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Flink from introduction to Zhenxiang (10. Sink data output elasticsearch)
2020-11-08 12:06:00 【osc_lqb3vmrs】
The goal is : from txt The data is read from the file , write in es, I used it here es7.9, If the use of es7 In the previous version, there is a .type("_doc") Category needs to be set
without es and kibana( Optional ) The environment can be installed first
install es7
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.9.3-x86_64.rpm
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.9.3-x86_64.rpm.sha512
shasum -a 512 -c elasticsearch-7.9.3-x86_64.rpm.sha512
sudo rpm --install elasticsearch-7.9.3-x86_64.rpm
systemctl restart elasticsearch
install kibana ( Optional , If you don't want to operate the interface, you don't need to install )
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana/kibana-7.9.3-x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm --install kibana-7.9.3-x86_64.rpm
systemctl start kibana
First introduced Elasticsearch Of pom rely on
Create a new one ElasticsearchSinkTest.scala
package com.mafei.sinktest
import java.util
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.RuntimeContext
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{StreamExecutionEnvironment, createTypeInformation}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.elasticsearch.{ElasticsearchSinkFunction, RequestIndexer}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.elasticsearch7.ElasticsearchSink
import org.apache.http.HttpHost
import org.elasticsearch.client.Requests
object ElasticsearchSinkTest {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Create an execution environment
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val inputStream = env.readTextFile("/opt/java2020_study/maven/flink1/src/main/resources/sensor.txt")
// First convert to sample class type
val dataStream = inputStream
.map(data => {
val arr = data.split(",") // according to , Split data , To get the results
SensorReadingTest5(arr(0), arr(1).toLong, arr(2).toDouble) // Generate data for a sensor class , Parameters are passed in the middle toLong and toDouble Because the default split is string category
// Definition es Connection information
val httpHosts = new util.ArrayList[HttpHost]()
httpHosts.add(new HttpHost("", 9200))
// Custom write es Of ElasticsearchSinkFunction
val myEsSinkFunc = new ElasticsearchSinkFunction[SensorReadingTest5] {
override def process(t: SensorReadingTest5, runtimeContext: RuntimeContext, requestIndexer: RequestIndexer): Unit = {
// Define a map As data source
val dataSource = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
dataSource.put("id", t.id)
dataSource.put("temperature", t.temperature.toString)
dataSource.put("ts", t.timestamp.toString)
// establish index request , Appoint index
val indexRequest = Requests.indexRequest()
indexRequest.index("sensors") // Specifies which index to write to
.source(dataSource) // Specifies the data to be written
// .type("_doc") // I used it here es7 This parameter is no longer needed
// Perform new operation
dataStream.addSink(new ElasticsearchSink.Builder[SensorReadingTest5](httpHosts, myEsSinkFunc)
The code structure :
Go to the server to see the data ,sensor It's the data we just put in
View all index data
[root@localhost ~]# curl
green open .kibana-event-log-7.9.3-000001 NvnP2SI9Q_i-z5bNvsgWhA 1 0 1 0 5.5kb 5.5kb
yellow open sensors PGTeT0MZRJ-4hmYkDQnqIw 1 1 6 0 5.4kb 5.4kb
green open .apm-custom-link IdxoOaP9Sh6ssBd0Q9kPsw 1 0 0 0 208b 208b
green open .kibana_task_manager_1 -qAi_8LmTc2eJsWUQwugtw 1 0 6 3195 434.2kb 434.2kb
green open .apm-agent-configuration FG9PE8CARdyKWrdsAg4gbA 1 0 0 0 208b 208b
green open .kibana_1 uVmly8KaQ5uIXZ-IkArnVg 1 0 18 4 10.4mb 10.4m
Look at the data that's crammed in
[root@localhost ~]# curl
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