      title={MPViT: Multi-Path Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction}, 
      author={Youngwan Lee and Jonghee Kim and Jeff Willette and Sung Ju Hwang},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.11010}
Youngwan Lee
Researcher at ETRI & Ph.D student in Graduate school of AI at KAIST.
Youngwan Lee
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