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Stop using MySQL online DDL
2022-08-01 18:09:00 【where to go technical salon】
With the rapid iteration of business systems,The structure of the corresponding table that records related data is also changing rapidly.但是,对于数据库来说,Many table structure changes are costly,Add and remove fields such as、Operations such as changing field data types.更需要注意的是,对于原生的 MySQL ONLINE DDL (MySQL 5.6开始支持)Although the function has many operations, it is no longer blocking DML 操作,But there will be many cases of rebuilding the table,And changes to larger tables are likely to cause long master-slave delays,Lead to inconsistent state of the cluster nodes,At this time, if the master node fails and needs to be switched,Will lead to can't switch.所以,pt-online-schema-change 和 gh-ost These online change table structure tools also arises at the historic moment,为 DBA Solved many pain points when changing tables.
下面就 pt-online-schema-change、gh-ost 和 MySQL ONLINE DDL Make a brief introduction and comparison,So that we can choose more suitable tools when faced with different operations and requirements.
pt-online-schema-change(下面简称pt-osc) 是 Percona An online tool for changing tables provided by the company,It is also one of the most commonly used and well-known tools in the industry..Below we will start from the workflow、Get an overview of usage restrictions and risks.
说明:The following are in the table t1 Add a column on the c4 为例.****
1.1 主要工作流程
pt-osc 的主要工作流程如下:
- 创建影子表: 创建 t1 表的副本_t1_new.此时 _t1_new 里没有任何数据,表结构和 t1 完全相同;
- In the shadow on the table to change: 在 _t1_new On the table add column c4 ,执行语句为 ALTER 语句,因为此时 _t1_new 里没有数据,And the table will not be used in business,There will be no jam happened,So changes can be made quickly;
- 创建触发器: 在表 t1上创建触发器,分别对应 INSERT,DELETE 和 UPDATE 操作.Triggers are created to occur during a change t1 上的 DML 操作同步到 _t1_new 上,保证数据的一致性.
CREATE TRIGGER `pt_osc_test_t1_ins`
EACH ROW REPLACE INTO `test`.`_t1_new` (`id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3`)
VALUES (NEW.`id`, NEW.`col1`, NEW.`col2`, NEW.`col3`);
In the original table insert,For each new piece of data,In the shadow table will execute aREPLACE INTO 操作.For the original table,If you can insert success,Then it can also be inserted successfully in the shadow table;If the insertion into the original table is unsuccessful, the trigger execution will not be triggered,That is, the shadow table will not have any changes, So why are the original table INSERT Action will trigger the shadow table INPLACE 操作呢?这是因为在 MYSQL 中,REPLACE 操作也会触发 INSERT 触发器,So if the action of the trigger here is changed to INSERT 操作,So in the original on the table REPLACE Operating in the trigger INSERT It is very likely to report an error when operating,The data of the shadow table has not changed,从而导致数据丢失.
b:DELETE 触发器
CREATE TRIGGER `pt_osc_test_t1_del`
WHERE `test`.`_t1_new`.`id` <=> OLD.`id`
DELETE The trigger is relatively simple,在原表的 DELETE 操作,Each delete row triggers a delete action on the shadow table,Just notice that on the trigger is DELETE IGNORE ,Because of the data deleted on the original table,May or may not exist on shadow tables.
CREATE TRIGGER `pt_osc_test_t1_upd`
AFTER UPDATE ON `test`.`oldmapping` FOR EACH ROW
DELETE IGNORE FROM `test`.`_t1_new`
WHERE !(OLD.`id` <=> NEW.`id`) AND `test`.`_t1_new`.`id` <=> OLD.`id`;
REPLACE INTO `test`.`_t1_new` (`id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3`)
VALUES (NEW.`id`, NEW.`col1`, NEW.`col2`, NEW.`col3`);
Look at the trigger in the REPLACE INTO 语句,In the case of the original table to update data,For each piece of updated data,Will trigger the shadow on the tableREPLACE INTO操作.For the shadow table,If there is updated data, the corresponding data will be updated,But for data that does not exist, it will be added to the shadow table,Because the synchronization of the original table data is usedINSERT IGNORE INTO 这种语句,So even if the data is added to the shadow table in advance, it will not affect.But why here orREPLACE INTO 操作呢?因为在MySQL中,INSERT INTO ... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE Will update the data,Trigger isUPDATE触发器.
