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Network security - crack WiFi through handshake packets (detailed tutorial)
2022-07-31 22:48:00 【Huai Miao】
本文实验使用CD Linux配合minidwep-gtkThe tool is cracked by cracking the handshake packetWiFi.
产品:VMware Workstation 16 Pro
版本:16.2.3 build-19376536
Kali Linux是基于Debian的Linux发行版, 设计用于数字取证操作系统.每一季度更新一次.由Offensive Security Ltd维护和资助.最先由Offensive Security的Mati Aharoni和Devon Kearns通过重写BackTrack来完成,BackTrack是他们之前写的用于取证的Linux发行版 .
Kali Linux预装了许多渗透测试软件,包括nmap 、Wireshark 、John the Ripper,以及Aircrack-ng.[2] 用户可通过硬盘、live CD或live USB运行Kali Linux.Kali Linux既有32位和64位的镜像.可用于x86 指令集.同时还有基于ARM架构的镜像,可用于树莓派和三星的ARM Chromebook.
ewsa破解版(全称Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor),It is a convenient and practical one from Russia、Have a strong wireless networkwifiPassword cracking function,And it works by using the password dictionary to brute force the wirelessAP上的WPA和WPA2密码.The password dictionary in the software supports upper and lower case letters、数字替代、Symbol order change、缩写、Vowel replacement, etc12variable settings.在ATI和NVIDIACan be used on graphics cards,Basically everythingwifiPasswords can be cracked,It just takes some time.除此之外ewsaThe Chinese cracked version can also try to restore the communication through the pairwifi进行加密的WPA/WPA2 PSKInitial password to help administrators to monitor wireless network security.And this software is currently the fastest and most cost-effective on the marketwifiOne of the password recovery and wireless security monitoring tools.
1、通过攻击WPA / WPA2-PSKpassword to determine the security of the wireless network.
2、Built-in wireless network sniffer.
3、Most modern ones are supportedWi-Fi适配器,以及专用AirPCap适配器.
4、专利GPUAcceleration techniques use one or moreNVIDIA或AMDvideo cards to simulate real-world attacks.
5、Run advanced dictionary attacks with highly configurable variants.
6、interception restrictionsWi-Fi流量,Continue to work offline.
4.Crack the dictionary
Cracking the dictionary is this timewifi破解的关键,Via a dictionary with EWSAThe decrypted passwords are compared,To achieve password cracking.
The crack dictionary is placed蓝奏云.
通过使用Kali配合8187网卡扫描wifi、确定目标wifi后,Attack link thiswifi的设备,Reconnect after disconnecting itwifiAn authentication packet, also called a handshake packet, is sent,We then grab the packet in it,Included in this packagehash加密过后wifi的ssid以及wifi密码等等.通过使用类似EWSAWait for the software to brute force and efficiently crack the captured handshake packet,Realize cracking through handshake packetsWiFi.
Mount the NIC to VM Ware虚拟机的Kali里,Then check the network card status,输入命令
可以看到,wlan0The current status of the network card is Managed(管理)模式.
2.Switch the network card to listening mode
airmon-ng start wlan0
再次查看网卡状态,Check whether the status of the network card has changed to the listening state.
可以看到,现在wlan0NIC has becomeMonitor(监听)状态,and the name became wlan0mon,You can use this network card at this timewifi扫描了.
The network card is configured,可以进行wifi扫描了,输入以下命令.
