Code for "AutoMTL: A Programming Framework for Automated Multi-Task Learning"

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AutoMTL: A Programming Framework for Automated Multi-Task Learning

This is the website for our paper "AutoMTL: A Programming Framework for Automated Multi-Task Learning", submitted to MLSys 2022. The arXiv version will be public at Tue, 26 Oct 2021.


Multi-task learning (MTL) jointly learns a set of tasks. It is a promising approach to reduce the training and inference time and storage costs while improving prediction accuracy and generalization performance for many computer vision tasks. However, a major barrier preventing the widespread adoption of MTL is the lack of systematic support for developing compact multi-task models given a set of tasks. In this paper, we aim to remove the barrier by developing the first programming framework AutoMTL that automates MTL model development. AutoMTL takes as inputs an arbitrary backbone convolutional neural network and a set of tasks to learn, then automatically produce a multi-task model that achieves high accuracy and has small memory footprint simultaneously. As a programming framework, AutoMTL could facilitate the development of MTL-enabled computer vision applications and even further improve task performance.



Welcome to cite our work if you find it is helpful to your research. [TODO: cite info]



conda install pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 -c pytorch # Or higher
conda install protobuf
pip install opencv-python
pip install scikit-learn


We conducted experiments on three popular datasets in multi-task learning (MTL), CityScapes [1], NYUv2 [2], and Tiny-Taskonomy [3]. You can download the them here. For Tiny-Taskonomy, you will need to contact the authors directly. See their official website.

File Structure

├── data
│   ├── dataloader
│   │   ├── *
│   ├── heads
│   │   ├──
│   ├── metrics
│   │   ├── pixel2pixel_loss/
├── framework
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
├── models
│   ├── *.prototxt
├── utils
└── └──

Code Description

Our code can be divided into three parts: code for data, code of AutoMTL, and others

  • For Data

    • Dataloaders * For each dataset, we offer a corresponding PyTorch dataloader with a specific task variable.
    • Heads The ASPP head [4] is implemented for the pixel-to-pixel vision tasks.
    • Metrics pixel2pixel_loss/ For each task, it has its own criterion and metric.
  • AutoMTL

    • Multi-Task Model Generator Transfer the given backbone model in the format of prototxt, and the task-specific model head dictionary to a multi-task supermodel.
    • Trainer Tools Meterialize a three-stage training pipeline to search out a good multi-task model for the given tasks. pipeline
  • Others

    • Input Backbone *.prototxt: Typical vision backbone models including Deeplab-ResNet34 [4], MobileNetV2, and MNasNet.
    • Transfer to Prototxt If you define your own customized backbone model in PyTorch API, we also provide a tool to convert it to a prototxt file.

How to Use

Set up Data

Each task will have its own dataloader for both training and validation, task-specific criterion (loss), evaluation metric, and model head. Here we take CityScapes as an example.

tasks = ['segment_semantic', 'depth_zbuffer']
task_cls_num = {'segment_semantic': 19, 'depth_zbuffer': 1} # the number of classes in each task

You can also define your own dataloader, criterion, and evaluation metrics. Please refer to files in data/ to make sure your customized classes have the same output format as ours to fit for our framework.

dataloader dictionary

trainDataloaderDict = {}
valDataloaderDict = {}
for task in tasks:
    dataset = CityScapes(dataroot, 'train', task, crop_h=224, crop_w=224)
    trainDataloaderDict[task] = DataLoader(dataset, <batch_size>, shuffle=True)

    dataset = CityScapes(dataroot, 'test', task)
    valDataloaderDict[task] = DataLoader(dataset, <batch_size>, shuffle=True)

criterion dictionary

criterionDict = {}
for task in tasks:
    criterionDict[task] = CityScapesCriterions(task)

evaluation metric dictionary

metricDict = {}
for task in tasks:
    metricDict[task] = CityScapesMetrics(task)

task-specific heads dictionary

headsDict = nn.ModuleDict() # must be nn.ModuleDict() instead of python dictionary
for task in tasks:
    headsDict[task] = ASPPHeadNode(<feature_dim>, task_cls_num[task])

Construct Multi-Task Supermodel

prototxt = 'models/deeplab_resnet34_adashare.prototxt' # can be any CNN model
mtlmodel = MTLModel(prototxt, headsDict)

3-stage Training

define the trainer

trainer = Trainer(mtlmodel, trainDataloaderDict, valDataloaderDict, criterionDict, metricDict)

pre-train phase

trainer.pre_train(iters=<total_iter>, lr=<init_lr>, savePath=<save_path>)

policy-train phase

loss_lambda = {'segment_semantic': 1, 'depth_zbuffer': 1, 'policy':0.0005} # the weights for each task and the policy regularization term from the paper
trainer.alter_train_with_reg(iters=<total_iter>, policy_network_iters=<alter_iters>, policy_lr=<policy_lr>, network_lr=<network_lr>, 
                             loss_lambda=loss_lambda, savePath=<save_path>)

Notice that when training the policy and the model weights together, we alternatively train them for specified iters in policy_network_iters.

post-train phase

trainer.post_train(ters=<total_iter>, lr=<init_lr>, 
                   loss_lambda=loss_lambda, savePath=<save_path>, reload=<policy_train_model_name>)

Note: Please refer to Example.ipynb for more details.


[1] Cordts, Marius and Omran, Mohamed and Ramos, Sebastian and Rehfeld, Timo and Enzweiler, Markus and Benenson, Rodrigo and Franke, Uwe and Roth, Stefan and Schiele, Bernt. The cityscapes dataset for semantic urban scene understanding. CVPR, 3213-3223, 2016.

[2] Silberman, Nathan and Hoiem, Derek and Kohli, Pushmeet and Fergus, Rob. Indoor segmentation and support inference from rgbd images. ECCV, 746-760, 2012.

[3] Zamir, Amir R and Sax, Alexander and Shen, William and Guibas, Leonidas J and Malik, Jitendra and Savarese, Silvio. Taskonomy: Disentangling task transfer learning. CVPR, 3712-3722, 2018.

[4] Chen, Liang-Chieh and Papandreou, George and Kokkinos, Iasonas and Murphy, Kevin and Yuille, Alan L. Deeplab: Semantic image segmentation with deep convolutional nets, atrous convolution, and fully connected crfs. PAMI, 834-848, 2017.

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