Look at the trigger in theDELETE IGNORE 语句,This statement is mainly for the primary key on the original table(或者唯一键)The value of the change,First delete the corresponding data in the shadow table,然后使用REPLACE INTO Insert changed data in shadow table.若是没有DELETE 操作,那么执行REPLACE INTO After that, there will be an extra piece of data before the update on the shadow table.,导致数据不一致.
4. 同步数据: Cycle the database from T1 拷贝到 _t1_new,主要执行的就是 INSERT ... SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE .Note that the data being synchronized at this time cannot be processed DML 操作的;According to the other option is set,The master-slave latency or database load is monitored every cycle.
这里有一个有趣的事情,pt-osc How to get the upper and lower boundaries of the existing data??In other words, if the primary key of the table to be changed is an auto-increment column(ID),那么同步到 ID Which value of the original data is considered to be synchronized??
a: Before starting the first data synchronization,The lower boundary of the entire original data will be obtained first,is also the lower bound of the first loop
SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM t1 FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 1 /*first lower boundary*/
// Assuming that return data is 1
b:Then get the upper boundary of this loop and the upper boundary of the next loop
SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM t1 FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= '1')) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 999, 2 /*next chunk boundary*/
// `id` >= '1' 中 1 是 a步骤中获取的,That is, the lower boundary value of this cycle
// LIMIT 999,2 中 999 和 --chunk-size 设置有关,--chunk-size 减 1;2是固定的.If return two data1000,10001,So the first data1000is the upper boundary of this cycle,第二条数据10001Is the lower boundary of the next cycle
INSERT LOW_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO `_t1_new` (`id`, `c1`, `c2`, `c3`) SELECT `id`, `c1`, `c2`, `c3`
FROM t1 FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= '1')) AND ((`id` <= '1000')) LOCK IN SHARE MODE /*pt-online-schema-change 11260 copy nibble*/
// 1000 是步骤bIn the upper boundary of value
d:循环步骤 b Get up and down the border
SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id` FROM t1 FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE ((`id` >= '10001')) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 999, 2 /*next chunk boundary*/
// 10001 Is the last cycle stepsbFor the boundary value
If the above can return the two data,So the cycle could not put t1 All are not synchronized data synchronization;
- If the above only returns one piece of data,Then this cycle can just synchronize all the unsynchronized data.,The upper boundary of the data is obtained this time id 值;After the data synchronization,进入步骤 5 ;
- If the above data returned is empty,Then this cycle can also synchronize all the unsynchronized data,The amount and synchronous data is less than --chunk-size 设置的数量,You need to execute the following statement to get the upper boundary of this loop.
Also consider some here,基于上面的方式,已经通过 INSERT The trigger is inserted into the _t1_new 表的数据,Will be repeated injection?若是 t1 上的 INSERT The speed is greater than the speed of data synchronization,Does that mean the data synchronization will continue?,The table change has never been completed.?e:循环步骤c 同步数据
5. 分析表: Execute after confirming that the data copy is completedANALYZE TABLE 操作,This step is mainly to prevent the execution of the sixth step after,相关的SQLUnable to choose the correct execution plan;
6. 更改表名: RENAME TABLE t1 TO _t1_old, _t1_new TO t1;
7. 删除原始表: 删除原始表 _t1_old 和触发器.
从上面步骤可以看出,pt-osc is executed first on an empty shadow table DDL 变更,这样无论 MySQL 的版本是否支持 ONLINE DDL ,will not affect operations on the original table,And for the structure and properties of a empty table change is very fast.
1.2 Use restrictions and risk
由于 pt-osc Need to use triggers to synchronize changes on the table,So there are some corresponding restrictions when using:
- There must be a primary or unique key on the original table,因为创建的 DELETE Triggers rely on the primary key or unique key for data synchronization;不过,If there is no primary key or unique key on the original table,However, the upcoming change involves the creation of a primary or unique key.;
- Triggers cannot exist on the original table;
- pt-online-schema-change 适用于 Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) 5.5.28-23.7 及更高版本,但有两个限制:只能更改 InnoDB 表,并且 wsrep_OSU_method 必须设置为 TOI.If the host is a cluster node and the table is MyISAM Or is converted into MyISAM (ENGINE=MyISAM),或者wsrep_OSU_method 不是 TOI,The tool will exit and error.
