Official Implementation of SimIPU: Simple 2D Image and 3D Point Cloud Unsupervised Pre-Training for Spatial-Aware Visual Representations

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Deep LearningSimIPU

Official Implementation of SimIPU

  • SimIPU: Simple 2D Image and 3D Point Cloud Unsupervised Pre-Training for Spatial-Aware Visual Representations
  • Since the code is still waiting for release, if you have any question with reproduction, feel free to contact us. We will try our best to help you.
  • Currently, the core code of SimIPU is implemented in the commercial project. We are trying our best to make the code publicly available.
  • Question about augmentation

    Question about augmentation

    Hi, I'm a little confused about the data augmentation.

    1. How did you set img_aug when img_moco=True? It seems that we need an 'img_pipeline' in '', right?
    2. For 3D augmentation, it seems that it is done in this line. So the 3D augmentation is done based on the point features instead the raw points, right? If I want to try moco=True, how to set 3D augmentation? should I do this in the dataset building part?

    Looking forward to your reply. Many thanks.

    opened by sunnyHelen 2
  • error for env setup:ImportError: cannot import name 'ball_query_ext' from 'mmdet3d.ops.ball_query'

    error for env setup:ImportError: cannot import name 'ball_query_ext' from 'mmdet3d.ops.ball_query'

    Thanks for your insightful paper and clear code repo!

    Hi, I met with the ImportError: cannot import name 'ball_query_ext' from 'mmdet3d.ops.ball_query' when run the command bash tools/ project_cl/configs/simipu/ 1 --work_dir ./

    Do you know how to solve it?

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 16, in from mmdet3d.apis import train_model File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/apis/", line 1, in from .inference import (convert_SyncBN, inference_detector, File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/apis/", line 10, in from mmdet3d.core import (Box3DMode, DepthInstance3DBoxes, File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/core/", line 2, in from .bbox import * # noqa: F401, F403 File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/core/bbox/", line 4, in from .iou_calculators import (AxisAlignedBboxOverlaps3D, BboxOverlaps3D, File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/core/bbox/iou_calculators/", line 1, in from .iou3d_calculator import (AxisAlignedBboxOverlaps3D, BboxOverlaps3D, File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/core/bbox/iou_calculators/", line 5, in from ..structures import get_box_type File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/core/bbox/structures/", line 1, in from .base_box3d import BaseInstance3DBoxes File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/core/bbox/structures/", line 5, in from mmdet3d.ops.iou3d import iou3d_cuda File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/ops/", line 5, in from .ball_query import ball_query File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/ops/ball_query/", line 1, in from .ball_query import ball_query File "/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/ops/ball_query/", line 4, in from . import ball_query_ext ImportError: cannot import name 'ball_query_ext' from 'mmdet3d.ops.ball_query' (/mnt/lustre/xxh/SimIPU-main/mmdet3d/ops/ball_query/

    I noticed that you once met with the same error.

    So, I would like to ask for your help~ Hopefully you have a good solution. :)

    opened by JerryX1110 2
  • A question about eq5 and eq6

    A question about eq5 and eq6

    Thanks for your inspiring work. I have some wonder about eq5 and eq6. As far as I know, After eq5, f should be a tensor which is a global feature with shape (batchsize * 2048 * 1 * 1), how can you sample corresponding image features by projection location? After all, there's no spatial information in f anymore. Or maybe you got features from a previous layer of ResNet? Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by lianchengmingjue 2
  • A question about Tab.5 in Ablation Study

    A question about Tab.5 in Ablation Study

    Thanks for your excellent work first! I have a question about Tab.5 in Ablation Study. Why "Scratch" equals "SimIPU w/o inter-module ", which means that the intra-module is useless?

    opened by Trent-tangtao 1
  • Have you tried not to crop gradient of f^{\alpha} in eq7?

    Have you tried not to crop gradient of f^{\alpha} in eq7?

    Hi, I like your good work! I am wondering have you tried not to crop the gradient of $f^{\alpha}$ in eq7? If you crop the gradient, it seems like the pertaining of the point branch cannot learn anything from the image branch.

    opened by Hiusam 1
  • issues about create_data

    issues about create_data

    Hi, thanks for sharing your great work. I encounter some issues during creating data by running First create reduced point cloud for training set [ ] 0/3712, elapsed: 0s, ETA:Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 247, in
    File "tools/", line 24, in kitti_data_prep
    kitti.create_reduced_point_cloud(root_path, info_prefix)
    File "/mnt/lustre/chenzhuo1/hzha/SimIPU/tools/data_converter/", line 374, in create_reduced_point_cloud
    _create_reduced_point_cloud(data_path, train_info_path, save_path)
    File "/mnt/lustre/chenzhuo1/hzha/SimIPU/tools/data_converter/", line 314, in _create_reduced_point_cloud
    count=-1).reshape([-1, num_features])
    ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 461536 into shape (6)

    It seems to set the num_features=4 and front_camera_id=2? in this line:

    I assume doing this can solve the problem but encounter another problem when Create GT Database of KittiDataset
    [ ] 0/3712, elapsed: 0s, ETA:Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "tools/", line 247, in
    File "tools/", line 44, in kitti_data_prep
    with_bbox=True) # for moca
    File "/mnt/lustre/chenzhuo1/hzha/SimIPU/tools/data_converter/", line 275, in create_groundtruth_database
    P0 = np.array(example['P0']).reshape(4, 4)
    KeyError: 'P0'

    Can you help me figure out how to solve these issues?

    opened by sunnyHelen 21
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