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opencv syntax Mat type summary
2022-08-01 17:57:00 【little engineer】
方法 | 描述 | 示例 |
Mat | 数据类型 | Mat mat(3000, 4000, CV_8UC3);//行、列、element size in bytes |
mat.data | 图像数据 | QImage img(mat.data, src.cols, src.rows, QImage::Format_RGB888); |
rows | 数据行 | mat.rows //数据行,representable height |
cols | 数据列 | mat.cols //数据列,representable width |
elemSize | element size in bytes | mat.elemSize(); |
step | Indicates the data line length(单位是字节数) | mat.step; //确定了mathow to wrap.(matConsecutive within each line,It's just that the line ending address is not fixed) |
create() | 先定义了mat,confirm line later、Use after parameters such as columnscreat | mat.create(3000, 4000, CV_8UC3); //如果matThe original space will be released |
Make sure the pixel value is in0-255之间:
QT默认是不支持Mattype as a signal slot,需要注册,如下是方法.
// 注册
qRegisterMetaType<cv::Mat>("cv::Mat"); //Signal parameters passed,QT默认不支持cv::Mat.register in this way.<cv::Mat>是类型,"cv::Mat"是名字
QObject::connect(XVideoThread::Get(), //哪个对象发出
SIGNAL(ViewImage1(cv::Mat)), //发出的信号.
mat之深拷贝、Shallow understanding
cv::Mat a; //创建一个名为a的矩阵头
a = cv::imread(“test.jpg”); //向a中赋值图像数据,矩阵指针指向像素数据.The default read format isBGR
cv::Mat b=a; //复制矩阵头,并命名为b(浅复制).当删除a变量时,b变量并不会指向一个空数据,只有当两个变量都删除后,才会释放矩阵数据.Because the number of references in the matrix header marks the number of times a matrix data is referenced,只有当矩阵数据引用次数为0The matrix data will be released when.采用引用次数来释放存储内容是C++中常见的方式,用这种方式可以避免仍有某个变量引用数据时将这个数据删除造成程序崩溃的问题,同时极大的缩减了程序运行时所占用的内存.
1.MatType Traversal and Assignment
浅层拷贝:Mat B=A;Bis a shallow copyA,B只拷贝了Athe header and address of,当B被操作后A也随之改变.
深层拷贝:Mat A=imread("x.jpg"); Mat B=A.clone();BIt is to open up a new memory and completely copy it.A的内容,操作B不会对A造成影响.
src1.copyTo(des); //不能用des = src1 (浅复制),这样做会导致des改变的时候src1(原图)也改变了.
//注意:浅拷贝 - 不复制数据只创建矩阵头,数据共享(更改a,b,cAny one of the other2produce the same effect)
Mat aa;
Mat ba = aa; //aa “copy” to ba
Mat ca(aa); //aa “copy” to ca
Mat aa;
Mat ba = aa.clone( ); //aa copy to ba
Mat ca;
aa.copyTo( ca ); //aa copy to ca
2)将数据类型为U16的dataU16Assign to data type asu8的dataU8(数据类型转换).
Mat dataU16 = Mat(Size(w, h), CV_16UC1);
Mat dataU8 = Mat(Size(w, h), CV_8UC1);
U16* pxvecU16 = dataU16.ptr<U16>(0);
U8* pxvecU8 = dataU8.ptr<U8>(0);
for (int i = 0; i < dataU16.rows; i++)
pxvecU16 = dataU16.ptr < U16>(i);
pxvecU8 = dataU8.ptr<U8>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < dataU16.cols; j++)
pxvecU8[j] = (U8)pxvecU16[j];
Very good reference tutorial0-Mat类介绍
Very good reference tutorial1-Mat类构造与赋值
cv::Mat::Mat( int rows, int cols, int type)
rows:构造矩阵的行数 (高度)
cols:矩阵的列数 (宽度)
cv::Mat M(480,640,CV_8UC3); 表示定义了一个480行,640列的矩阵,Each cell of the matrix consists of three(C3:3 Channel)8位无符号整形(unsigned char 8, U8)构成.means three channels,是彩色图像.
through the rows of the input matrix、Column and storage data type implementation constructs.This definition is clear、直观、易于阅读,Commonly used in cases where the size and data type of the data need to be stored clearly,For example, the camera's intrinsic parameter matrix、object's rotation matrix, etc..Based on the input matrix structure size and data typeMatThere is a variant of the method of the class,By combining rows and columns into aSize()结构进行赋值.
cv::Mat::Mat(Size size(), int type)
size:2Darray variable size,通过Size(cols, rows)(宽,高)进行赋值.
