Generate a list of papers with publicly available source code in the daily arxiv



paper code
optimal network slicing for service-oriented networks with flexible routing and guaranteed e2e latency networkslicing
multi-modal point-of-care diagnostics for covid-19 based on acoustics and symptoms MuDiCov
configuring an intelligent reflecting surface for wireless communications SP_Cup_2021
energy and age pareto optimal trajectories in uav-assisted wireless data collection BDforUavPath
on perceptual lossy compression: the cost of perceptual reconstruction and an optimal training framework Perceptual-Lossy-Compression


paper code
cold: concurrent loads disaggregator for non-intrusive load monitoring cold-nilm
homological time series analysis of sensor signals from power plants TwirlFlake


paper code
channel estimation for one-bit multiuser massive mimo using conditional gan Channel_Estimation_cGAN
gender bias in depression detection using audio features DepAudioNet_reproduction
heppcat: probabilistic pca for data with heteroscedastic noise heteroscedastic-probabilistic-pca
sparse kronecker-product coding for unsourced multiple access SKPC-UMA
multi-uav path planning for wireless data harvesting with deep reinforcement learning uav_data_harvesting


paper code
adaptive self-interference cancellation for full-duplex wireless communication systems Full-Duplex-Steepest-Descent
self-training sampling with monolingual data uncertainty for neural machine translation UncSamp


paper code
reconfigurable intelligent surface enabled federated learning: a unified communication-learning design approach RIS-FL
a mixed integer least-squares formulation of the gnss snapshot positioning problem snapshot-positioning
dynamic-deep: ecg task-aware compression Dynamic-Deep
a compact and interpretable convolutional neural network for cross-subject driver drowsiness detection from single-channel eeg A-Compact-and-Interpretable-Convolutional-Neural-Network-for-Single-Channel-EEG
meta-har: federated representation learning for human activity recognition Meta-HAR


paper code
an efficient and effective second-order training algorithm for lstm-based adaptive learning EfficientEffectiveLSTM
block deep neural network-based signal detector for generalized spatial modulation B_DNN
support recovery for sparse multidimensional phase retrieval Sparse-Multidimensional-PR
overcoming measurement inconsistency in deep learning for linear inverse problems: applications in medical imaging mri-tvtv
interval propagation through the discrete fourier transform Fourier-transform
clnet: complex input lightweight neural network designed for massive mimo csi feedback CLNet
an iterative jacobi-like algorithm to compute a few sparse eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs JACOBI-PCA
an automated theorem proving framework for information-theoretic results psitip


paper code
a simulation-based end-to-end learning framework for evidential occupancy grid mapping EviLOG
salientsleepnet: multimodal salient wave detection network for sleep staging SalientSleepNet
recovery of future data via convolution nuclear norm minimization CNNM


paper code
multi-resolution csi feedback with deep learning in massive mimo system CRNet
unsupervised deep learning for massive mimo hybrid beamforming HBF-Net
robust learning from corrupted eeg with dynamic spatial filtering dynamic-spatial-filtering


paper code
learning to continuously optimize wireless resource in episodically dynamic environment ICASSP2021
lenient regret and good-action identification in gaussian process bandits GoodAction


paper code
self-supervised transfer learning of physiological representations from free-living wearable data Step2heart
robust adversarial learning via sparsifying front ends sparsity-based-defenses
npd entropy: a non-parametric differential entropy rate estimator npd_entropy
honest-but-curious nets: sensitive attributes of private inputs can be secretly coded into the entropy of classifiers' outputs honest-but-curious-nets


paper code
deep joint source channel coding for wirelessimage transmission with ofdm Deep-JSCC-for-images-with-OFDM
joint learning of multiple granger causal networks via non-convex regularizations: inference of group-level brain connectivity JGranger_ncvx
denoising noisy neural networks: a bayesian approach with compensation NoisyNN
deep active learning approach to adaptive beamforming for mmwave initial alignment DL-ActiveLearning-BeamAlignment
byzantine-resilient federated machine learning via over-the-air computation Byzantine_AirComp


paper code
semi-supervised learning for identifying the likelihood of agitation in people with dementia Agitation_detection
redunet: a white-box deep network from the principle of maximizing rate reduction MCR2


paper code
min2net: end-to-end multi-task learning for subject-independent motor imagery eeg classification MIN2Net
point process simulation of generalised inverse gaussian processes and estimation of the jaeger integral GiG
Text layer for bio-image annotation.

napari-text-layer Napari text layer for bio-image annotation. Installation You can install using pip: pip install napari-text-layer Keybindings and m

