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Basic concepts of Huffman tree

2022-07-07 03:25:00 Muzi text_ Ah

The basic concept of Huffman tree :

(1) route : It consists of branches from one node to another
(2) The length of the path : Number of branches on the path a→d The path length of = 2
(3) The path length of the tree : The sum of the path length from the tree root to each node . Case diagram :10
(4) power : A quantity given to an entity , It is a numerical description of the attributes of entities . If the nodes of the tree have weights , That is, the weighted tree .
(5) The weighted path length of the node : The product of the path length from node to root and the weight on the node d Weighted path length =72=14
(6) Weighted path length of tree : The sum of the weighted path lengths of all leaf nodes in the tree . Case diagram :2
(7) Huffman tree (Huffman): The best binary tree , The tree with the smallest weighted path length

The characteristics of Huffman tree

  • The path length from the node with large weight to the root node is short ;
  • The path length from the node with small weight to the root node is long .

Ø There is no degree in Huffman coding tree 1 The node of ;
Ø If given n Weight (n Leaf node ), Then the total number of points of Huffman tree is 2n-1;
Ø The height of Huffman tree does not exceed n.

The construction algorithm of Huffman tree :

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Huffman code :

v Prefix encoding : The encoding of any character is not a prefix of the encoding of another character .
Such as : character a、b、c、d The codes of the two are respectively 0、1、01、10, be a The code of is c The prefix of the encoding ,b The code of is d Coded prefix , This code is not a prefix code .
When decoding , about 01011011 The decoding result of will not be unique .
v Huffman code
For a tree with n A leafy Huffman tree , Assign 0, The right branch gives 1, Then the path from the root to each leaf , Form a binary string respectively , This binary string is called Huffman code .
Do Huffman coding , Build Huffman tree first .
Huffman coding is prefix coding , And it's the best prefix code .


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