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Gui Gui programming (XIII) - event handling

2022-07-06 20:18:00 Progress Xiaobai


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Mouse and keyboard events

event Object common properties

Test keyboard and mouse events  

 lambda Expression details

️ test lambda usage

Summary of various event binding methods

Binding of component objects

Binding of component classes

  Summary of various event binding methods

   Looking back


One individual GUI The whole application life cycle is in a message cycle (event loop) in . It waits for the event to happen , And deal with it accordingly .Tkinter Provides a mechanism for handling related events . Handling functions can be bound to various events of various controls .

widget.bind(event, handler)

  If relevant events occur raw , handler The function will be triggered ,   Event object event Will pass to handler function .

Mouse and keyboard events






Press the left mouse button . 2 Right click ,3 Represents the middle key ;


Release the left mouse button


Press and hold the left mouse button to move


Double left click


The mouse pointer enters a component area


The mouse pointer leaves a component area


Scroll wheel ;


Press down a key ,a You can use another key instead of


Release a key .


Press down A key ( uppercase A)


Press at the same time alt and a;alt You can use ctrl and shift replace


Two quick clicks a


CTRL and V The keys are pressed simultaneously ,V It can be changed to other key positions

event Object common properties




Key characters , Valid only for keyboard events


Key code , Valid only for keyboard events


Key name , Only valid for keyboard events, such as pressing the spacebar :

Keyed char: Keyed keycode:32  Keyed keysym:space

For example, press a key :

Keyed char:a Keyed keycode:65 Keyed keysym:a


Mouse button , Valid only for mouse events


The type of event triggered


The component that caused the event


The size of the changed component , only Configure It works


Current mouse position , Relative to the parent container


Current mouse position , Relative to the whole screen

Test keyboard and mouse events  

# coding=utf-8
#  Test keyboard and mouse events 

from tkinter import *

root = Tk();root.geometry("530x300")

c1 = Canvas(root,width=300,height=300,bg="pink")

def mouseTest(event):
    print(" Left click position ( Relative to the parent container ):{0},{1}".format(event.x,event.y))
    print(" Left click position ( Relative to the screen ):{0},{1}".format(event.x_root,event.y_root))
    print(" Event bound components :{0}".format(event.widget))

def testDrag(event):

def keyboardTest(event):
    print(" Keyed keycode:{0}, Keyed char:{1}, Keyed keysym:{2}"

def press_a_test(event):
    print("press a")

def release_a_test(event):
    print("release a")


root.bind("<KeyPress-a>",press_a_test)          # Only for lowercase a, uppercase A No use 


give the result as follows :

Casually write numbers , events , Mouse events and keyboard events . 


 lambda Expression details

lambda The expression defines an anonymous function , Only suitable for simple input parameters , Simple calculation returns results , Not suitable for complex functions .lambda The defined anonymous function also has input 、 There's also output , Just no name . The syntax is as follows :

lambda Parameter value list : expression The parameter value list is the input . The structure of expression evaluation is output .

Write One individual most Jane single Of case example : add3args = lambda x,y,z:x+y+z #print(add3args(10,20,30))

above lambda The expression is equivalent to the following function definition :

​​​​​​​def add3args(x,y,z):

return x+y+z

lambda The parameter value list of the expression can be as follows :

lambda Format


lambda x, y: x*y

The function input is x and y, The output is their product x*y


Function has no input parameters , The output is None


Function has no input parameters , The output is aaa(3,4) The knot of


lambda       *args:


The input is any number of parameters , The output is their sum


**kwargs: 1

The input is any key value pair parameter , The output is  

️ test lambda usage

from tkinter import *

root = Tk();root.geometry("270x50")

def mouseTest1():
    print("command The way , Simple case : It does not involve obtaining event object , have access to ")

def mouseTest2(a,b):

Button(root, text=" test command1",

Button(root, text=" test command2",
       command=lambda: mouseTest2(" Small ", " white ")).pack(side="left")



Select the event in the pop-up box .

Summary of various event binding methods

Binding of component objects

adopt command Attribute binding ( Suitable for simple without obtaining event object )​​​​​​​

Button(root,text=” Sign in ”,command=login)

adopt bind() Method binding ( Suitable for the need to obtain event object )

c1 = Canvas(); c1.bind(“<Button-1>”,drawLine)

Binding of component classes

Call the object's bind_class function , Bind all components of this component class to events :


  Summary of various event binding methods

from tkinter import *

root = Tk();root.geometry("270x30")

def mouseTest1(event):
    print("bind() Methods the binding , Can get event object ")

def mouseTest2(a, b):
    print("a={0},b={1}".format(a, b))
    print("command Methods the binding , You can't get it directly event object ")

def mouseTest3(event):
    print(" Right click on the event , Bound to all buttons !!")

b1 = Button(root, text=" test bind() binding ")
# bind Bind events by 
b1.bind("<Button-1>", mouseTest1)

# command Property is directly bound to the event 
b2 = Button(root, text=" test command2",
       command=lambda: mouseTest2(" The small white ", " come on. "))

#  To all Button Buttons are bound to right-click Events <Button-2>
b1.bind_class("Button", "<Button-2>", mouseTest3)



   Looking back

GUI Graphical user interface programming ( One ): (278 Bar message ) GUI Graphical user interface programming ( One )_am_student The blog of -CSDN Blog

GUI Graphical user interface programming ( Two ):

(278 Bar message ) GUI Graphical user interface programming ( Two ) Classic case _am_student The blog of -CSDN Blog

GUI Graphical user interface programming ( 3、 ... and ):

(278 Bar message ) GUI Graphical user interface programming ( 3、 ... and ) The basic framework and Label Use _am_student The blog of -CSDN Blog

GUI Graphical user interface programming ( Four ):

 (278 Bar message ) GUI Graphical user interface programming ( Four )-Button Components _am_student The blog of -CSDN Blog

GUI Graphical user interface programming ( 5、 ... and ):

(357 Bar message ) GUI Graphical user interface programming ( 5、 ... and )- The login page _am_student The blog of -CSDN Blog


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