airodump-ng wlan0mon
在此期间8187The network card will all be nearbywifiand access point(AP)进行实时扫描,It can be pressed after scanning for a whileCtrl+C
字段 | 解释 |
BSSID | 接入点的MAC地址,在客户端部分,“(not associated)”表示客户端没有连接到任何接入点.在这种没有连接的状态下,它一直会搜寻接入点 |
PWR | 网卡反馈的信号水平,它的数值是驱动决定的,但是离接入点或基站越近,信号数值就会变得越大.如果接入点的PWR是-1,则表示驱动不支持信号水平;如果部分station的PWR是-1,则表示网卡能接收到接入点的数据包,但是却超出了网卡的传输范围.这就意味着我们只能监听到1/2的信息交流.如果所有station都是-1,则表明驱动不支持显示信号水平 |
Beacons | 接入点发出的公告报文的数量,每个接入点每秒大概发送10个公告包(以最低的速率1M),所以通常相距较远时也能收集到它们 |
Data | 捕捉到的数据包的数量(如果是WEP,则是不同IV的数量),包括数据广播包 |
CH | 无线信道(从beacon包中得到),注意:即使固定了信道,有时也会捕捉到其他信道的数据包,这时由于无线电干扰造成的 |
MB | 接入点支持的最大速度.如果MB=11,就是802.1b,如果MB=22,就是802.1b+,更高的就是802.1g.如上图54后的小数点表示支持短前导码,11后面的e表示该网络支持QoS |
ENC | 表示使用的加密算法.OPN表示没有加密,“WEP?”表示不确定是WEP还是WPA/WPA2;WEP表示静态或者动态的WEP,TKIP或者CCMP表示WPA/WPA2 |
CIPHER | 检测出的密码体系,CCMP,WRAP,TKIP,WEP,WEP40和WEP104中的一种.虽然不是必须的,但是TKIP通常用于WPA,CCMP常用于WPA2.当键字索引大于0时,会显示WEP40.(40位时,索引可以是0-3;104位时,索引需为0) |
AUTH | 使用的认证协议.GMT(WPA/WPA2 使用单独的认证服务器),SKA(WEP共享密钥) ,PSK(WPA/WPA2 预共享密钥),或者OPN(WEP开放认证) |
ESSID | 无线网络名称.也叫“SSID”,如果开启SSID隐藏模式,则此项为空.在这种情况下,airodump-ng会尝试通过探测响应和关联请求恢复SSID |
5.wifiConnected device detection
This step is for probingwifi连接设备,理论上,一个wifimore connected devices,The greater the probability that we can grab the handshake packet.
在终端输入以下命令,对此wifiConnect the device to detect.
airodump-ng -c CH --ivs --bssid MAC wlan0mon -w FILE
To modify the correspondingCH、DIR、MAC参数,CH是信道,FILEis the path to save the handshake package file,MAC是此wifi的物理地址.比如我的就是:
airodump-ng -c 3 --ivs --bssid 34:CE:00:62:3C:15 wlan0mon -w test01
We found three connections to this this timewifi的设备.这时候可以按下Ctrl+C
Stop probing.
Open a terminal by itself .Choose one of the three clients in the image above,发起De-authenticationFloodAttack
(取消认证攻击),Force disconnect this device fromwifi的连接,断开连接后,This device will be paired againwifi发起连接,Our attack terminal can then capture the handshake packet,We type in the terminal in the middle:
aireplay-ng -0 100 -a WIFI_MAC -c DEVICE_MAC wlan0mon
aireplay-ng -0 100 -a 34:CE:00:62:3C:15 -c 58:20:59:2D:F4:06 wlan0mon
During the attack, you can see that the monitoring window is obtainedWPA handshake,This indicates that the handshake packet was caught,我们可以按下Ctrl+C
Stop attacking.
In the previous step if no absolute path was specified,By default, the handshake packet is saved to/root
目录下,Switch to this directory to view the captured handshake packets.
在kali终端输入以下命令,Start to crack the captured handshake packet.
aircrack-ng -w DIC CAP
其中DIC是字典文件,CAPThe path where the handshake packet we grabbed is located,比如我的命令就是
aircrack-ng -w /usr/directionary/dic.txt /root/test01-01.ivs
使用EWSArun dictionary前提是To be satisfiedewsaFormat of the handshake packet,比如.cap .dump等等,这很简单,Just need us in the fifth stepwifiConnected device detection去掉–iv参数即可,就能拿到.capFormat of the handshake packet.比如 I got it:
Want us here重新抓包
我们可以使用WindowsGraphical tools on EWSA,开启GPUSpeed up cracking passwords.
Need to grasp the hand package export toWindows中,可以先将kali开启ssh,然后使用XshellWait for the terminal login tool to connect tokali,再使用rz命令或者xftpThe tool extracts the handshake packet,I won't go into details here~
安装好EWSA后打开,The language default is English,Simply switch
在 In the cracking option, select dictionary cracking,点击添加,Choose our dictionary,最后点确定
Import the handshake package file into EWSA中
A check is to be made here
- This time, we introduce cracking through handshake packetsWiFi的两种方法,The target of cracking is homeWiFi,This is for demonstration only,请勿违法,Hope you all do well!This article is brute force crackingwifi,As for whether it can be broken,看运气!One last for everyoneEWSA注册码 EWSA-173-HC1UW-L3EGT-FFJ3O-SOQB3,都看到这了,Can you give a like?
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