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Continuous assignment of Verilog procedure
2022-07-02 03:09:00 【Da Xi】
Verilog Processes are continuously assigned values
key word :deassign,force,release
Process continuous assignment is a kind of process assignment . This assignment statement can replace all other wire or reg Assignment , Rewrite the wire or reg Current value of type variable .
Unlike process assignment , The expression of process continuous assignment can be continuously driven to wire or reg In type variable , That is, when the continuous assignment of the process takes effect , The change of any operand in the right-hand expression will cause the re execution of the continuous assignment statement of the procedure .
Process continuity assignment mainly includes 2 Kind of ,assign-deassign and force-release.
assign, deassign
assign( Procedure assignment operation ) And deassign ( Cancel process assignment ) Represents the continuous assignment statement of the first kind of procedure . Assignment objects can only be registers or register groups , And can't be wire Type variable .
Continuous assignment of registers during assignment , The value in the register is retained until it is reassigned .
for example , One with reset end D Triggers can be described with the following code :
module dff_normal(
input rstn,
input clk,
input D,
output reg Q
always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
if(!rstn) begin //Q = 0 after reset effective
Q <= 1'b0 ;
else begin
Q <= D ; //Q = D at posedge of clock
below , use assign And deassign rewrite , Do the same thing .
That is, when the reset signal is 0 when ,Q End quilt assign Statement assignment , Always output as 0.
Reset signal is 1 when ,Q End quilt deassign Statement unassign , It is reassigned on the rising edge of the clock .
module dff_assign(
input rstn,
input clk,
input D,
output reg Q
always @(posedge clk) begin
Q <= D ; //Q = D at posedge of clock
always @(negedge rstn) begin
if(!rstn) begin
assign Q = 1'b0 ; //change Q value when reset effective
else begin //cancel the Q value overlay,
deassign Q ; //and Q remains 0-value until the coming of clock posedge
force, release
force ( Force assignment ) And release( Cancel forced assignment ) Represents the continuous assignment statement of the second kind of procedure .
Application method and effect , and assign And deassign similar , But the assignment object can be reg Type variable , It can also be wire Type variable .
Because it is unconditionally mandatory assignment , It is generally used for interactive debugging process , Do not use in the design module .
When force When acting on a register , The current value of the register is overwritten ;release The register value will continue to retain the value at the time of forced assignment . after , The value of this register can be changed by the original procedure assignment statement .
When force When online , The network value will also be forcibly assigned . however , once release The network type variable , Its value immediately becomes the original driving value .
For intuitive observation of the difference between the forced assignment of two types of variables , Use the counters in Section 1 counter10 As a design module ,testbench The design is as follows .
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module test ;
reg rstn ;
reg clk ;
reg [3:0] cnt ;
wire cout ;
counter10 u_counter (
.rstn (rstn),
.clk (clk),
.cnt (cnt),
.cout (cout));
initial begin
clk = 0 ;
rstn = 0 ;
#10 ;
rstn = 1'b1 ;
wait (test.u_counter.cnt_temp == 4'd4) ;
@(negedge clk) ;
force test.u_counter.cnt_temp = 4'd6 ;
force test.u_counter.cout = 1'b1 ;
#40 ;
@(negedge clk) ;
release test.u_counter.cnt_temp ;
release test.u_counter.cout ;
initial begin
clk = 0 ;
forever #10 clk = ~ clk ;
//finish the simulation
always begin
if ($time >= 1000) $finish ;
endmodule // test
The simulation results are as follows .
It can be seen from the picture that , stay cnt_temp be equal to 4 when (80ns), cnt_temp Is forcibly assigned to 6,cout Is forcibly assigned to 1.
release when (120ns), cnt_temp Register type , Keep the original value unchanged , Until the rising edge of the clock is added and assigned , Value becomes 7 .
and 120ns when , because cout Is the wire network variable , Its value cannot be saved . Original code counter10 There are driver statements in the model : assign cout = (cnt_temp==4'd9) , therefore cout Value to 0 .
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