1.2.2 使用风险
- 更改列名:
a:使用CHANGEHow to change the column name of a non-primary key or non-unique key
Such as the statement is as follows:
The tool should handle this correctly, but you should test it first because if it fails the renamed columns' data will be lost! Specify --no-check-alter to disable this check and perform the --alter
该语句不会执行,But throws warnings and delayed,警告如下:
The tool should handle this correctly, but you should test it first because if it fails the renamed columns' data will be lost! Specify --no-check-alter to disable this check and perform the --alter
It probably means that the tool can be executed correctly under normal circumstances.,However, failure to change the column name may result in data loss,So this operation we can first use --dry-run option to print the statement of the related operation,确认是否有问题.If there is no problem, you can add to the above statement --no-check-alter 选项,Statement can perform normal.b:Change the column name of the primary key or unique key
pt-osc 创建的DELETETriggers are dependent on the primary or unique key of the table,So if there is only a unique key or primary key on the table(若两者都有,Also tend to use primary key),Then please do not change the corresponding column name,This will cause delete operations performed on the original table to report errors,and cannot sync to shadow table,Lead to the final data inconsistency.
pt-online-schema-change -u user -ppasswd -h127.0.0.1 -P3308 D=test,t=ptosc --alter "change id id_new int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'primary key' " --print --dry-run --check-alter
Pay attention to the following output:
Using original table index PRIMARY for the DELETE trigger instead of new table index PRIMARY because the new table index uses column id_new which does not exist in the original table.
CREATE TRIGGER `pt_osc_test_ptosc_del` AFTER DELETE ON `test`.`ptosc` FOR EACH ROW DELETE IGNORE FROM `test`.`_ptosc_new` WHERE `test`.`_ptosc_new`.`id` <=> OLD.`id`
显而易见,Due to inconsistent primary key column names on the original table and the shadow table,What caused the trigger to be created is problematic.c:First delete the column and then add the renamed column******
这种情况下,pt-oscThe data of the deleted front row will not be synchronized to the renamed column.
2. Change the structure or properties of a table referenced by a foreign key
Altering a table referenced by a foreign key will make the operation relatively heavy,目前 pt-osc Provides three ways to handle foreign keys:
- rebuild_constraints:This method will change the table name in the sixth step,Perform an atomic operation that deletes the foreign key and then re-adds the foreign key.
- drop_swap:This method will delete the original table before changing the table name in step 6,Then the shadow table rename.This will cause the table to temporarily not exist,If the query to the table is very frequent, it will cause an error.
- none:The operation performed in this way is the same as for tables without foreign key references,But the foreign key is actually referencing the deleted table.
For a detailed explanation of the above methods, please refer to--alter-foreign-keys-method 的具体解释.
3. Create unique index or the primary key
由于 pt-osc 使用 INSERT LOW_PRIORITY IGNORE way to synchronize data between the original table and the shadow table,Therefore, if there is duplicate data on the column of the newly created unique index, it will cause data loss..If you need to create a unique index or primary key, you need to confirm in advance whether the data is duplicated,Whether to allow missing, etc,需要指定选项 --no-check-alter.
4. Lock contention problem
There is another issue that needs attention,Because triggers are created on the table,If the update of the table is frequent at this time, it is likely to encounter lock contention problems.I have encountered this problem before when adding an index to an online table,Frequent deadlock errors on the application side,在停止 pt-osc And the deadlock problem is solved after removing the trigger.
1.3 丰富的监控功能
In addition to providing the ability to change the table structure, the tool,Also provides other very rich and friendly function,如:
The tool can monitor changes during the master-slave delays,The default is to monitor all from library,If found to have one of the delay time more than from the library --max-lag 参数设置的数值,then the tool will stop data synchronization between the old and new tables,Until the replication delay below --max-lag 设置的数值 .Because the production environment is often a multi-slave architecture,We may only care about a(几)Taiwan from library delays,这个时候可以使用 --check-slave-lagThe parameter specifies the slave node that needs attention.
