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2021 robocom world robot developer competition - preliminary competition of undergraduate group
2022-07-01 23:32:00 【Alan_ Lowe】
2021 RoboCom World robot developer competition - Undergraduate group preliminary
1. Know everything. 【 violence 】
Take four numbers , Then directly n Of 4 The power traverses every possibility , Then put it in a set Just in the middle , For each new picture, judge whether each eigenvalue can be in this set Find , If so, output Yes, Otherwise output No.
AC Code
using namespace std;
#define int long long
int n, k;
int x[55];
set<int> s;
signed main(){
for(int i = 1;i <= n;++i) // Enter the original image
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) // Traverse each of the four selected numbers
for (int j = i + 1; j <= n; ++j)
for (int l = j + 1; l <= n; ++l)
for (int m = l + 1; m <= n; ++m)
s.insert((x[i] + x[j] + x[l] + x[m]));
//k Processing of a new picture
bool f = true;int a,b;
for (int i = 0; i < a; ++i) {
if (s.count(b * 4) == 0) // As long as one value is not s in , It outputs no
f = false;
if (f)
return 0;
2. Finnish wood chess 【 thinking 】
Sort according to the distance between the stake and the origin , Then deal with it from near to far , For wooden piles in the same direction , If there is a continuous height of 1 Of , Then knock down many wooden stakes at one time , This is under the condition of ensuring the same score , The number of hits is the least ; Otherwise, you can knock down a wooden stake every time .
AC Code
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define pii pair<int,int>
const int N = 1e5 + 5;
int gcd(int a,int b){
return b ? gcd(b,a % b) : a;}
int n,v;
pair<pii, int> edge[N]; // Indicates the abscissa of wooden chess 、 Ordinate 、 fraction
map<pii, int> mp; //pii Indicates a certain direction ,int Indicates how many consecutive wooden chess scores in this direction are 1
int ans_1,ans_2; // The most scores 、 The least number of times
bool cmp(pair<pair<int,int> ,int> a,pair<pair<int,int> ,int> b){
// Sort according to the distance from the origin
return a.first.first * a.first.first + a.first.second * a.first.second <
b.first.first * b.first.first + b.first.second * b.first.second;
signed main(){
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// Enter the coordinates and scores of the wooden chess
sort(edge,edge + n,cmp); // Sort
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// For every wooden chess , Divide the abscissa and ordinate by the greatest common divisor , Used to distinguish each direction
int g = gcd(abs(edge[i].first.first), abs(edge[i].first.second));
edge[i].first.first /= g;edge[i].first.second /= g;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (edge[i].second == 1){
// If 1 Just record it
mp[edge[i].first] += 1;
// Otherwise, put the front in this direction 1 All at once , Then we can beat the current wooden chess
if(mp[edge[i].first] > 0){
ans_1 += mp[edge[i].first];
mp[edge[i].first] = 0;
ans_2 += 1;
ans_1 += edge[i].second;
ans_2 += 1;
for (auto it = mp.begin();it!=mp.end();++it) {
// If there is continuity in one direction 1
if (it->second > 0){
ans_1 += it->second;
ans_2 += 1;
cout<<ans_1<<" "<<ans_2;
return 0;
3. Have to upgrade 【Floyed
First, use a multi-source shortest path to run out , Then select the starting point ( Find the minimum value of the longest route ). Then after having a starting point , Run the single source shortest circuit again and record the path .
