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Render header usage of El table
2022-07-02 02:45:00 【One plus one is not two】
<el-table :data="tabledata" style="width: 100%" border>
<el-table-column prop="oldOrderBy" label=" Sort " :render-header="renderHeader">
<el-table-column prop="productName" label=" The product name "></el-table-column>
export default {
data() {
return {
tabledata: [],
created() {
methods: {
renderHeader(h, { column }) {
return h('span', { style: { padding: '0' } },
h('span', { style: { paddingRight: '3px' } }, column.label),
h('a', {
style: { color: '#008AE1', fontSize: '12px' },
on: { click: () => { this.isDragon = false } },
props: { content: column.label },
}, ' edit ')
getTableData() {
this.tabledata = [{oldOrderBy:1,productName:' Product 1 '},
{oldOrderBy:2,productName:' Product 2 '}];
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