cv::Mat a(Size(480, 640), CV_8UC1); //构造一个行为640,列为480的单通道矩阵
cv::Mat mz = cv::Mat::zeros(cv::Size(w,h),CV_8UC1); // 全零矩阵
【或者:Mat tmpdata = Mat::zeros(h, w, CV_8UC1);//h⾏w列的全0矩阵】
cv::Mat mo = cv::Mat::ones(cv::Size(w,h),CV_8UC1); // 全1矩阵
【或者:Mat tmpdata = Mat::ones(h, w, CV_8UC1);//h⾏w列的全1矩阵】
cv::Mat me = cv::Mat::eye(cv::Size(w,h),CV_32FC1); // 对⾓线为1的对⾓矩阵
【或者:Mat tmpdata = Mat::eye(h, w, CV_32FC1);//h⾏wpair of columns⾓矩阵】
cv::Mat::Mat( const Mat & m);
m:已经构建完成的Mat类矩阵数据.(浅拷贝方式)This construction is very simple,can be constructed with existingMatClass variables store variables with the same content.Note that this construction just copiesMat类的矩阵头,矩阵指针指向的是同一个地址,So if through aMat类变量修改了矩阵中的数据,The data in another variable also changes.
If you want to copy two identicalMat类而彼此之间不会受影响,可以使用m=a.clone()实现.
cv::Mat::Mat(const Mat & m, const Range & rowRange,const Range & colRange = Range::all())
rowRange:在已有矩阵中需要截取的行数范围,是一个Range变量,例如从第2行到第5row can be represented asRange(2,5).
colRange:在已有矩阵中需要截取的列数范围,是一个Range变量,例如从第2列到第5列可以表示为Range(2,5),When no value is entered, all columns will be truncated.This method is mainly used for screenshots in the original image.,不过需要注意的是,通过这种方式构造的Matclass and existingMatclasses share common data,即如果两个MatThere is a data change in the class,另一个也会随之更改.
1)Methods that assign values at construction time
cv::Mat::Mat(int rows,int cols,int type, const Scalar & s )
s:给矩阵中每个像素赋值的参数变量,例如Scalar(0, 0, 255).Scalar结构中变量的个数一定要与定义中的通道数相对应,如果ScalarThe number of variables in the structure is greater than the number of channels,Then the value after the position is greater than the number of channels will not be read,例如执行a(2, 2, CV_8UC2, Scalar(0,0,255))后,Each pixel value will be(0,0),而255不会被读取.如果ScalarThe number of variables in the structure is less than the number of channels,则会以0补充.
cv::Mat a(2, 2, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0,0,255));//创建一个3通道矩阵,每个像素都是0,0,255
cv::Mat b(2, 2, CV_8UC2, cv::Scalar(0,255));//创建一个2通道矩阵,每个像素都是0,255
cv::Mat c(2, 2, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(255)); //创建一个单通道矩阵,每个像素都是255
This assignment method is to enumerate all the elements in the matrix one by one,并用数据流的形式赋值给Mat类.
cv::Mat a = (cv::Mat_<int>(3, 3) << 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
cv::Mat b = (cv::Mat_<double>(2, 3) << 1.0, 2.1, 3.2, 4.0, 5.1, 6.2);
The first line of code above creates a3×3的矩阵,The matrix is stored from1-9nine integers,First fill the first row in the matrix,Then save the second line、第三行,即1、2、3存放在矩阵a的第一行,4、5、6存放在矩阵a的第二行,7,8,9存放在矩阵a的第三行.
The second line of code creates a2×3的矩阵,The storage way and the matrixa相同.When using the enumeration method,输入的数据个数一定要与矩阵元素个数相同,For example, the first line of code(a=)Enter only from1到8八个数,An error occurs during the assignment process,Therefore, this method is often used in the case where the matrix data is relatively small..
Similar to assignment by enumeration,Round-robin assignment is also to assign each element in the matrix,但是可以不在声明变量的时候进行赋值,而且可以对矩阵中的任意部分进行赋值.
cv::Mat c = cv::Mat_<int>(3, 3); //定义一个3*3的矩阵
for (int i = 0; i < c.rows; i++) //Matrix row count loop
for (int j = 0; j < c.cols; j++) //矩阵列数循环
c.at<int>(i, j) = i+j;
The above code also creates a3×3的矩阵,通过for循环的方式,Assign a value to each element in the matrix.需要注意的是,When assigning a value to each element of the matrix,The variable type declared in the assignment function must be the same as the variable type when the matrix is defined,即上面代码中第1行和第6The variable types in the row must be the same,如果第6行代码改成c.at<double>(i, j) ,程序就会报错,无法赋值.
