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Website development plan research
2022-08-02 04:32:00 【GentleTK】
- 1. The establishment of the understanding of the basic concepts and processes.
- 2. Understand cloud server selection.
- 3. Knowledge of open source web site systems(Discuz、WordPress).
- 4. Understand the local site,并基于WordPress+phpStudy搭建本地网站.
- 5. Buy huawei YunYaoYun server(免费试用30天),Set up the server environment.
- 6. With reference to local site,Transplanted to the server,通过公网IP即可访问.
- 7. As an administrator login background,安装插件,Set user registration、After landing can browse.
- 8. 了解HTML、CSS、JavaScript基础以及PHP语法特性.
- 9. Design platform experience form and style of the page,Equipment management functions(设备列表、数据查询、命令下发).
- 10. Server to add a custom page template,Transplant experience platform page to the server.
- 11. 了解基于Layui的前端框架.
- 12. 了解基于vueThe framework of the background front-end solutions.
1. 基本概念
Build the basic process
- 购买域名
- 域名备案
- 购买云服务器
- 搭建网站
- 域名解析
1.1 网站搭建——域名
Enter the domain name is the browser url,如www.baidu.com
,一般来说wwwAt the beginning of for top-level domain,Is the primary domain,Each primary domain can corresponding numerous sub domain name.域名和IPAddress itself is no relationship,And if you want to bind,就得用到DNS解析.When the browser input url access,The browser will DNS, first of all, for the correspondingIP地址,The browser then bytes of data requests,After receiving the data request on the server,Return website related data code(HTML),Receive again after the code into our browser can browse the web page format.
2.1 网站搭建——服务器
服务器,是提供计算服务的设备,The equivalent of a head of time don't shutdown and extremely stable performance computer,Site program has been running on this computer,Wait for all access to this server client data access requests,After the server receives the request will be according to certain data format returns data code page(一般是HTML以及CSS和JavaScript等代码),The client browser after receiving the data,Again to paint data parsing to browse the web data.
2.1.1 虚拟空间
Virtual host is the server part divided into storage space on my hard drive,It is Shared serverIP和带宽,No independent resources and independent operating system,No remote desktop function,Usually virtual host site program is also supported by the default distribution good,There is no way by the users to configure the environment,功能相对单一.
2.1.2 云服务ECS(Elastic Compute Services)
云服务器ECS是阿里云提供的一种基础云计算服务,It is separated from the cluster server independent memory、硬盘、Bandwidth resources, such as in a virtual server,有独立的IP和带宽,Can according to need to install the version of the operating system and configuration of various web sites running environment,There are things remote desktop connection,是完全独立的.(There is no virtual host).
How to choose suitable for their own cloud services configuration?
(1)The choice of server nodes areas
Would need to consider the website user's access speed,Which might affect the site access speed is an important factor in the server node areas.也就是说如果服务器节点地域选的离你目标客户群地区越接近,那么你网站的访问速度就会越快.
(2) The choice of cloud server instance specification
(3) The choice of cloud server operating system
According to the site application USES language to choose corresponding system
通过镜像市场,选择已经配置好的镜像,Can save the time we install server system environment.
(4) The choice of cloud server hard disk
Typically the default configuration has40G系统盘,Best buy separate a data disc(20-50G),Will be deployed in the data set website program,To prevent the system disk fail,Loss of site data.
(5) 云服务器带宽的选择
Average daily hundred people access, for example,一般选择1-2M左右的带宽.
Cloud server traffic and bandwidth conversion:
带宽:流量 = 1:150,即1M带宽=150M流量
2. 基于WordPressLocal site set up
下载完成后,安装phpStudy,将下载好的WordPressAfter decompression deposit tophpStudy安装路径下的WWW文件夹下.
2.1 创建网站
打开phpStudy,先启动web服务,Click on the create site again,填写基本信息
After the completion of the fill in waiting for the service to restart,然后点击管理,选择打开网站
先在phpStudyCreate a database in(First of all, the defaultrootThe password change to create)
Enter the background management dashboard
Huawei YunYaoYun server site set up
1.Buy huawei YunYaoYun server
YunYaoYun server console
First of all, through the remote connection,Connect to the huawei YunYaoYun server.