AC Code
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define pii pair<int,int>
#define psi pair<string,int>
const int N = 5e5 + 5,inf = 0x3f3f3f3f,INF = 1e18,MOD = 1e9 + 7;
struct node{
int p, w1, w2; // Number of points 、 The shortest distance from the starting point to this point 、 The greatest value
struct edge{
int to, w1, w2; // The end of the side 、 distance 、 value
int n,m,k;
vector<int> mubiao; // Target fortress
int pre[1005]; // Storage precursor node
int dis[1005][1005], dis1[1005], dis2[1005]; // Respectively used to find out the sending point 、 The distance from the starting point to this point 、 Value from starting point to this point
vector<edge> M[1005]; // Save edge
bool vis[1005]; // Judge whether a node has been visited , be used for dij
struct cmp{
bool operator()(node a,node b){
if (a.w1 == b.w1)
return a.w2 < b.w2;
return a.w1 > b.w1;
void init(){
memset(dis,0x3f,sizeof dis);
memset(dis1,0x3f,sizeof dis1);
for(int i = 1;i <= n;++i)
dis[i][i] = 0;
int a,b,c,d;
dis[a][b] = dis[b][a] = c;
while (k--)
void floyed(){
for (int k = 1; k <= n; ++k) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
dis[i][j] = min(dis[i][j],dis[i][k] + dis[k][j]);
void print(int x){
if (pre[x] == -1)
signed main(){
init(); // initialization
floyed(); //floyed Running multiple shortest paths
int from = 0, mn = 0x3f3f3f3f; // The starting point to choose
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
int sum = 0;
for(int j = 1;j <= n;++j)
if (sum < dis[i][j])
sum = dis[i][j];
if (sum < mn)
mn = sum, from = i;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
pre[i] = -1; // Store the precursor node of each point
dis1[from] = 0;
priority_queue<node,vector<node>,cmp> q;q.push(node{
from, 0, 0});
while (!q.empty()){
int p = q.top().p; q.pop();
if (vis[p])
vis[p] = true;
for (edge now : M[p]) {
if (dis1[p] + now.w1 < dis1[now.to]){
dis1[now.to] = dis1[p] + now.w1;
dis2[now.to] = dis2[p] + now.w2;
pre[now.to] = p;
now.to, dis1[now.to], dis2[now.to]});
else if(dis1[p] + now.w1 == dis1[now.to] && dis2[p] + now.w2 > dis2[now.to]){
dis2[now.to] = dis2[p] + now.w2;
pre[now.to] = p;
now.to, dis1[now.to], dis2[now.to]});
for (int i : mubiao) {
cout<<dis1[i]<<" "<<dis2[i]<<"\n";
return 0;
4. Epidemic prevention and control 【 Union checking set 】
See if the two airports can connect , It depends on whether it is in a set , So we need to use and look up the set , And we have to close an airport every day ( Delete a point ), But it's not easy to realize , Then we preprocess , Take out all the points to be deleted , After establishing and searching the set , Traverse from the last day , After each day , Then close the airport on this day ( spot ) Join in , Update and search set .
AC Code
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define pii pair<int,int>
const int N = 5e4 + 5;
int n,m,d;
vector<int> M[N]; // Save map
int father[N]; // Stub node
struct day{
int p,l;
vector<pii> v;
} day[N]; // Information to be processed every day
bool note[N]; // Mark whether to delete
stack<int> sta; // For output
int f(int x){
// Find the root node
if (father[x] == x)
return x;
return father[x] = f(father[x]);
void add(int a,int b){
// Merge sets
int x = f(a), y = f(b);
father[x] = y;
signed main(){
int from, to;
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) // Save map
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
father[i] = i; // Initialize root
for (int i = 1; i <= d; ++i) {
// Preprocessing finds all points to delete
note[day[i].p] = true; // To delete
for (int j = 0; j < day[i].l; ++j) {
int a, b;cin>>a>>b;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
// First, set up and search between points that will not be deleted
if (note[i])
for (int j : M[i]) {
if (!note[j])
for (int i = d; i >= 1; --i) {
// Start processing from the last day
int sum = 0;
for (pii t : day[i].v) {
if (f(t.first) != f(t.second))
sum += 1;
sta.push(sum); // Flights affected that day
for (int j : M[day[i].p]) {
// Add the airport to be closed this day and check the collection
if (!note[j])
note[day[i].p] = false; // The airport was not closed before this day
while (!sta.empty()){
return 0;
// Flights affected that day
for (int j : M[day[i].p]) { // Add the airport to be closed this day and check the collection
if (!note[j])
note[day[i].p] = false; // The airport was not closed before this day
while (!sta.empty()){
return 0;
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