在MatThe class provides a method that can be quickly assigned,可以初始化指定的矩阵.For example to generate the identity matrix、对角矩阵、所有元素都为0或者1matrix etc..
cv::Mat a = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_8UC1);
cv::Mat b = (cv::Mat_<int>(1, 3) << 1, 2, 3);
cv::Mat c = cv::Mat::diag(b);
cv::Mat d = cv::Mat::ones(3, 3, CV_8UC1);
cv::Mat e = cv::Mat::zeros(4, 2, CV_8UC3);
上面代码中,The functions and parameters of each function are as follows:
eye():构建一个单位矩阵,前两个参数为矩阵的行数和列数,第三个参数为矩阵存放的数据类型与通道数.If row and column are not equal,则在矩阵的 (1,1),(2,2),(3,3)The main diagonal position is1.
This method is similar to the enumeration method,But the method can be changed according to needsMatnumber of channels of the class matrix,Can be seen as an extension of the enumeration method.
float a[8] = {
5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4 };
cv::Mat b = cv::Mat(2, 2, CV_32FC2, a);
cv::Mat c = cv::Mat(2, 4, CV_32FC1, a);
This assignment method will first need to store theMatThe variables in the class are stored in an array,之后通过设置MatMatrix-like dimensions and number of channels to split array variables into matrices,这种拆分方式可以自由定义矩阵的通道数,When the number of elements in the matrix is greater than the data in the array,将用-1.0737418e+08Fill assignment to matrix,If the number of elements in the matrix is less than the data in the array,After the completion of the assignment will be matrix,The remaining data in the array will no longer be assigned.The process of assigning an array to a matrix is to first assign all the channels of the first element in the matrix sequentially,Then assign the next element,In order to better experience the process,we will defineb和cmatrix in graph2-4(Pictures posted below)中给出.
- 图2-4(图片来自网络)
- 图2-5 Mat类继承关系
cv::Mat A = Mat_<double>(3,3);//创建一个3*3的矩阵用于存放double类型数据
qRegisterMetaType<cv::Mat>("cv::Mat"); //Signal parameters passed,QT默认不支持cv::Mat.register in this way.<cv::Mat>是类型,"cv::Mat"是名字
Mat mat(3000, 4000, CV_8UC3);
//mat.create(3000, 4000, CV_8UC3);
//element size in bytes
int es = mat.elemSize();
int size = mat.rows*mat.cols*es;
//address traversal consecutiveMat 默认存储方式: BGR
for (int i = 0; i < size; i += es)
mat.data[i] = 255; //B
mat.data[i + 1] = 100;//G
mat.data[i + 2] = 100;//R
//Address traversal is not necessarily continuousMat
for (int row = 0; row < mat.rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < mat.cols; col++)
(&mat.data[row*mat.step])[col*es] = 0;//B ,row:行 mat.step:行之间的间隔 &mat.data[row*mat.step]Get the address of the first element of the corresponding row.
(&mat.data[row*mat.step])[col*es+1] = 0;//G
(&mat.data[row*mat.step])[col*es+2] = 255;//R
//使用ptr遍历Mat by pointer
for (int row = 0; row < mat.rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < mat.cols; col++)
Vec3b *c = mat.ptr<Vec3b>(row, col); //返回的指针,No need to copy elements.
c->val[0] = 0; //B
c->val[1] = 255; //G
c->val[2] = 0; //R
PrintMs("mat.ptr ");
//使用at来遍历 With reference to
for (int row = 0; row < mat.rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < mat.cols; col++)
Vec3b &m = mat.at<Vec3b>(row, col); //function return is a reference.To define a reference variable(Low reference cost)!If you define a normal variable,Copy will do.
m[0] = 100;
m[1] = 100;
m[2] = 100;
//mat.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[0] = 100;
//mat.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[1] = 100;
//mat.at<Vec3b>(row, col)[1] = 100;
catch (Exception &ex) //捕获异常
cout << ex.what() << endl;
auto it = mat.begin<Vec3b>();
auto it_end = mat.end<Vec3b>();
for (; it != it_end; it++)
(*it).val[0] = 0; //B (*it)取值
(*it).val[1] = 0; //G
(*it).val[2] = 255; //R
>测试2 - CVMATThe pixel data reading method of
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// insert code here...
float vals[] = {
CvMat rotmat;
cvInitMatHeader(&rotmat, 2, 2, CV_32FC1,vals); //直接赋值操作
cout<<"rotmat->rows = "<<rotmat.rows<<endl;
cout<<"rotmat->clos = "<<rotmat.cols<<endl;
cout<<"rotmat->step = "<<rotmat.step<<endl; //Indicates the data line length(单位是字节数)
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<rotmat.rows;i++)
for(unsigned int j = 0;j<rotmat.cols;j++)
cout<<i<<","<<j<<"->"<<*(rotmat.data.fl + i*rotmat.rows + j)<<endl; //普通提取
cout<<i<<","<<j<<"->"<<*((float *)(rotmat.data.ptr + i * rotmat.step) + j)<<endl; //取uchar进行强转 偏移
return 1;
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