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Yolox enhanced feature extraction network panet analysis
2022-07-02 23:22:00 【Said the shepherdess】
In the last article , Shared YOLOX Of CSPDarknet The Internet , See YOLOX backbone——CSPDarknet The implementation of the
stay CSPDarknet in , There are three levels of output , Namely dark5(20x20x1024)、dark4(40x40x512)、dark3(80x80x256). Output of these three levels , Will enter a network of enhanced feature extraction Panet, Further feature extraction , See the part marked in the red box in the following figure :
Panet The basic idea is , Upsampling deep features , And fuse with shallow features ( See figure above 1~6 Annotation part ), The fused shallow features are then down sampled , Then integrate with deep features ( See figure above 6~10 part ).
stay YOLOX On the official implementation code ,Panet Implementation in yolo_pafpn.py In the document . Combined with the above numbers , The official code is commented :
class YOLOPAFPN(nn.Module):
YOLOv3 model. Darknet 53 is the default backbone of this model.
def __init__(
in_features=("dark3", "dark4", "dark5"),
in_channels=[256, 512, 1024],
self.backbone = CSPDarknet(depth, width, depthwise=depthwise, act=act)
self.in_features = in_features
self.in_channels = in_channels
Conv = DWConv if depthwise else BaseConv
self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode="nearest")
# 20x20x1024 -> 20x20x512
self.lateral_conv0 = BaseConv(
int(in_channels[2] * width), int(in_channels[1] * width), 1, 1, act=act
# 40x40x1024 -> 40x40x512
self.C3_p4 = CSPLayer(
int(2 * in_channels[1] * width),
int(in_channels[1] * width),
round(3 * depth),
) # cat
# 40x40x512 -> 40x40x256
self.reduce_conv1 = BaseConv(
int(in_channels[1] * width), int(in_channels[0] * width), 1, 1, act=act
# 80x80x512 -> 80x80x256
self.C3_p3 = CSPLayer(
int(2 * in_channels[0] * width), # 2x256
int(in_channels[0] * width), # 256
round(3 * depth),
# bottom-up conv
# 80x80x256 -> 40x40x256
self.bu_conv2 = Conv(
int(in_channels[0] * width), int(in_channels[0] * width), 3, 2, act=act
# 40x40x512 -> 40x40x512
self.C3_n3 = CSPLayer(
int(2 * in_channels[0] * width), # 2*256
int(in_channels[1] * width), # 512
round(3 * depth),
# bottom-up conv
# 40x40x512 -> 20x20x512
self.bu_conv1 = Conv(
int(in_channels[1] * width), int(in_channels[1] * width), 3, 2, act=act
# 20x20x1024 -> 20x20x1024
self.C3_n4 = CSPLayer(
int(2 * in_channels[1] * width), # 2*512
int(in_channels[2] * width), # 1024
round(3 * depth),
def forward(self, input):
inputs: input images.
Tuple[Tensor]: FPN feature.
# backbone
out_features = self.backbone(input)
features = [out_features[f] for f in self.in_features]
[x2, x1, x0] = features
# The first 1 Step , For output feature map Convolution
# 20x20x1024 -> 20x20x512
fpn_out0 = self.lateral_conv0(x0) # 1024->512/32
# The first 2 Step , Right. 1 Output in step feature map Sample up
# Upsampling, 20x20x512 -> 40x40x512
f_out0 = self.upsample(fpn_out0) # 512/16
# The first 3 Step ,concat + CSP layer
# 40x40x512 + 40x40x512 -> 40x40x1024
f_out0 = torch.cat([f_out0, x1], 1) # 512->1024/16
# 40x40x1024 -> 40x40x512
f_out0 = self.C3_p4(f_out0) # 1024->512/16
# The first 4 Step , Right. 3 Step output feature map Convolution
# 40x40x512 -> 40x40x256
fpn_out1 = self.reduce_conv1(f_out0) # 512->256/16
# The first 5 Step , Continue sampling
# 40x40x256 -> 80x80x256
f_out1 = self.upsample(fpn_out1) # 256/8
# The first 6 Step ,concat+CSPLayer, Output to yolo head
# 80x80x256 + 80x80x256 -> 80x80x512
f_out1 = torch.cat([f_out1, x2], 1) # 256->512/8
# 80x80x512 -> 80x80x256
pan_out2 = self.C3_p3(f_out1) # 512->256/8
# The first 7 Step , Down sampling
# 80x80x256 -> 40x40x256
p_out1 = self.bu_conv2(pan_out2) # 256->256/16
# The first 8 Step ,concat + CSPLayer, Output to yolo head
# 40x40x256 + 40x40x256 = 40x40x512
p_out1 = torch.cat([p_out1, fpn_out1], 1) # 256->512/16
# 40x40x512 -> 40x40x512
pan_out1 = self.C3_n3(p_out1) # 512->512/16
# The first 9 Step , Continue downsampling
# 40x40x512 -> 20x20x512
p_out0 = self.bu_conv1(pan_out1) # 512->512/32
# The first 10 Step ,concat + CSPLayer, Output to yolo head
# 20x20x512 + 20x20x512 -> 20x20x1024
p_out0 = torch.cat([p_out0, fpn_out0], 1) # 512->1024/32
# 20x20x1024 -> 20x20x1024
pan_out0 = self.C3_n4(p_out0) # 1024->1024/32
outputs = (pan_out2, pan_out1, pan_out0)
return outputs
Reference resources :Pytorch Build your own YoloX Target detection platform (Bubbliiiing Deep learning course )_ Bili, Bili _bilibili
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