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Microcontroller: temperature control DS18B20
2022-08-05 10:17:00 【first good morning...】
//DS18B20Temperature detection and its LCD display
#include<reg51.h> //包含单片机寄存器的头文件
#include<intrins.h> //包含_nop_()函数定义的头文件
unsigned char code digit[10]={
"0123456789"}; //定义字符数组显示数字
unsigned char code Str[]={
"Test by DS18B20"}; //The description shows the temperature
unsigned char code Error[]={
"Error!Check!"}; //说明没有检测到DS18B20
unsigned char code Temp[]={
"Temp:"}; //The description shows the temperature
unsigned char code Cent[]={
"Cent"}; //温度单位
volatile unsigned char sending;
sbit beep=P2^3;
sbit dula=P2^0;
sbit wela=P2^1;
sbit JD=P0^6;
sbit FM=P2^3;
sbit P20 = P2^0;//This is to close the actual application of the digital tube on the development board
sbit P21 = P2^1;//This is to close the actual application of the digital tube on the development board
sbit CS88 = P2^2;//This is to close the actual application of the dot matrix on the development board
void ioin() //IOport relay、Digital tube latch function
P0 = 1;
JD = 0;
/******************************************************************************* The following is the operating procedure for the LCD module *******************************************************************************/
sbit RS=P1^0; //寄存器选择位,将RS位定义为P2.0引脚
sbit RW=P1^1; //读写选择位,将RW位定义为P2.1引脚
sbit E=P2^5; //使能信号位,将E位定义为P2.2引脚
sbit BF=P0^7; //忙碌标志位,,将BF位定义为P0.7引脚
/***************************************************** 函数功能:延时1ms (3j+2)*i=(3×33+2)×10=1010(微秒),可以认为是1毫秒 ***************************************************/
void delay1ms()
unsigned char i,j;
/***************************************************** 函数功能:延时若干毫秒 入口参数:n ***************************************************/
void delaynms(unsigned char n)
unsigned char i;
/***************************************************** 函数功能:判断液晶模块的忙碌状态 返回值:result.result=1,忙碌;result=0,不忙 ***************************************************/
bit BusyTest(void)
bit result;
RS=0; //根据规定,RS为低电平,RW为高电平时,Status can be read
E=1; //E=1,Only read and write are allowed
_nop_(); //空操作
_nop_(); //Four machine cycles of no-op,给硬件反应时间
result=BF; //Assign the busy flag level toresult
E=0; //将E恢复低电平
return result;
/***************************************************** 函数功能:Write the mode setting command or display address into the LCD module 入口参数:dictate ***************************************************/
void WriteInstruction (unsigned char dictate)
while(BusyTest()==1); //如果忙就等待
RS=0; //根据规定,RS和R/WWhen both are low,Commands can be written
E=0; //E置低电平(根据表8-6,写指令时,Efor the high pulse,
// 就是让E从0到1A positive transition occurs,So it should be set first"0"
_nop_(); //No-op for two machine cycles,给硬件反应时间
P0=dictate; //将数据送入P0口,That is, write instructions or addresses
_nop_(); //Four machine cycles of no-op,给硬件反应时间
E=1; //E置高电平
_nop_(); //Four machine cycles of no-op,给硬件反应时间
E=0; //当EWhen transitioning from high to low,液晶模块开始执行命令
/***************************************************** 函数功能:指定字符显示的实际地址 入口参数:x ***************************************************/
void WriteAddress(unsigned char x)
WriteInstruction(x|0x80); //显示位置的确定方法规定为"80H+地址码x"
/***************************************************** 函数功能:将数据(character standardASCII码)Write to the LCD module 入口参数:y(为字符常量) ***************************************************/
void WriteData(unsigned char y)
RS=1; //RS为高电平,RW为低电平时,可以写入数据
E=0; //E置低电平(根据表8-6,写指令时,Efor the high pulse,
// 就是让E从0到1A positive transition occurs,So it should be set first"0"
P0=y; //将数据送入P0口,Write data to the LCD module
_nop_(); //Four machine cycles of no-op,给硬件反应时间
E=1; //E置高电平
_nop_(); //Four machine cycles of no-op,给硬件反应时间
E=0; //当EWhen transitioning from high to low,液晶模块开始执行命令
/***************************************************** 函数功能:对LCD的显示模式进行初始化设置 ***************************************************/
void LcdInitiate(void)
delaynms(15); //延时15ms,Should be given when writing the command for the first timeLCDa longer reaction time
WriteInstruction(0x38); //显示模式设置:16×2显示,5×7点阵,8位数据接口
delaynms(5); //延时5ms ,Give the hardware a little time to react
delaynms(5); //延时5ms ,Give the hardware a little time to react
WriteInstruction(0x38); //连续三次,确保初始化成功
delaynms(5); //延时5ms ,Give the hardware a little time to react
WriteInstruction(0x0c); //显示模式设置:显示开,无光标,光标不闪烁
delaynms(5); //延时5ms ,Give the hardware a little time to react
WriteInstruction(0x06); //显示模式设置:光标右移,The characters do not move
delaynms(5); //延时5ms ,Give the hardware a little time to react
