17 Repositories
Latest Python Libraries
Official source code to CVPR'20 paper, "When2com: Multi-Agent Perception via Communication Graph Grouping"
When2com: Multi-Agent Perception via Communication Graph Grouping This is the PyTorch implementation of our paper: When2com: Multi-Agent Perception vi
SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization (CVPR 2020, Oral)
SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization (CVPR 2020 Oral) Figure: Face image editing controlled via style images and segmenta
Meshed-Memory Transformer for Image Captioning. CVPR 2020
M²: Meshed-Memory Transformer This repository contains the reference code for the paper Meshed-Memory Transformer for Image Captioning (CVPR 2020). Pl
[CVPR 2020] Transform and Tell: Entity-Aware News Image Captioning
Transform and Tell: Entity-Aware News Image Captioning This repository contains the code to reproduce the results in our CVPR 2020 paper Transform and
This repository contains the code for the CVPR 2020 paper "Differentiable Volumetric Rendering: Learning Implicit 3D Representations without 3D Supervision"
Differentiable Volumetric Rendering Paper | Supplementary | Spotlight Video | Blog Entry | Presentation | Interactive Slides | Project Page This repos
Source code for CVPR 2020 paper "Learning to Forget for Meta-Learning"
L2F - Learning to Forget for Meta-Learning Sungyong Baik, Seokil Hong, Kyoung Mu Lee Source code for CVPR 2020 paper "Learning to Forget for Meta-Lear
StarGAN v2 - Official PyTorch Implementation (CVPR 2020)
StarGAN v2 - Official PyTorch Implementation StarGAN v2: Diverse Image Synthesis for Multiple Domains Yunjey Choi*, Youngjung Uh*, Jaejun Yoo*, Jung-W
Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects from Images in the Wild
Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects from Images in the Wild
Adversarial Texture Optimization from RGB-D Scans (CVPR 2020).
AdversarialTexture Adversarial Texture Optimization from RGB-D Scans (CVPR 2020). Scanning Data Download Please refer to data directory for details. B
Code for paper " AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in Deep Learning?"
AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in Deep Learning? This code is a demo of CVPR 2020 paper AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in De
Pytorch Implementation of "Desigining Network Design Spaces", Radosavovic et al. CVPR 2020.
RegNet Pytorch Implementation of "Desigining Network Design Spaces", Radosavovic et al. CVPR 2020. Paper | Official Implementation RegNet offer a very
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network @ The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020.
f-BRS: Rethinking Backpropagating Refinement for Interactive Segmentation
f-BRS: Rethinking Backpropagating Refinement for Interactive Segmentation [Paper] [PyTorch] [MXNet] [Video] This repository provides code for training
Learning Saliency Propagation for Semi-supervised Instance Segmentation
Learning Saliency Propagation for Semi-supervised Instance Segmentation PyTorch Implementation This repository contains: the PyTorch implementation of
Pixel Consensus Voting for Panoptic Segmentation (CVPR 2020)
Implementation for Pixel Consensus Voting (CVPR 2020). This codebase contains the essential ingredients of PCV, including various spatial discretizati
CVPR2020 Counterfactual Samples Synthesizing for Robust VQA
CVPR2020 Counterfactual Samples Synthesizing for Robust VQA This repo contains code for our paper "Counterfactual Samples Synthesizing for Robust Visu
Pytorch implementation for "Open Compound Domain Adaptation" (CVPR 2020 ORAL)
Open Compound Domain Adaptation [Project] [Paper] [Demo] [Blog] Overview Open Compound Domain Adaptation (OCDA) is the author's re-implementation of t