The tool can monitor the load on the database during changes,The corresponding option for --max-load 或者 --critical-load.
指定了--max-load 选项后,pt-osc will be executed after each sync data SHOW GLOBAL STATUS Check the option defined state parameter of concern,If the state variable data synchronization is higher than the threshold will be suspended.--max-load Can execute single or multiple state variables,如可以设置为 “Threads_connected:110” or “Threads_connected=110”,也就是 Threads_connected 超过 110 When the provisional data synchronization.
--critical-load 和--max-load 类似,only when the specified state variable exceeds the threshold pt-online-schema-change 会退出,and remove created triggers etc..This is to prevent abnormal database load due to adding triggers.
The tool is the default Settings innodb_lock_wait_timeout=1 and (for MySQL 5.5 and newer) lock_wait_timeout=60 ,To prevent blocking other normal business transaction execution when lock contention occurs.To change or set other parameters,可以通过 --set-vars 参数设置.
gh-ost Is also a kind of online solution DDL 的方案,不依赖于触发器,It is through the simulation from the library,在row binlogFor incremental change,Asynchronous application to gh-ost 表中.目前 gh-ost Nearly 10,000 have been collected star,并且在持续更新中.
2.1 主要工作流程
gh-ost 工作流程如下:
- 创建影子表and perform the changes on the shadow table in these two steps and pt-osc 基本相同,Only the shadow table name created is different,这里是_t1_gho;
- 创建 binlog streamer : The purpose of this step is to synchronize t1 Table on the increment DML 到 _t1_gho 上.gh-ost Will pretend to be a slave node,读取数据库(May be the master node or the slave node in the cluster)的 binlog,然后解析 binlog,To get to t1 的相应操作,And then translate into _t1_gho 表的操作;
- 同步数据: This step is also the cycle synchronization data,Each cycle will also monitor the load of the database, etc.,Just determining the upper and lower boundaries of the range of data that needs to be synchronized and ppt-osc 有所不同;
a:First determine all need to synchronize data range of upper limit boundary
select /* gh-ost `test`.`t1` */ `id` from `test`.`t1` order by `id` asc limit 1
// Determine the lower boundary of all the data ranges that need to be synchronizedMIN(id)
select /* gh-ost `test`.`t1` */ `id` from `test`.`t1` order by `id` desc limit 1
// Determine the upper bound of all the data ranges that need to be synchronizedMAX(id)
b:Confirm the upper boundary of the synchronization data range of this cycle\
select /* gh-ost `test`.`t1` */ `id`
from `test`.`t1`
where ((`id` > _binary'8991')) and ((`id` < _binary'10000') or ((`id` = _binary'10000')))
order by `id` asc
limit 1
offset 998
// 其中 8991is the upper bound value of the last cycle
// 10000 Is the need to synchronize data range of the borderMAX(id)
// offset 998 这个值和--chunk-size的设置有关,--chunk-size值减 1
insert /* gh-ost `test`.`t1` */ ignore into `test`.`_t1_gho` (`id`, `c1`, `c2`, `c3`)
(select `id`, `c1`, `c2`, `c3` from `test`.`t1`
force index (`PRIMARY`)
where (((`id` > _binary'8991'))
and ((`id` < _binary'9990') or ((`id` = _binary'9990'))))
lock in share mode
// 其中 8991 is the upper bound value of the last cycle
// 其中 9990 是步骤b中获取到的数据
4. 增量应用binlog
这里说明一下,Synchronous data and incremental applicationbinlog是同时进行的,No definite chronological order,只要在binlogIf the corresponding changes are found in the shadow table, they will be replayed on the shadow table..