WriteInstruction(0x01); //清屏幕指令,将以前的显示内容清除
delaynms(5); //延时5ms ,Give the hardware a little time to react
/************************************************************************ 以下是DS18B20的操作程序 ************************************************************************/
sbit DQ=P2^4;
unsigned char time; //设置全局变量,Specifically used for strict delays
/***************************************************** 函数功能:将DS18B20传感器初始化,读取应答信号 出口参数:flag ***************************************************/
bit Init_DS18B20(void)
bit flag; //储存DS18B20是否存在的标志,flag=0,表示存在;flag=1,表示不存在
DQ = 1; //Pull the data line high first
for(time=0;time<2;time++) //Slight delay approx6微秒
DQ = 0; //Then pull the data line from high to low,要求保持480~960us
for(time=0;time<200;time++) //Slight delay approx600微秒
; //以向DS18B20Issue a continuation480~960uslow-level reset pulse
DQ = 1; //释放数据线(将数据线拉高)
; //延时约30us(Wait after releasing the bus15~60us让DS18B20There is a pulse on the output)
flag=DQ; //Let the microcontroller detect whether a presence pulse is output(DQ=0表示存在)
for(time=0;time<200;time++) //Delay long enough,Wait for the presence of pulse output to complete
return (flag); //Returns the detection success flag
/***************************************************** 函数功能:从DS18B20读取一个字节数据 出口参数:dat ***************************************************/
unsigned char ReadOneChar(void)
unsigned char i=0;
unsigned char dat; //Stores one byte of data read
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
DQ =1; // Pull the data line high first
_nop_(); //等待一个机器周期
DQ = 0; //单片机从DS18B20when reading,Pulling the data line from high to low starts the read sequence
_nop_(); //等待一个机器周期
DQ = 1; //将数据线"人为"拉高,Detected for single-chip microcomputerDS18B20the output level to prepare
; //延时约6us,make the host in15us内采样
dat|=0x80; //If the read data is1,则将1存入dat
dat|=0x00;//If the read data is0,则将0存入dat
//The level signal detected by the microcontrollerDQ存入r[i]
; //延时3us,There must be a greater than between two read sequences1usrecovery period
return(dat); //Returns the read decimal data
/***************************************************** 函数功能:向DS18B20写入一个字节数据 入口参数:dat ***************************************************/
WriteOneChar(unsigned char dat)
unsigned char i=0;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
DQ =1; // Pull the data line high first
_nop_(); //等待一个机器周期
DQ=0; //The write sequence is initiated when the data line is pulled from high to low
DQ=dat&0x01; //Use AND operation to take out a certain bit of binary data to be written,
//and send it to the data line to waitDS18B20采样
;//延时约30us,DS18B20approx. after being pulled low15~60usDuring sampling from the data line
DQ=1; //释放数据线
;//延时3us,At least between two write sequences is required1usrecovery period
dat>>=1; //将datThe data in each binary bit is shifted to the right1位
; //稍作延时,Give the hardware a little time to react
/****************************************************************************** Below are the display settings related to temperature ******************************************************************************/
/***************************************************** 函数功能:Shows not detectedDS18B20 ***************************************************/
void display_error(void)
unsigned char i;
WriteAddress(0x00); //Write the display address,将在第1行第1列开始显示
i = 0; //Displayed from the first character
while(Error[i] != '\0') //As long as the end marker is not written,就继续写
WriteData(Error[i]); //Write character constantsLCD
i++; //指向下一个字符
delaynms(100); //延时100ms较长时间,to see a description of the display
while(1) //进入死循环,Waiting to find out why
/***************************************************** 函数功能:显示说明信息 ***************************************************/
void display_explain(void)
unsigned char i;
WriteAddress(0x00); //Write the display address,将在第1行第1列开始显示
i = 0; //Displayed from the first character
while(Str[i] != '\0') //As long as the end marker is not written,就继续写
WriteData(Str[i]); //Write character constantsLCD
i++; //指向下一个字符
delaynms(100); //延时100ms较长时间,to see a description of the display
/***************************************************** 函数功能:Displays the temperature symbol ***************************************************/
void display_symbol(void)
unsigned char i;
WriteAddress(0x40); //Write the display address,将在第2行第1列开始显示
i = 0; //Displayed from the first character
while(Temp[i] != '\0') //As long as the end marker is not written,就继续写
WriteData(Temp[i]); //Write character constantsLCD
i++; //指向下一个字符
