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C reflection practice
2022-07-02 02:59:00 【FanJiangDaoHaizZ】
majority Program Both Handle data , Include read 、 Write 、 operation and Show data .( graphics It's also A kind of data Of form .) However , about some Program Come on , they operation Of data No Numbers 、 Text or graphics , It is Program and Program type In itself Of Information . of Program And its type Of data go by the name of element data ( metadata), they preservation stay Program Of Program focus . Program stay Runtime , Sure see other Program Set or Its In itself Of element data . One function Of Program see In itself Of element data or other Program Of element data Of Behavior be called Reflection ( reflection).
Reflection practice
One . Make assembly
open vs Create a new class library
Click next to configure the path and name of the class library
After creation, add the following code , One created in the code Example class , Add some fields 、 attribute 、 And methods , And marked him with custom features MyAttribute, For future testing
using System;
namespace MyDll
// Specify that custom attributes can only be attached to classes
public sealed class MyAttributeAttribute : System.Attribute
public string Description;
public string Version;
public string ReviewId;
public MyAttributeAttribute(string desc, string ver)
Description = desc;
Version = ver;
[MyAttribute("MyClass", "1.0", ReviewId = "58946")]
public class Example
public int a = 567;
private int b = 555;
public int B
return b;
b = value;
public void HelloDll()
public void PrintOut(string s)
After adding the code Using shortcut keys ctr + b Generate MyDll.dll file , At this point, we can in the project MyDll\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1 Found under folder MyDll.dll file , Indicates that the generation was successful
Two . test
newly build C# Console Application , Run the test code as follows
// Load assembly
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"D:\STu\csharp_-study\CSharp_Study\MyDll\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\MyDll.dll");
Type type = assembly.GetType("MyDll.Example");
// Create type real columns
object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
// Calling method
// Call a method with parameters
type.GetMethod("PrintOut").Invoke(obj, new object[] {
// get attribute
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = type.GetProperty("B");
// Set field value
Console.WriteLine(propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null));
// Get field
FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField("a");
// Set field value
fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, 123);
Console.WriteLine("================ Get all features ====================");
object[] typeAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(false); // obtain Example Class
foreach (object attribute in typeAttributes)
Console.WriteLine("Attributes description is " + attribute.ToString());
// Access to features Description Information
// Get all members
Console.WriteLine("================ Get all members ====================");
MemberInfo[] memberInfos = type.GetMembers();
foreach(var item in memberInfos)
// Get all fields ( Default public , You can set BindingFlags)
Console.WriteLine("================ Get all fields ====================");
FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
foreach (var item in fieldInfos)
// Get all properties
Console.WriteLine("================ Get all properties ====================");
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
foreach(var item in properties)
The output is as follows
matters needing attention
Relationship with Assembly.LoadFrom Methods can be found in MSDN
About Type class :
1) about Program in be used Of every last type , CLR Metropolis establish One contain This type Information Of Type type Of object .
2) Program in be used Of every last type Metropolis relation To Independent Of Type class Of object .
3) No matter establish Of type Yes How many? individual example , Only One Type object Meeting relation To All of these example .
Daniel M·Solis. C# Illustrated tutorial ( The first 4 edition )( Turing books ) (p. 481). People's post and Telecommunications Press . Kindle edition .
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