IPAddress | Password |
---|---| | Adtech123456 |
In the console, click on the publicIP,Click in the access control security group,Set the security group rules
在服务器上安装phpStudy,Put a test page to see the effect,Remember to set the home page for testhtml文件
On the server browser input at this timehelloworld:802即可打开网站
Access networks outside need to enter the address of the server:端口号的方式
将下载好的WordPress解压后得到的wordpressFolder to store tophpStudy安装路径下的WWW文件夹下,重命名为adtechiot.
2.1 进入数据库管理
在phpStudy中安装phpMyadmin管理工具,After the installation is complete click into the database management of landing interface,The user name and password for when creating the database.
将iot数据库下wp_options的siteurl和homeChange the value of the for the publicIP(
2.2 进入WordPress后台管理
浏览器输入121.36.201.57/wp-adminCan enter the website backstage management interface
Beside the set membership check
- 任何人都可以注册
New users to set the default role to the subscriber.
下载插件Registered Users Only,This is to ensure that the user must be logged in to access,Remember to click on the enable after installation.
下载插件WP SMTP,This is for registration or forget password to the user after sending mail,After the installation is complete remember to click on the enable.
After setting, we can send a test email verify.
Now can directly in the browser input publicIPTo log in or register
Try to register a new user
Receive confirmation email
You can click on the link to set your password login.
用户名 | 登陆密码 |
user | adt123456 |
3. Experience design platform page
Platform experience of equipment management page contains a list of equipment total、数据查询、Issued an order three functional.
3.1 设备列表
The user through the drop-down list select the product type,In the equipment management, select the equipment list to view all the equipment under the product information,包括设备名称、设备ID、Equipment state and the last time online.
(1) mqtt设备列表
3.2 数据查询
The user through the drop-down list select the product type,In the equipment management select data query in data query page,Selected by the user to query the device name-IDTo check the equipment list data,包括数据名称、数据值、Creation time and the last update time(ModbusEquipment can view the command platform issued by).
(1) mqtt查询
(2) modbus查询
3.3 下发命令
The user through the drop-down list select the product type,In the equipment management to select data query issued an order page.
(1) MQTT产品
Selected by the user device name-ID、消息质量(默认Qos0)、Command valid time(默认为0),Input to send command to implement distributed function.
(2) MODBUS产品
Selected by the user device name-ID、Input from the machine address(01-ff)、功能号(01-04)、数据地址(0000-ffff)、数据长度(0001-ffff)To issue orders(命令经过CRC校验).
下发命令010300010001(This command equipment for processing,会响应)
下发命令010300030001(This command equipment side did not deal with,Had distributed command status for)
Offline will light up to alert issued an order to offline equipment
4. Add a custom page template
在WordpressThe theme of the folder,新建pages文件夹,将OneNetApi.php放到该文件夹下,
/* template name: Your page template name description: template for Git theme */
get_header();//网站头部 可注释
<!--Put the custom herephp页面的内容-->
php get_footer(); //This is at the bottom of the web site 可注释
Before you create an instance,Make sure to complete the following work:
- Registered platform account and log in.
- 创建一个VPC专有网络,并在VPCCreate a subnet.
- 创建弹性公网IPAnd the corresponding cloud server binding.
- If the cloud server login credentials the key to the need to create a key pair.