5. Synchronous data and application of incrementalbinlog
- 若循环执行3-b时,If the data is obtained, enter the steps normally3-c;
- 若循环执行3-bWithout access to the data,It means that the remaining unsynchronized data is less than--chunk-size的值,执行以下SQLConfirm the upper boundary values
select /* gh-ost `test`.`t1` */ `id`
from (
select `id` from `test`.`t1`
where ((`id` > _binary'9990'))
and ((`id` < _binary'10000')
or ((`id` = _binary'10000')))
order by `id` asc
limit 999 ) select_osc_chunk
order by `id` desc
limit 1
若上面SQL获取到值,The circulation step3-c同步数据;If did not get to the value of the data has been completely in sync.
6. 更改表名: A write lock is applied to the table before changing the table name,这点需要注意.
The original table and shadow table cut-over Switch is atomic,But basically it is done through the operation of two sessions.大致流程如下:
- 会话 Cn1(Here represents one or more sessions): 对t1表正常执行DML操作.
- 会话 gh1 : 创建_t1_del 防止提前RENAME表,导致数据丢失.
- 会话 gh1 : 执行LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE,_t1_del WRITE.
- 会话 Cn2 : LOCK TABLESAfter that, incoming session operations will be blocked.
- 会话 gh2 : 设置锁等待时间并执行RENAME
set session lock_wait_timeout:=1
rename /* gh-ost */ table `test`.`t1` to `test`.`_t1_del`, `test`.`_t1_gho` to `test`.`t1`;
// gh2 的操作因为 gh1 锁表而等待,There will be other newly initiated matching tables in the futuret1The operation will be blocked
- 会话 gh1 会通过SQL Check if there is already a session runningRENAME操作并且在等待MDL锁,At this point would detectgh2.
- 会话gh1 : Based on the results of the above,执行DROP TABLE _t1_del.
- 会话gh1 : 执行UNLOCK TABLES; 此时gh2的rename命令第一个被执行.而其他会话如Cn2After the request of the start.
Here involves the principle is based on MySQL 内部机制:被 LOCK TABLE 阻塞之后,执行 RENAME 的优先级高于 DML,也即先执行 RENAME TABLE ,然后执行 DML,即使DMLA time beforeRENAME的时间.
In addition, the fundamental reason for adding a write lock on the table is actually to ensure data consistency.gh-ost The change operation on the synchronized original table is to use the stitching binlog 的形式,does not belong to the same transaction as the operation that occurred on the original table.So the ending cut-over On the table and write locks before,Blocking the original of changes on the table,With incrementalbinlogAfter the completion of the application to change the name of the table,这样才能保证数据不丢失.而 pt-osc No explicit locking is required because the updates on the original table and the shadow table are in the same transaction,The original table changes done,The table update on the shadow table is also complete,在做 RENAME will block updates on the original table,RENAME After completion, the change occurs on the new table(The shadow of the table before).
7. 停止binlog streamer,处理收尾工作,结束.
2.2 Use restrictions and risk
2.2.1 Use requirements and restrictions
- There must be a from the library binlog 是 row 模式,并且 binlog_row_image 设置成full .The master node has no special requirement;
- Lord for node,The structure of the target table must be the same;
- Foreign key constraints and triggers are not supported
- The target table must have a primary key or a unique key,gh-ost Use the key traversal table
- Primary or unique keys cannot contain empty columns.That is to say key columns in the property should be NOT NULL,or the column in the key is nullable But the actual data of no NULL 值.
- 默认情况下,If the unique key contains a nullable column,gh-ost 不会运行,用户可以使用 --allow-nullable-unique-key ,But still make sure that the actual data is notNULL值,若是有 NULL 值,gh-ost There is no guarantee that it will be fully migrated away.
Tables with the same name but different case are not allowed to migrate;
不支持多源复制,不过可以尝试使用 --allow-on-master Option to connect to the main library
双主复制,Only supports write requests on one instance
Does not support the operation of the table name :ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO some_other_name
PXC Cluster can't use the tool.gh-ost The change table name phase is executed using a different threadLOCK TABLE,RENME ,DROP TABLE 操作的,由于 PXC The authentication mechanism which can lead to perform the operation PXC Node deadlock.