6 Sep 29, 2022
CTPN + DenseNet + CTC based end-to-end Chinese OCR implemented using tensorflow and keras

简介 基于Tensorflow和Keras实现端到端的不定长中文字符检测和识别 文本检测:CTPN 文本识别:DenseNet + CTC 环境部署 sh 注:CPU环境执行前需注释掉for gpu部分,并解开for cpu部分的注释 Demo 将测试图片放入test_images

Yang Chenguang 2.6k Dec 29, 2022
Extract tables from scanned image PDFs using Optical Character Recognition.

ocr-table This project aims to extract tables from scanned image PDFs using Optical Character Recognition. Install Requirements Tesseract OCR sudo apt

Abhijeet Singh 209 Dec 06, 2022
Pytorch implementation of PSEnet with Pyramid Attention Network as feature extractor

Scene Text-Spotting based on PSEnet+CRNN Pytorch implementation of an end to end Text-Spotter with a PSEnet text detector and CRNN text recognizer. We

azhar shaikh 62 Oct 10, 2022
This pyhton script converts a pdf to Image then using tesseract as OCR engine converts Image to Text

Script_Convertir_PDF_IMG_TXT Este script de pyhton convierte un pdf en Imagen luego utilizando tesseract como motor OCR convierte la Imagen a Texto. p

alebogado 1 Jan 27, 2022
An Implementation of the alogrithm in paper IncepText: A New Inception-Text Module with Deformable PSROI Pooling for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection

InceptText-Tensorflow An Implementation of the alogrithm in paper IncepText: A New Inception-Text Module with Deformable PSROI Pooling for Multi-Orien

GeorgeJoe 115 Dec 12, 2022
Links to awesome OCR projects

Awesome OCR This list contains links to great software tools and libraries and literature related to Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Contribution

Konstantin Baierer 2.2k Jan 02, 2023
MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition

MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition Python 2.7 Python 3.6 MORAN is a network with rectification mechanism for

Canjie Luo 595 Dec 27, 2022
Text modding tools for FF7R (Final Fantasy VII Remake)

FF7R_text_mod_tools Subtitle modding tools for FF7R (Final Fantasy VII Remake) There are 3 tools I made. make_dualsub_mod.exe: Merges (or swaps) subti

10 Dec 19, 2022
A facial recognition device is a device that takes an image or a video of a human face and compares it to another image faces in a database.

A facial recognition device is a device that takes an image or a video of a human face and compares it to another image faces in a database. The structure, shape and proportions of the faces are comp

Pavankumar Khot 4 Mar 19, 2022
Image Detector and Convertor App created using python's Pillow, OpenCV, cvlib, numpy and streamlit packages.

Image Detector and Convertor App created using python's Pillow, OpenCV, cvlib, numpy and streamlit packages.

Siva Prakash 11 Jan 02, 2022
A python screen recorder for low-end computers, provides high quality video output.

RecorderX - v1.0 A screen recorder made in Python with the help of OpenCv, it has ability to record your screen in high quality. No matter what your P

Priyanshu Jindal 4 Nov 10, 2021
This repository provides train&test code, dataset, det.&rec. annotation, evaluation script, annotation tool, and ranking.

SCUT-CTW1500 Datasets We have updated annotations for both train and test set. Train: 1000 images [images][annos] Additional point annotation for each

Yuliang Liu 600 Dec 18, 2022
ERQA - Edge Restoration Quality Assessment

ERQA - a full-reference quality metric designed to analyze how good image and video restoration methods (SR, deblurring, denoising, etc) are restoring real details.

MSU Video Group 27 Dec 17, 2022
OCR, Scene-Text-Understanding, Text Recognition

Scene-Text-Understanding Survey [2015-PAMI] Text Detection and Recognition in Imagery: A Survey paper [2014-Front.Comput.Sci] Scene Text Detection and

Alan Tang 354 Dec 12, 2022
A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to image composition

A curated list of resources including papers, datasets, and relevant links pertaining to image composition.

BCMI 391 Dec 30, 2022
OCR of Chicago 1909 Renumbering Plan

Requirements: Python 3 (probably at least 3.4) pipenv (pip3 install pipenv) tesseract (brew install tesseract, at least if you have a mac and homebrew

ted whalen 2 Nov 21, 2021
A machine learning software for extracting information from scholarly documents

GROBID GROBID documentation Visit the GROBID documentation for more detailed information. Summary GROBID (or Grobid, but not GroBid nor GroBiD) means

Patrice Lopez 1.9k Jan 08, 2023
Creating of virtual elements of the graphical interface using opencv and mediapipe.

Virtual GUI Creating of virtual elements of the graphical interface using opencv and mediapipe. Element GUI Output Description Button By default the b

Aleksei 4 Jun 16, 2022