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That's what software testing is all about?!
2020-11-08 08:54:00 【osc_8r37p3dx】
List of articles
1、 What is software testing ?
Check whether the functions on the software are in accordance with the expected results , Whether the actual result is the same as the expected result .
The highest level of software testing is prevention bug.
2、 Professional development of software testing
- A functional test
- automated testing ( Test Development 、 Continuous integration 、testops)
- Performance testing ( Advanced performance testing 、 Architects )
- Switch ( Development 、 product 、 Operations etc. )
3、 Classification of software testing
1、 According to the method :
- Black box testing ( Check whether the input and output are correct , There's no need to understand the principle )
- White box testing ( Understand the internal structure , Look at the code, right )
- Grey box testing ( Black box and white box )
2、 In the direction of :
- A functional test
- Performance testing ( Pressure test —— Find software performance bottlenecks 、 The load test 、 Concurrent test —— Many people do the same thing at the same time , For example, will the second kill 2 People grab at the same time )
- Security testing —— hackers
3、 By stage :
- unit testing —— Method 、 function 、 class
- Integration testing —— Interface
- The system test —— function 、 Security 、 performance 、 Compatibility (web、app)、 Ease of use ( User experience )、 stability (7*24 Whether the hours are stable )、UI( Interface )
- The acceptance test
4、 By object :
- APP test
- WEB test
- Internet of things testing
- Internet of vehicles test
- Applet testing
- Embedded testing
- Big data test
- AI test
5、 By status :
- The static test ( White box look at the code )
- Dynamic testing ( Black box or grey box )
6、 other : Smoke testing ( The test before the test )、 regression testing ( Check bug Has it been modified )、α test ( Internal measurement )、β test ( Public survey )
4、 R & D management model
1、 The waterfall flow :
2、V Font type :
3、W Font type :
4、 Agile model : Efficient work 、 Timely communication 、 daily 、 Whiteboard 、 Morning meeting / Standing will 、 Centralized office
5、 Testing process
1、 Demand analysis stage :
- Demand analysis —— The requirements document 、 prototype 、 Dictation ;
- Learning business processes ;
- Extract function points ;
- Write requirement analysis specification ; What to do without demand —— Refer to the implementation of the same type of products that have been mature on the market
2、 Test design stage :
- test plan ——5W1H, The emphasis is on the arrangement and allocation of time and personnel and resources
- Test plan : The focus is on how to test for each test content 、 What test plan to use 、 What testing tools
- The test strategy : Which test items should be tested first 、 What content is tested after 、 What are the criteria for starting and ending testing
- The test case : Use case number ( Unique )、 Use case name ( simply , Use the minimum number of words to describe what this use case does )、 precondition ( Before executing this use case , The software must meet the requirements )、 priority ( The time to execute this use case requires urgent registration )、 Importance level ( The importance level of the function under test in the system )、 Test data 、 testing procedure 、 Expected results 、 The actual result
3、 Test execution phase
- Compare the expected result with the actual result , If it's the same, go through , If not, there are problems
- Submit bug
- regression testing : In version 2 Check on the version 1 Have the problems found on have been solved
4、 Test summary stage
Write test report :
- A summary of the work
- Yes BUG Statistical analysis of : test 、 Development 、 Software modules 、 Grade 、 The time to fix it 、 Each version 、 state
- Evaluation of the quality of the software under test : First and second class BUG It's all closed , Level three BUG Shut down the 80%, Level Four BUG It doesn't matter
6、 The test method
Equivalence class : Represent the majority by a few parts
Invalid equivalence class 、 Effective equivalence class -
The boundary value
Scene method
Cause and effect diagram
Decision table
Path coverage
7、 review
- Peer review
- Group review
- Department review
- Project review
- Third party review
- Mail review
8、BUG Management of
BUG Management platform / System / Tools
BUG The six elements of
1、 Number2、BUG The name of ( simply , When you see the title, you know what the problem is )
3、BUG The priority of the ( According to the actual situation , This BUG Need priority , High school low )
4、BUG Level of ( Deadly —— Affect the normal use of the core process of the product , Cause the software to hang up 、 Flash back 、 Collapse , It's about money ; serious —— The function cannot be used normally ; General —— There's something wrong with some of the features ; Slight —— Something suggestive , Such as user experience ,UI On the problem )
5、BUG The steps to reproduce
You can copy the steps of the use case 、 Expected results 、 The actual result6、 The attachment
Screenshot / journal / video ( The purpose is to BUG evidence ) -
BUG Life cycle of
BUG The state of
newly build 、 open 、 Confirmed 、 resolved 、 Refuse 、 Reopen 、 close 、 Postpone processing 、 repeat BUG -
BUG Level of
9、 The test application
1、APP test
- install / uninstall
- Message push
- to update
- Weak network test (2G/3G/4G/5G/WIFI)
- Scenario interaction testing ( There's a call 、 Listening to music 、 Call camera 、 Switching between the front and back stations )
- Authority test
- Offline testing
2、WEB test
10、 Software architecture
browser browser
server The server
client client ( Separate installation required , such as APP)
server The server
11、 Version of the iteration
- Over time / The promotion of the number of tests , There will be many releases , The version number is constantly superimposed
- Incremental testing : Only test the functions that are known to change
- Full test : Test all functions of the software
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