2.2.2 使用风险
1. 更改列名
a:使用 change How to change the column name of a non-primary key or non-unique key
更改列名 gh-ost 也会发出警告,并退出:
FATAL gh-ost believes the ALTER statement renames columns, as follows: map[id:id_new]; as precaution, you are asked to confirm gh-ost is correct, and provide with `--approve-renamed-columns`, and we're all happy. Or you can skip renamed columns via `--skip-renamed-columns`, in which case column data may be lost
Modify the column names also have the risk of loss of data,So need to be confirmed gh-ost 的行为是否符合预期,Both options are provided to tellgh-ostHow to deal with the rename column.
- --approve-renamed-columns:该选项是告诉gh-ostTo synchronize rename columns of data
- --skip-renamed-columns:Named after the jump overweight column,That is, the data on the renamed column is not synchronized
b:Change the column name of the primary key or unique key
If there is only a primary key or a unique key on the table,gh-ost 会直接退出,And throw the following log:
FATAL No shared unique key can be found after ALTER! Bailing out
If the table has both a primary key and a unique key,Change one of the column names,gh-ostChoose another key as The only key sharing.
c:First delete the column and then add the renamed column
该方式和 pt-online-schema-change 一样会导致数据丢失.
2. For foreign key processing
默认 gh-ost Table changes with foreign key references or containing foreign keys are not supported.But provides the corresponding option;
- --skip-foreign-key-checks :Skip the foreign key check,No foreign keys are checked at this time,Eventually, the foreign key on the table will be lost or the table referenced by the foreign key will not exist;
- -discard-foreign-keys :This option is clearly toldgh-ostDo not create foreign keys on shadow tables,The final altered table will lose foreign keys.
3. To create a unique key or primary key
使用 gh-ost Create unique or primary keys without warnings,由于使用 insert ignore into 的方式同步数据,So it may cause data loss.
4. Lock contention problem
Put a write lock on the table before changing the table name,Frequent operations on the table may result in lock waiting.
5. With semi-synchronous replication turned on, 若设置 rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point = AFTER_SYNC,When getting the upper and lower boundaries of the sync data,May can't get the new upper and lower boundary,导致数据丢失. (githubHas been submitted to relevant onbug,At the end of the link to see article comments1)
2.3 丰富的监控功能
gh-ost The load of the database is also monitored during operation,和 pt-osc 类似,只是参数不同.另外 gh-ost Also provides some interactive functions,Dynamically modify the indicators and thresholds that need to be monitored, etc.,这里不再赘述.
MySQL 的 DDL 包含了 copy 和 inplace 方式,对于不支持 online 的 ddl 操作采用 copy 方式.对于 inplace 方式,mysql 内部以“是否修改记录格式”为基准也分为两类:一类需要重建表(重新组织记录),比如 optimize table 、添加索引、添加/删除列、修改列 NULL / NOT NULL 属性等;另外一类是只需要修改表的元数据,比如删除索引、修改列名、修改列默认值、修改列自增值等.Mysql 将这两类方式分别称为 rebuild 方式和 no-rebuild 方式.
3.1 主要工作流程
MySQL ONLINE DDL 主要包括3个阶段:prepare阶段,ddl执行阶段,commit阶段.rebuild方式和no-rebuildway more than substanceddl执行阶段,prepare阶段和commit阶段类似.