1. 创建VPC专有网络
2. 创建实例——云服务器
登陆凭证: Adtech123456
3. 创建弹性公网IPAnd bind the cloud server
**layui(谐音: 类UI)**是一款采用自身模块规范编写的前端 UI 框架,遵循原生 HTML/CSS/JS 的书写与组织形式,门槛极低,拿来即用.
1 下载
# npm安装 一般用于WebPack管理
npm -i layui-src
2 目录结构
├─css //css目录
│ │─modules //模块css目录(一般如果模块相对较大,我们会单独提取,比如下面三个:)
│ │ ├─laydate
│ │ ├─layer
│ │ └─layim
│ └─layui.css //核心样式文件
├─font //字体图标目录
├─images //图片资源目录(目前只有layim和编辑器用到的GIF表情)
│─lay //模块核心目录
│ └─modules //各模块组件
│─layui.js //基础核心库
└─layui.all.js //包含layui.js和所有模块的合并文件
3 The robot device list
4 Robot equipment details
5 Robot data flow
6 Robot issued an order
7 Equipment history data export
基于VueThe framework of the background front-end solutions
vue-element-admin是一个后台前端解决方案,基于vue和element-ui实现,它使用了最新的前端技术栈,内置了 i18n 国际化解决方案,动态路由,权限验证,提炼了典型的业务模型,提供了丰富的功能组件,它可以帮助你快速搭建企业级中后台产品原型.
**Positioning is a background of integration solutions,不太适合当基础模板来进行二次开发.因为本项目集成了很多你可能用不到的功能,会造成不少的代码冗余.可以把 **vue-element-admin
**当做工具箱或者集成方案仓库,在 **vue-admin-template
**的基础上进行二次开发,想要什么功能或者组件就去 vue-element-admin 那里复制过来.
# 克隆项目
git clone https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin.git
# 进入项目目录
cd vue-element-admin
# 安装依赖
npm install
# 建议不要用 cnpm 安装 会有各种诡异的bug 可以通过如下操作解决 npm 下载速度慢的问题
npm install --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
# 本地开发 启动项目
npm run dev
(1) 登陆界面
(2) 后台界面
- Vue Router是vue官方的路由.Can help you to quickly build a single page or multiple pages project
- Vuex是一个专为Vue.js应用程序开发的状态管理模式.采用集中式存储管理应用的所有组件的状态,并以相应的规则保证状态以一种可预测的方式发生变化.It can solve the problem of many global state or communication between components.
- Vue Loader 是为 vue 文件定制的一个 webpack 的 loader,它允许你以一种名为单文件组件 (SFCs)的格式撰写 Vue 组件.It can be used in the development process thermal overload to keep fit,为每个组件模拟出 scoped CSS 等等功能.But in most cases you don't need to configure it directly,Scaffolding is help you to encapsulate good.
- Vue Test Utils Is the official offer a unit test tool.它能让你更方便的写单元测试.
- Vue Dev-Tools Vue Under the browser debugging tools.写 vue A browser plug-in necessary,Can greatly improve the efficiency of your debugging.
- Vue CLI是官方提供的一个 vue 项目脚手架,This project is based on it to build.It helps you encapsulate a lot of webpack、babel 等其它配置,Allows you to spend less energy in the built environment,To concentrate more on page code to write.But all the scaffolding are for the most part,So some special requirements or the need to configure.Proposal document read it again,Have some basic knowledge of some configuration.
1. 目录结构
From the basic template beforevue-admin-template开始.
├── build // 构建相关
├── config // 配置相关
├── src // 源代码
│ ├── api // 所有请求
│ ├── assets // 主题 字体等静态资源
│ ├── components // 全局公用组件
│ ├── directive // 全局指令
│ ├── filtres // 全局 filter
│ ├── icons // 项目所有 svg icons
│ ├── lang // 国际化 language
│ ├── mock // 项目mock 模拟数据
│ ├── router // 路由
│ ├── store // 全局 store管理
│ ├── styles // 全局样式
│ ├── utils // 全局公用方法
│ ├── vendor // 公用vendor
│ ├── views // view
│ ├── App.vue // 入口页面
│ ├── main.js // 入口 加载组件 初始化等
│ └── permission.js // 权限管理
├── static // 第三方不打包资源
│ └── Tinymce // 富文本
├── .babelrc // babel-loader 配置
├── eslintrc.js // eslint 配置项
├── .gitignore // git 忽略项
├── favicon.ico // favicon图标
├── index.html // html模板
└── package.json // package.json
1.1 api和views
随着业务迭代,后台的api模块会越来越多,The best is divided according to the business moduleviews,并将views和apiModule one-to-one correspondence,从而方便维护.
原文链接:https://gentletk.gitee.io/Web site development plan research
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