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SQL server calculates the daily average and annual average of the whole province
2022-07-02 02:05:00 【Operation and maintenance dumplings】
Knowledge points used :
1. By year 、 Day group convert function
2. Automatically supplement interval data by date cycle
3. Automatic supplementary entry if supplementary entry has been made, the supplementary entry will not be repeated again
Separate dynamic supplementary recording and automatic supplementary recording sql sentence :
Manual supplementary entry sql sentence :
use [GWAMDB]
DECLARE @s_time datetime
DECLARE @e_time datetime
declare @ii INT
declare @jj INT
declare @i datetime
declare @j datetime
declare @h datetime
declare @m datetime
declare @a datetime
set @i='2022-01-01' -- The initial time of the year , Throughout the year , Generally, there is no need to change
set @s_time = '2022-01-01' -- Throughout the year 、 The starting time of the month , You can customize
set @e_time = '2022-01-14' -- Throughout the year 、 The end time of supplementary recording in the current month , You can customize
set @ii = DATEDIFF(DAY,@s_time,@e_time)
set @jj = 0
while @jj <= @ii -- The date cycle , If you manually make a supplementary entry, you need to cancel this line of comments
set @a = DATEADD(DAY, @jj, @s_time)
-- Average annual
INSERT INTO[tt1](datetime, type, PM25)
SELECT @a,' Annual cumulative average concentration ', round(AVG(pm25),0) as PM25 FROM [dbo].[ZHZSJS] where datetime BETWEEN @i and @a and LEFT(citycode,2) in ('13')
group BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),datetime,120)
ORDER BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),datetime,120);
set @jj = @jj +1
-- On the day
INSERT INTO[tt1](datetime, type, PM25)
SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),datetime,120), ' The average concentration of the day ', round(AVG(pm25),0) as PM25 FROM [dbo].[ZHZSJS] where datetime BETWEEN @s_time and @e_time and LEFT(citycode,2) in ('13')
group BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),datetime,120)
ORDER BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),datetime,120);
Automatic supplementary recording of yesterday's daily average data :
-- DROP TABLE tt1;
use [GWAMDB]
-- create table tt1
-- (datetime datetime,
-- type varchar(50),
-- PM25 float);
declare @i datetime
declare @j datetime
declare @h datetime
declare @m datetime
set @i='2022-01-01' -- Throughout the year
-- set @m='2022-02-01' -- During the month
-- set @j='2022-02-01' -- Customize all supplementary entry dates
set @j=(select max(datetime) FROM [ZHZSJS])
set @h=(select max(datetime) FROM [tt1])
if @j > @h
-- The daily average concentration does not need to be recorded day by day , It presses datetime Fill in
INSERT INTO[tt1](datetime, type, PM25)
SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),datetime,120), ' The average concentration of the day ', round(AVG(pm25),0) as PM25 FROM [dbo].[ZHZSJS] where datetime = @j and LEFT(citycode,2) in ('13')
group BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),datetime,120)
ORDER BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),datetime,120);
-- Annual cumulative average , Need to set up @j,@i The default is 1 month 1 Japan , Make a supplement day by day
INSERT INTO[tt1](datetime, type, PM25)
SELECT @j as aa,' Annual cumulative average concentration ', round(AVG(pm25),0) as PM25 FROM [dbo].[ZHZSJS] where datetime BETWEEN @i and @j and LEFT(citycode,2) in ('13')
group BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),datetime,120)
ORDER BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),datetime,120);
-- select DISTINCT datetime, type as ' The same day in the whole province / Accumulated in the current month ', PM25 from tt1 ORDER BY datetime ;
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