Source code of paper "BP-Transformer: Modelling Long-Range Context via Binary Partitioning"

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Text Data & NLPBPT


This repo contains the code for our paper

BP-Transformer: Modeling Long-Range Context via Binary Partition

Zihao Ye, Qipeng Guo, Quan Gan, Xipeng Qiu, Zheng Zhang

The code is written in DGL with PyTorch as backend.


  • torchtext 0.4
  • dgl 0.4 (the code on master branch is not compatible with dgl 0.5, please checkout develop branch for dgl 0.5 compatible version).
  • yaml
  • spacy
  • PyTorch 1.1+


For Multi-GPU training, please export NCCL_LL_THRESHOLD=0 before running scripts because of a PyTorch bug mentioned here.

The codebase has two dependencies: graph_kernel and graph_builder, the first one is for efficient graph attention on GPU with node parallel strategy written in CUDA, the second one is for efficient graph construction written in Cython. To install them:

cd graph_builder
python install
cd ..
cd graph_kernel
python install
cd ..

We support the following tasks with BPT as backbone:

  • Text Classification:
  • Language Modeling:
  • Machine Translation:
  • Natural Language Inference:

All experiment settings mentioned in our paper are available at configs/.

python *.py --config configs/*.yml --gpu [GPUs]

Note that this repo does not contain any data files, to get dataset required for experiments, run . get_*.sh and the corresponding dataset would be downloaded and preprocessed.

For machine translation, we have another script for decoding:

python --config configs/*.yml --gpu [GPU]

Before decoding, please make sure you have finished the training using with the same config file.

NOTE: Currently we do not support CPU training/inference.


Following is the visualization of the sparse matrix of BPT underlying graph when sequence length is 8192 and k is 4. image


  • Character-Level Language Modeling (enwik8, metric: bpc), 12 layers.
    • BPT(context length=8192): 1.02
    • Adaptive Transformer: 1.02
    • Transformer-XL: 1.06
    • To reproduce: python --config configs/enwik8-8192.yml --gpu 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • Document-Level Machine Translation (IWSLT 2015 Zh-En, metric: BLEU), base setting.
    • BPT(context length=64): 19.84
    • HAN-NMT: 17.68
    • To reproduce: python --config configs/iwslt-4-64.yml --gpu 0
  • Text Classification (IMDB, metric: accuracy), 5 layers.
    • BPT+GloVe: 92.12(±0.11)
    • LSTM+CoVe: 91.8
    • Transformer+Glove: 89.24(±0.20)
    • Star Transformer: 90.50
    • To reproduce: python --config configs/imdb-4.yml --gpu 0
      • Note that our CUDA kernel uses atomic operations which may result in non-determinism, we report the mean and std of accuracy in multiple(10) runs.
      • The IMDB dataset has not official train/dev split, we follow the setting of Bryan et al., 2017 and hold out 10% samples for validation. We report the test accuracy of model with best valid loss.

For sentence level modeling, we show that BPT models better inductive bias than vanilla transformer by attending fine-grained features of neighbors and coarse-grained features of far-away tokens.

  • Machine Translation(WMT14 En-De, metric: BLEU), base setting.
    • BPT(k=1): 26.9
    • BPT(k=2): 27.4
    • BPT(k=4): 27.6
    • BPT(k=8): 26.7
    • Transformer-base(our implementation): 27.2
    • To reproduce: python --config configs/wmt-*.yml --gpu 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
      • We report SacreBLEU result for reproducibility (setting: BLEU+c.mixed+l.en-de+#.1+s.exp+t.wmt14+tok.intl+v.1.4.1), the sacrebleu score is usually lower than that produced by script in tensor2tensor as described here.
  • Natural Language Inference(SNLI, metric: accuracy), ESIM-like structure, 3 layers for self-attention and 3 layers for cross-sentence attention.
    • BPT(k=4): 88.25(±0.07)
    • Transformer: 87.89(±0.31)
    • To reproduce: python --config configs/snli.yml --gpu 0
      • Like Text Classification, the result on NLI is also not stable because of randomness in our CUDA kernel, we report the mean and std of accuracy in multiple(7) runs.
  • Text Classification(SST-5, metric: accuracy), 4 layers.
    • BPT+GloVe: 52.71(±0.32)
    • Transformer+GloVe: 50.40
    • Tree-LSTM+GloVe: 51.0
    • To reproduce: python --config configs/sst5-2.yml --gpu 0


  • FP16 support (mixed-precision training/inference)
  • Integrate kernels with dgl 0.5
  • CPU support
Zihao Ye
Ph.D. [email protected] of Washington, focusing on Compilers and Computer Arch
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