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How to improve the originality of self-media creation and create popular works?

2022-08-02 13:12:00 Small easy from the media

If self-media people want high content traffic, they need to try their best to increase the popularity of content and learn to follow hot spots.But when hot spots appear, many self-media people will write at the same time, and they will hit the topic and angle.Today, I will introduce to you how to improve the originality of self-media creation and avoid the repetition rate too high:

01 New material

First of all, the high repetition rate is because the material you use has been used too many times by others, so no matter how much you write this content, your article is still easy to be de-duplicated by the platform.It is suggested that you can go to different channels to find materials, such as hotspot.com, instant hot list, instant hot list aggregates the hot search list of hundreds of platforms, you can find the hot text material in various fields, and allis the newest and hottest.

02 New Technique

Secondly, our creative skills are also very important.Especially when it comes to original blasting articles, here is a very practical self-media artifact-Yizuan.Yizhuan is a professional self-media tool with a wealth of creative functions, including originality detection, search and download of popular articles/popular materials, generation of popular titles, golden sentence bars and other massive and practical functions to assist us in creating, quite convenient.

02 New Angles

If you can't find any good material for a while, then you can also use some old material, but you need to write the same content from different angles, after all, everyone sees things from different angles.It is suggested here that you can write a few more different topics, and then ask your colleagues or friends for their opinions to see which topics are the most voted, and refer to them.

03 New Format

Finally, there must be a new form of expression.It is also possible to change the expression of the article, such as the picture of the article, you can make the picture into your own content, put some eye-catching words on it, or express it directly with the content of the picture.Or it can be in the form of a video, that is, editing the text and pictures into a video, which can be tried.


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