[ICCV 2021] Official PyTorch implementation for Deep Relational Metric Learning.

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Deep LearningDRML

Deep Relational Metric Learning

This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of Deep Relational Metric Learning.






Download from here.

Organize the dataset as follows:

- cub200
    |- train
    |   |- class0
    |   |   |- image0_1
    |   |   |- ...
    |   |- ...
    |- test
        |- class100
        |   |- image100_1
        |   |- ...
        |- ...


Download from here.

Organize the dataset as follows:

- cars196
    |- train
    |   |- class0
    |   |   |- image0_1
    |   |   |- ...
    |   |- ...
    |- test
        |- class98
        |   |- image98_1
        |   |- ...
        |- ...


To install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Baseline models

To train the baseline model with the ProxyAnchor loss on CUB200, run this command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python examples/train/main.py \
--save_name <experiment-name> \
--data_path <path-of-data> \
--phase train \
--device 0 \
--setting proxy_baseline \
--dataset cub200 \
--num_classes 100 \
--batch_size 120 \

To train the baseline model with the ProxyAnchor loss on Cars196, run this command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python examples/train/main.py \
--save_name <experiment-name> \
--data_path <path-of-data> \
--phase train \
--device 0 \
--setting proxy_baseline \
--dataset cars196 \
--num_classes 98 \
--batch_size 120 \

DRML models

To train the proposed DRML model using the ProxyAnchor loss on CUB200 in the paper, run this command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python examples/train/main.py \
--save_name <experiment-name> \
--data_path <path-of-data> \
--phase train \
--device 0 \
--setting proxy \
--dataset cub200 \
--num_classes 100 \
--batch_size 120 \

To train the proposed DRML model using the ProxyAnchor loss on Cars196 in the paper, run this command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python examples/train/main.py \
--save_name <experiment-name> \
--data_path <path-of-data> \
--phase train \
--device 0 \
--setting proxy \
--dataset cars196 \
--num_classes 98 \
--batch_size 120 \


We tested our code on a linux machine with an Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU card. We recommend using a GPU card with a memory > 8GB (BN-Inception + batch-size of 120 ).


The baseline models achieve the following performances:

Model name Recall @ 1 Recall @ 2 Recall @ 4 Recall @ 8 NMI
cub200-ProxyAnchor-baseline 67.3 77.7 85.7 91.4 68.7
cars196-ProxyAnchor-baseline 84.4 90.7 94.3 96.8 69.7

Our models achieve the following performances:

Model name Recall @ 1 Recall @ 2 Recall @ 4 Recall @ 8 NMI
cub200-ProxyAnchor-ours 68.7 78.6 86.3 91.6 69.3
cars196-ProxyAnchor-ours 86.9 92.1 95.2 97.4 72.1


  • We will upload the code for cross-validation setting soon.
  • We will update the optimal hyper-parameters of the experiments soon.
Borui Zhang
I am a first year Ph.D student in the Department of Automation at THU. My research direction is computer vision.
Borui Zhang
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