delaynms(50); //延时1msGive the hardware a little time to react
/***************************************************** 函数功能:Displays the decimal point of the temperature ***************************************************/
void display_dot(void)
WriteAddress(0x49); //Write the display address,将在第2行第10列开始显示
WriteData('.'); //Write the decimal point character constantLCD
delaynms(50); //延时1msGive the hardware a little time to react
/***************************************************** 函数功能:Displays the unit of temperature(Cent) ***************************************************/
void display_cent(void)
unsigned char i;
WriteAddress(0x4c); //Write the display address,将在第2行第13列开始显示
i = 0; //Displayed from the first character
while(Cent[i] != '\0') //As long as the end marker is not written,就继续写
WriteData(Cent[i]); //Write character constantsLCD
i++; //指向下一个字符
delaynms(50); //延时1msGive the hardware a little time to react
/***************************************************** 函数功能:显示温度的整数部分 入口参数:x ***************************************************/
void display_temp1(unsigned char x)
unsigned char j,k,l; //j,k,lStore the hundreds of temperatures separately、十位和个位
j=x/100; //取百位
k=(x%100)/10; //取十位
l=x%10; //取个位
WriteAddress(0x46); //Write the display address,将在第2行第7列开始显示
WriteData(digit[j]); //Writes a character constant for the hundreds digitLCD
while (!TI); //等待发送数据完成
TI = 0;
WriteData(digit[k]); //Write a ten-digit character constantLCD
while (!TI); //等待发送数据完成
TI = 0;
WriteData(digit[l]); //Writes a character constant for the ones digitLCD
while (!TI); //等待发送数据完成
TI = 0;
delaynms(50); //延时1msGive the hardware a little time to react
/***************************************************** 函数功能:Displays the fractional part of the temperature 入口参数:x ***************************************************/
void display_temp2(unsigned char x)
WriteAddress(0x4a); //Write the display address,将在第2行第11列开始显示
WriteData(digit[x]); //Writes the first digit character constant of the fractional partLCD
while (!TI); //等待发送数据完成
TI = 0;
while (!TI); //等待发送数据完成
TI = 0;
SBUF=' ';
while (!TI); //等待发送数据完成
TI = 0;
delaynms(50); //延时1msGive the hardware a little time to react
/***************************************************** 函数功能:Be prepared to read the temperature ***************************************************/
void ReadyReadTemp(void)
Init_DS18B20(); //将DS18B20初始化
WriteOneChar(0xCC); // 跳过读序号列号的操作
WriteOneChar(0x44); // 启动温度转换
; //The temperature conversion takes a little while
Init_DS18B20(); //将DS18B20初始化
WriteOneChar(0xCC); //跳过读序号列号的操作
WriteOneChar(0xBE); //读取温度寄存器,The first two are the low and high temperature, respectively
#define jingzhen 11059200UL /*使用22.1184M晶体*/
#define botelv 9600UL /*波特率定义为9600*/
void init(void) //串口初始化
EA=0; //暂时关闭中断
TMOD&=0x0F; //定时器1模式控制在高4位
TMOD|=0x20; //定时器1工作在模式2,自动重装模式
SCON=0x50; //串口工作在模式1
TH1=256-jingzhen/(botelv*12*16); //计算定时器重装值
PCON|=0x80; //串口波特率加倍
ES=1; //串行中断允许
TR1=1; //启动定时器1
REN=1; //允许接收
EA=1; //允许中断
/***************************************************** 函数功能:主函数 ***************************************************/
void main(void)
float tt;
int temp;
unsigned char TL; //Stores the temperature low bit of the scratchpad
unsigned char TH; //Stores the temperature high level of the scratchpad
unsigned char TN; //Integer part of storage temperature
unsigned char TD; //Fractional part of storage temperature
LcdInitiate(); //Initialize the LCD
delaynms(5); //延时5msGive the hardware a little time to react
display_symbol(); //Displays temperature descriptions
display_dot(); //Displays the decimal point of the temperature
display_cent(); //Displays the unit of temperature
P0=0x00;//This is to close the actual application of the digital tube on the development board
P20=0; //This is to close the actual application of the digital tube on the development board
P21=0; //This is to close the actual application of the digital tube on the development board
CS88=0; //This is to close the actual application of the dot matrix on the development board
while(1) //Constantly detects and displays temperature
ReadyReadTemp(); //Read temperature ready
TL=ReadOneChar(); //先读的是温度值低位
TH=ReadOneChar(); //接着读的是温度值高位
TN=TH*16+TL/16; //实际温度值=(TH*256+TL)/16,即:TH*16+TL/16
temp=TH; //这样得出的是温度的整数部分,小数部分被丢弃了
TD=(TL%16)*10/16; //计算温度的小数部分,将余数乘以10再除以16取整,
display_temp1(TN); //显示温度的整数部分
display_temp2(TD); //显示温度的小数部分
if(temp>=310) //当温度超过31度(For testing purposes only,It can actually be set to other higher values),The buzzer will alarm.
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