Let's take a look at the work done in the next three stages:
- Prepare阶段
- 创建新的临时frm文件
- 根据alter类型,确定执行方式(copy,online-rebuild,online-norebuild)
- 更新数据字典的内存对象
- 分配row_log对象记录增量
- 生成新的临时ibd文件
2. DDL执行阶段
- 扫描old_table的聚集索引每一条记录rec
- 遍历新表的聚集索引和二级索引,逐一处理
- 根据rec构造对应的索引项
- 将构造索引项插入sort_buffer块
- 将sort_buffer块插入新的索引
- 处理ddl执行过程中产生的增量(仅rebuild类型需要)
3. commit阶段
- 升级到EXCLUSIVE-MDL锁,禁止读写
- 重做最后row_log中最后一部分增量
- 更新innodb的数据字典表
- 提交事务(刷事务的redo日志)
- 修改统计信息
- rename临时idb文件,frm文件
- 变更完成
3.2 Use restrictions and risk
3.2.1 使用限制
MySQL ONLINE DDL 是在mysql 5.6开始提供的功能,并且不是所有的DDL都是在线的.What specific supportONLINE DDL Please refer to official documentOnline DDL Operations相关章节,这里不再赘述.(For links to official documents, see the notes at the end of the article2 )
3.2.2 使用风险
- 由于 MySQL 的 DDL Operation cannot limit the speed of the synchronous data,Therefore, operations on larger tables will cause serious delays in master-slave synchronization.,And the database load rise;
- 部分 DDL 会阻塞 DML 操作,Cause the clogging in corresponding operation;
- DDL During the operation will be temporary log records,The log file is stored in the DDL Inserts on tables during operations、Update, or delete data.Temporary when required according to the log file innodb_sort_buffer_size 的值进行扩展,Until the extension toinnodb_online_alter_log_max_size The value of the specified size.If the temporary log file exceeds the size limit,则 ALTER TABLE 操作将失败,and all uncommitted concurrency DML Operations will be rolled back;
- DDL The operation cannot directly monitor the load of the database,并且回滚DDLThe cost of operating a higher,So for the big table DDL If operation is not adopt no-rebuild 方式,不建议直接操作;
- 若 DDL Operation requires a long time,And concurrent DML A big modifier for table,so that the size of the temporary online log exceeds innodb_online_alter_log_max_size 配置选项的值, 这种情况会导致 DB_ONLINE_LOG_TOO_BIG 错误,导致操作失败.Uncommitted concurrentDMLOperation will be rolled back.较大的innodb_online_alter_log_max_size设置允许在线DDLDuring operation to use more DML ,but also extends the lock table to apply the logDML时DDL操作结束的时间;若是使用 pt-osc 或者 gh-ost There is no need to record this kind of log,So there is no such risk;
- Some of the concurrent DML Changes to the original table are allowed,But the new table may not allow.And this operation is only found to fail in the final stage.例如,Duplicate values may be inserted into the column when creating a unique index,Or maybe create a primary key index on a column with NULL Value is inserted into the column, 这些 DML In the original table can perform successfully,但是在 DDL The changes cannot be applied during the apply log phase,这会导致 DDL 回滚.If this situation using pt-osc 或者 gh-ost Can earlier find problems,Because in the original table DML 操作,It will be played back on the shadow table in time,If there is an error would stop immediately,Not to be discovered until the final stage;
- DDL When the operation is played back on a slave node in the cluster,不能和其他的 DDL 和 DML 并行回放,That is to say, parallel replication fails at this time..而 DDL The operation usually takes a long time,In this case, the cluster nodes will be inconsistent.,对于 PXC 或者 MGR Severe clusters may cause flow control,影响线上服务.
- 在使用 pt-online-schema-change、gh-ost 或者直接在 MySQL 做 DDL 操作,Pay attention to the disk space problem of the database host,对于 pt-online-schema-change、gh-ost will create a copy of the table and copy the data,Therefore, the free table space of the host needs to be larger than the size of the table that has been generated binlog Size was relatively safe;对于 rebuild 方式的DDL Also requires additional free space above the size of the table;
- Either way will put some pressure on the database,Will be on the table DML Operating heavy on the shadow table,So frequently in the table DML Is not recommended when the tables DDL 操作;
- 对于某些 DDL 操作,MySQL 采用的是 no-rebuild 的方式,Just change the metadata information of the table,这类DDLAdvice directly on the database operation,So at the beginning of the create table,You can create some redundancy field,Just change the column names when actually needed;
- 对于表的 DDL Changes will involve drop The operation of the old table,所以在使用 pt-online-schema-change、gh-ost The changes for larger table,It is better to use the corresponding option not to automatically delete old tables,Instead, choose the right time and the right way to delete it.;
- For the Lord cluster,In need of big table DDL 操作时,不建议直接操作,Because this will cause serious master-slave delay,If from the library to perform DDL Operation is the main library hang up,Can lead to can't switch in time,甚至数据丢失;
- 在 PXC 集群和 MGR Cluster on don't perform directly DDL 操作,因为很多 DDL The operation takes a long time, which may cause the cluster to limit the current,As a result, the cluster cannot perform external services..
- MySQL运维内参
- cloud.tencent.com/developer/a…
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