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(POJ - 1984) navigation nightare (weighted and search set)
2022-07-02 13:37:00 【AC__ dream】
Topic link :1984 -- Navigation Nightmare
Chinese question meaning :
Yes n A grid of farmland , There is a distance between each farmland , The relationship will be given in turn , After giving the relationship, ask what is the Manhattan distance between the two farms ?( spot (x1,y1) Sum point (x2,y2) The Hamiltonian distance of is |x1-x2|+|y1-y2|)
If it cannot be judged, output -1.
This problem is solved by weighted union search , Whether the Hamiltonian distance of two points can be calculated depends on whether they have the same reference system , That is, whether they are in a set , We can determine the relative position of any two points in the set by the relationship between each point in the set and the representative elements of the set . Because this is a two-dimensional relationship , We can split it into two one-dimensional relationships , The final result is the combination .
For example, a set contains a,b,c……, The set represents the element is c, among a stay c West 3, Underside 5, and b stay c east 1, above 1, Then we can know a and b The Hamiltonian distance of is 4+6=10, And this problem is solved by using this idea , Now I'll mainly talk about how to perform and check the set and
x and y In two different sets , Now I want to order x The representative element of the set is the representative element of the new set , Now know x To the east of its representative elements dx[x], and y To the east of its representative elements dx[y], And y stay x east wx, It is easy to know from the picture dx[f2]=dx[x]+wx-dx[y] Similarly, we can get the north-south direction of the merger , It should also be noted that the title does not indicate that the inquiry time is from small to large , So you need to add a sort , The analysis of the topic is basically finished , Now let's look at the code :
using namespace std;
const int N=40003;
int dx[N],dy[N],fu[N],n,m;
int a[N],b[N],l[N];
char op[N][5];
struct node{
int u,v,t,id,ans;
bool cmp1(node a,node b)
return a.t<b.t;
bool cmp2(node a,node b)
return a.id<b.id;
void init()
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
memset(dx,0,sizeof dx);
memset(dy,0,sizeof dy);
int find(int x)
int t=fu[x];
if(x==fu[x]) return x;
return fu[x];
void merge(int x,int y,int wx,int wy)
int f1=find(x),f2=find(y);
int main()
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
int k;
for(int i=1;i<=k;i++)
int cnt=1;
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
if(op[i][0]=='E') merge(a[i],b[i],l[i],0);
else if(op[i][0]=='W') merge(a[i],b[i],-l[i],0);
else if(op[i][0]=='N') merge(a[i],b[i],0,l[i]);
else merge(a[i],b[i],0,-l[i]);
int f1=find(p[cnt].u),f2=find(p[cnt].v);
if(f1!=f2) p[cnt].ans=-1;
else p[cnt].ans=abs(dx[p[cnt].u]-dx[p[cnt].v])+abs(dy[p[cnt].u]-dy[p[cnt].v]);
for(int i=1;i<=k;i++)
return 0;
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