PyTorch implementation of "Optimization Planning for 3D ConvNets"



Code for the ICML 2021 paper: Optimization Planning for 3D ConvNets.

Authors: Zhaofan Qiu, Ting Yao, Chong-Wah Ngo, Tao Mei


1. Requirement

The provided codes have been tested with Python-3.9.5 & Pytorch-1.9.0 on four Tesla-V100s.

2. Project structure

├─ base_config             # Pre-set config file for each dataset
├─ dataset                 # Video lists (NOT provided) and code to load video data
├─ jpgs                    # Images for README
├─ layers                  # Custom network layers
├─ model                   # Network architectures
├─ record                  # Config file for each run
├─ utils                   # Basic functions
├─     # Main script to extract predicted score
├─              # Helper functions for main scripts
├─          # Main script to merge scores from different clips
├─             # Main script to launch a training using given strategy
├─          # Main script to launch a searching of best strategy
└─                  # Shell script for training-extracting-merging pipeline

3. Run the code

  1. Pre-process the target dataset and put the lists in to the dataset folder. Codes in dataset/ can load three video formats (raw video, jpeg frames and video LMDB) and can be simply modified to support the custom format.
  2. Make config file in the record folder. The config examples include op-*.yml for pre-searched strategy, kinetics-*.yml for simple strategy on Kinetics-400,
  3. Run for the training-extracting-merging pipeline or replace with for searching the optimal strategy.

4. TO DO

Add more explainations and examples.

5. Contact

Please feel free to email to Zhaofan Qiu if you have any question regarding the paper or any suggestions for further improvements.

6. Citation

If you find this code helpful, thanks for citing our work as

title={Optimization Planning for 3D ConvNets},
author={Qiu, Zhaofan and Yao, Ting and Ngo, Chong-Wah and Mei, Tao},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},

Please also pay attention to the citations of the included networks/algorithms.

Zhaofan Qiu
Ph.D. student in USTC&MSRA
Zhaofan Qiu
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