当前位置:网站首页>Pinduoduo open platform order information query interface [pdd.order.basic.list.get order basic information list query interface (according to transaction time)] code docking tutorial
Pinduoduo open platform order information query interface [pdd.order.basic.list.get order basic information list query interface (according to transaction time)] code docking tutorial
2022-08-04 21:08:00 【wx_1597063760】
Pinduoduo open platform order information query interface【pdd.order.basic.list.getOrder basic information list query interface(According to transaction time)】代码对接教程如下:
参数名称 | 参数类型 | 是否必填 | 参数描述(Interface code tutorialwx19970108018) |
type | String | 必填 | API接口名称 (必须以GET方式拼接在URL中,点击获取请求key和secret) |
client_id | String | 必填 | POP分配给应用的client_id |
access_token | String | 非必填 | 通过code获取的access_token |
timestamp | String | 必填 | UNIX时间戳,单位秒,The time difference with the Pinduoduo server is required10分钟内 |
data_type | String | 非必填 | 响应格式,That is, the format of the returned data,JSON或者XML(二选一),默认JSON,注意是大写 |
version | String | 非必填 | API协议版本号,默认为V1,可不填 |
sign | String | 必填 | API输入参数签名结果,For the signature algorithm, refer to the bottom of Part III of the Open Platform Access Guide. |
参数接口 | 参数类型 | 是否必填 | 说明 |
end_confirm_at | INTEGER | 必填 | 必填,Timestamp of the closing time of the deal time,指格林威治时间 1970 年 01 月 01 日 00 时 00 分 00 秒(北京时间 1970 年 01 月 01 日 08 时 00 分 00 秒)起至现在的总秒数 PS:The start time end time interval is not more than 24 小时 |
order_status | INTEGER | 必填 | 发货状态,1:待发货,2:已发货待签收,3:已签收 5:全部 |
page | INTEGER | 必填 | 返回页码 默认 1,页码从 1 开始 PS:Currently using pagination to return,Quantity and page count will be uploaded together,如果不传,则采用 默认值 |
page_size | INTEGER | 必填 | 返回数量,默认 100.最大 100 |
refund_status | INTEGER | 必填 | 售后状态 1:No after-sales or after-sales closures,2:After-sales processing,3:退款中,4: 退款成功 5:全部 |
start_confirm_at | INTEGER | 必填 | 必填,Timestamp of the start time of the deal time,指格林威治时间 1970 年 01 月 01 日 00 时 00 分 00 秒(北京时间 1970 年 01 月 01 日 08 时 00 分 00 秒)起至现在的总秒数 |
trade_type | INTEGER | 非必填 | 订单类型 0-普通订单 ,1- 定金订单 |
use_has_next | BOOLEAN | 非必填 | 是否启用has_next的分页方式,如果指定true,The total number of records is not included in the returned result,But it will add a field for whether there is a next page,Incremental transactions are obtained in this way,Efficiency is there on the original basis80%的提升. |
3.请求示例(CURL、PHP 、PHPsdk 、Java 、C# 、Python…)
package com.pdd.pop.sdk.http.demo;
import com.pdd.pop.sdk.common.util.JsonUtil;
import com.pdd.pop.sdk.http.api.pop.request.PddOrderBasicListGetRequest;
import com.pdd.pop.sdk.http.api.pop.response.PddOrderBasicListGetResponse;
import com.pdd.pop.sdk.http.PopClient;
import com.pdd.pop.sdk.http.PopHttpClient;
public class PopClientDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String clientId = "your clientId";
String clientSecret = "your clientSecret";
String accessToken = "your accessToken";
PopClient client = new PopHttpClient(clientId, clientSecret);
PddOrderBasicListGetRequest request = new PddOrderBasicListGetRequest();
PddOrderBasicListGetResponse response = client.syncInvoke(request, accessToken);
"order_basic_list_get_response": {
"has_next": false,
"order_list": [
"cat_id_1": 1,
"cat_id_2": 1,
"cat_id_3": 1,
"cat_id_4": 1,
"confirm_time": "1",
"delivery_home_value": 1.0,
"delivery_install_value": 1.0,
"discount_amount": 1.0,
"goods_amount": 1.0,
"home_delivery_type": 1,
"home_install_value": 1.0,
"is_lucky_flag": 1,
"item_list": [
"goods_count": 1,
"goods_id": "1",
"goods_img": "1",
"goods_name": "1",
"goods_price": 1.0,
"goods_spec": "1",
"outer_goods_id": "1",
"outer_id": "1",
"sku_id": "1"
"order_sn": "1",
"order_status": 1,
"pay_amount": 1.0,
"platform_discount": 1.0,
"postage": 1.0,
"refund_status": 1,
"risk_control_status": 0,
"seller_discount": 1.0,
"step_order_info": {
"advanced_paid_fee": 1.0,
"step_discount_amount": 1.0,
"step_paid_fee": 1.0,
"step_trade_status": 1
"trade_type": 1,
"updated_at": "1"
"total_count": 1
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