Hydro Quebec API wrapper.



Hydro Quebec API wrapper.

This is a package to access some functionalities of Hydro Quebec API that are not documented.




Thibault Cohen who wrote pyhydroquebec That's where I took most of the inspiration (and some portions of the code)


Make it easy to fetch and manipulate data from hydro quebec, especially the winter credit periods


This uses python 3 (tested with 3.8)

  1. clone the repo

  2. create a virtual-env

    $ python -m venv hydro-env

    $ . hydro-env/bin/activate

    (hydro-env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Copy config/config.default.ini to config/config.ini and add your hydro account credentials

  4. Run ./hydro.py

Available features :

  • Services.getWinterCredit() to get raw winter credit data
  • Services.getTodayHourlyConsumption() to get raw hourly consumption for current day
  • Services.getHourlyConsumption(date = 'YYYY-MM-DD') to get hourly consumption for specific day
  • Services.getDailyConsumption(start_date = 'YYYY-MM-DD',end_date = 'YYYY-MM-DD') to get a range of daily consumption
  • Services.getWinterCreditEvents() to get a JSON object with past / future and next peak events

Basic MQTT publisher

Configure the MQTT in the config file and run mqtt.py

Will publish next winter peak event to winterpeaks/next/start and winterpeaks/next/finish


Feel free to tinker with it to suit your needs !


As per issue https://github.com/zepiaf/hydroqc/issues/11 the certificate chain for service.hydroquebec.com is not downloaded correctly. It has been forced in the code. It will not be used if verification is disabled.


  • What else ?
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