Unsupervised Image to Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks


Unsupervised Image to Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks

Paper: Unsupervised Image to Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks


  • TensorFlow 1.0.0
  • TensorLayer 1.3.11
  • CUDA 8
  • Ubuntu


  • Before training the network, please prepare the data
  • CelebA download
  • Cropped SVHN download
  • MNIST download, and put to data/mnist_png


Step 1: Learning shared feature

python3 train.py --train_step="ac_gan" --retrain=1

Step 2: Learning image encoder

python3 train.py --train_step="imageEncoder" --retrain=1

Step 3: Translation

python3 translate_image.py
  • Samples of all steps will be saved to data/samples/


Want to use different datasets?

  • in train.py and translate_image.py modify the name of dataset flags.DEFINE_string("dataset", "celebA", "The name of dataset [celebA, obama_hillary]")
  • write your own data_loader in data_loader.py
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    I’m adaping your code

    Now I’m tring to replacement faces

    Is “obama_hillary” is custom dataset? Or public dataset

    Let me know where can I get “obama_hillary”


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    Hi,donghao, I am running this project but I find there are so many errors at the beginning of my training, e.g. Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 362, in tf.app.run() File "/home/zzw/Program/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/platform/app.py", line 48, in run _sys.exit(main(_sys.argv[:1] + flags_passthrough)) File "train.py", line 355, in main train_ac_gan() File "train.py", line 98, in train_ac_gan g_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(d_logits_fake, tf.ones_like(d_logits_fake))) File "/home/zzw/Program/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/nn_impl.py", line 149, in sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits labels, logits) File "/home/zzw/Program/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/nn_ops.py", line 1512, in _ensure_xent_args "named arguments (labels=..., logits=..., ...)" % name) ValueError: Only call sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits with named arguments (labels=..., logits=..., ...)

    I guess these errors are due to differences between mine and yours,so could you please tell me what is your version of tensorflow?

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    Hey it's me again, browsing through your other repos i found this gem – seems fun! A few months ago i've tested another gender swap network written in TF, but the output resolution was hardcoded and i couldn't figure out how to change it (with my limited knowledge of TF). Your version again seems a lot easier to read – due to the usage of the Tensorlayer library?

    I'm using the celebA dataset and have left all thetf.flags by default. So the default image size is 64 x 64px but i've seen that you've also written quite a few lines in train.py and model.py for a 256 x 256px option.

    if FLAGS.image_size == 64:
        generator = model.generator
        discriminator = model.discriminator
        imageEncoder = model.imageEncoder
    # elif FLAGS.image_size == 256:
    #     generator = model.generator_256
    #     discriminator = model.discriminator_256
    #     imageEncoder = model.imageEncoder_256
        raise Exception("image_size should be 64 or 256")
    ################## 256x256x3
    def generator_256(inputs, is_train=True, reuse=False):
    def discriminator_256(inputs, is_train=True, reuse=False):

    Since the second if-statement (elif FLAGS.image_size == 256:) is commented out and never changes the default 64x64px model generator and encoder, setting flags.DEFINE_integer("image_size", ...) in train.py to 256 doesn't really change the size - is this correct?

    I've tried to uncomment the code and enable the elif line but then ran into this error: ValueError: Shapes (64, 64, 64, 256) and (64, 32, 32, 256) are not compatible

    You've added generator_256, discriminator_256 and imageEncoder_256 to model.py so i'm wondering if you just have just experimented with this image size and then discarded the option (and just left the 64x64 image_size option) or if i'm missing something here...

    There is also a commented out flag for output_size – but this variable doesn't show up anywhere else so i guess it's from a previous version of your code: # flags.DEFINE_integer("output_size", 64, "The size of the output images to produce [64]")

    And this one is also non-functional: # flags.DEFINE_integer("train_size", np.inf, "The size of train images [np.inf]")

    I just wondered if it's possible to crank up the training and output resolution to 256x256px (and maybe finish the training process this year – when i get my 1080 Ti 😎).

    Will try to finish the 64x64px first and save the model-.npz files for later, but it would be interesting to know if the mentioned portions of your code are still functional.


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