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Redis implements distributed lock-principle-detailed explanation of the problem
2022-08-05 07:59:00 【mountain wind】
在高并发场景中,There are often multiple threads reading shared resources,We usually by way of Shared resource lock,To achieve business data security in high concurrency scenarios.
There are many ways to lock,一般可以分为两类:悲观锁 和 乐观锁.
悲观锁: 认为线程安全问题一定会发生,Therefore, the current thread will acquire the lock before operating the data,确保线程串行执行.例如:java中的Synchronized、Lock都属于悲观锁.Its advantage is that it is simple and rude to implement,但是性能一般.
乐观锁:认为线程安全问题不一定会发生,So just judge when updating the data,Have the values of the previously acquired data and the data to be updated at this time been modified?.1 If there is no change is considered safe,自己才更新数据. 2 如果已经被其它线程修改,a security issue has occurred,At this point, you need to retry or throw an exception.例如:Java中的CASThe mechanism is the idea of optimistic locking.The advantage of optimistic locking is better performance,But the low success rate of the problem.
The lock we used before,All locks are used on a single machine,在JAVALi is a singleJVMobject lock,这样的话,When our system is deployed in a cluster,此时,Equivalent to having multipleJVM,This would have required locks with mutual exclusion throughout the system,在集群模式下,如果使用JVM中的锁,比如Synchronized进行加锁时,这样每一个JVMOne of the threads in theJVM的锁对象,Mutual exclusion of locks at the system-wide level is not achieved,If such locking is applied to a distributed system, there will be problems,So need to be distributed throughout the system level to achieve the mutex lock,即多个JVM使用同一把锁.
我们可以利用Mysql或者Redis来实现分布式锁.MysqlCan use its own mutual exclusion mechanism,Redis可以利用setnx命令来实现.
使用redis实现锁,Locks can be easily implemented as long as the basic characteristics of locks are met: mutual exclusion..
- 互斥:确保只能有一个线程获取锁.
Command implements mutex,setnx
another version of the command,命令如下所示:
# 添加锁,利用setnx的互斥特性
setnx lock t1
# 添加过期时间,Avoid deadlocks caused by downtime
expire lock 10
means creating the key aslock
不存在的话,则创建成功,如果存在则创建失败.If the creation fails, it means that other threads have already obtainedlock
这把锁,With this command, you can achieve the mutual exclusion effect of the lock..In addition, we have to add an expiration time to the lock,Avoid deadlocks caused by downtime.
另外,Our code above is two lines,不能保证操作的原子性,也就是setnx lock t1
执行完之后,redis如果宕机,Then there is no way to implement the second sentenceexpire lock 10
, Therefore, when creating a lock, you need to use the following commands to implement the function of the above command.
set lock t1 nx ex 10
- 手动释放
del key
- 超时释放:You can add a timeout when acquiring the lock
expire lock 10
整个redisThe process of implementing the lock is as follows:
使用Redis实现分布式锁,we're just ahead Redis实现互斥锁 上进行设计,Make it meet the basic requirements of distributed locks.
We just need to think about how to design the commandset lock t1 nx ex 10
lock name inlock
,And the value of the lockt1
一般来讲,Every business we need a lock,so the lock namelock就可以根据业务名称+用户id
Then the value of the lock is generally set to the identity of the current thread, which can be a name orID.
目前来讲,A simpleRedis的分布式锁,But this setting will cause problems when releasing the lock.The following will explain the situation and give solutions.
The problem of lock accidental deletion–By judging whether the lock is your own solution
如上图所示,When multiple threads acquire the same lock at the same time.
首先线程1获取到了Redis锁,But it took a long time because of traffic congestion,This time exceeds the expiration time of the lock previously set,导致线程1业务未完成,It takes the lock has been released.此时,线程2Attempt to acquire lock acquired,并开始执行业务,在这期间,线程1business execution completed,Then execute the operation to release the lock,It is equivalent to deleting the thread by mistake2acquired lock(因为线程1的锁,Timeout expired),此时线程3来获取锁,Find access to lock,就获取锁,execution and threading2similar business,注意,Originally under the premise of locking,线程2和线程3executions cannot occur simultaneously,While in concurrent cases happened at the same time,There will be concurrent read and write problems.This is what happens when the lock is deleted by mistake.
解决方法:When the thread releases the lock, it needs to be based on the value in the lock,Determine if it is your own lock,If yes then release,to avoid accidental deletion.
The improvement is shown in the figure below.另外,in cluster mode,Thread distinguish whether it is its own lock,The previous idea was to put the thread'sIDOr put the name into the value of the lock,但是不同的JVMthe same value may exist,因为可以使用uuid+线程标识
作为锁的值,To the only sure lock with thread in cluster.
Solve the problem of accidental deletion of locks by judging whether the locks are their own–Lua脚本解决
Through the analysis in the previous section,我们可以看到,We can delete it by making the thread judge the identified situation before releasing the lock,如果是自己的,则进行释放,如果不是自己的,则不释放,从而防止误删.
但是,There are still problems,Because the improved operation of releasing the lock has become a two-step process,即1.判断锁标识 2.释放锁
,These two steps is not atomic operation,Therefore, in some cases, the lock will still be deleted by mistake.,如下图所示:
线程1获取锁,执行业务,业务执行完毕之后,需要释放锁,It first judges the lock identification,when it is about to release the lock,出现了阻塞,say it happenedgc,并且时间较长,during the blocking time,线程1The lock is automatically released due to timeout.此时线程2尝试获取锁,and successfully obtained,开始执行业务,在这期间,线程1阻塞结束,执行释放锁操作,因为线程1的锁已经被释放掉了,线程1It has also been judged by the lock identification.,所以线程1Just release the lock directly,So will release threads2的锁,这样在线程2When the business has not been completed,线程3can get a lock,you can and thread2同时执行,In this way, the concurrent read and write problem occurred again..
The reason for the above problem is that:1.判断锁标识 2.释放锁
These two operations are not atomic,我们可以通过编写Lua脚本来实现.
-- 这里的 KEYS[1] 就是锁的key,这里的ARGV[1] 就是当前线程标示
-- 获取锁中的标示,判断是否与当前线程标示一致
if (redis.call('GET', KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1]) then
-- 一致,则删除锁
return redis.call('DEL', KEYS[1])
-- 不一致,则直接返回
return 0
In actual use, it is possible to passJavaCall this script to achieve the function of safely releasing the lock.
The passage of classic white learningRedis中setnexImplementation of a distributed lock problems and can be used based on the threadRedisImplementation tools for distributed locks
通过Redis中setnexImplemented distributed lock problems
- 不可重入: 同一个线程无法多次获取同一把锁
- 不可重试: 获取锁只尝试一次就返回false,没有重试机制
- 超时释放:锁超时释放虽然可以避免死锁,但如果是业务执行耗时较长,也会导致锁释放,存在安全隐患.
- 主从一致性:如果Redis提供了主从集群,主从同步存在延迟,当主宕机时,如果从并同步主中的锁数据,则会出现锁失效.
基于RedisImplementation tools for distributed locks-Redisson
Redisson是一个在Redis的基础上实现的Java驻内存数据网格(In-Memory Data Grid).它不仅提供了一系列的分布式的Java常用对象,还提供了许多分布式服务,其中就包含了各种分布式锁的实现.
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