Cesium是一个非常优秀的三维地球GIS引擎(开源且免费, 能够加载各种符合标准的地图图层,瓦片图、矢量图等都支持.而AutoCADfor microcomputer applicationsCADdrawing program,It has strong graphics editing capabilities,Great for drawing engineering drawings,The precision of drawing and the richness of drawing methods make it very useful in mechanical、电子、建筑、Aerospace and other fields have a wide range of applications,Some common engineering drawings are basicallyAutoCAD绘制的DWG格式的图纸;In practice, it is often necessary toCADthe drawings are superimposed oncesium上面,Overlay display with the surface terrain.How is that achieved inCesium中实现与CAD的DWGThe graph overlay shows the analysis?
Steps for normal practice in the industry:
(1) 在AutoCAD中把DWG图导出为DXFclear format file
(2) Use third-party tools such asGDAL,把dxf转为shp等GIS数据格式
(3) 利用开源的gis服务,如geoserver或mapserver把shp文件发布成gis服务
(4) 在cesium中加载gisServed tile layer
The advantages of the above scheme are obvious,Basically, the process can be run through the use of open source solutions.But in actual projects, the shortcomings are also obvious,mainly in steps (1)(2), 因为dwg是私有格式,通过dwgtransfer outdxf再转化成shp文件时,A lot of data in the graph will be lost,CAD数据类型较为丰富,支持点、block symbol、线、面、多段线、椭圆、块、文字等多种数据类型,而转换到GIS中,只转换为点、线、面、注记等类型,这使得CADGraph data does not fit wellGIS的要求,如:CAD中的Text数据类型,After direct conversion just convert toGIS中的Point.Draw through this transformation,will lead to and originalCADGraphics are not the same, 同时CADInside wired type、Font can also lead to difference on the drawing.
唯杰地图vjmap完全兼容AutoCAD格式的DWG文件,Can be published directly intogis的WMS格式,Can effectively solve the above problems.实现步骤为:
(1) 上传DWG图形,Use Weijie Maps to publish asWMS图层
(2) 在cesium中加载wms瓦片图层
确定CADthe coordinate system of the graph
在打开的CAD图中,Find the coordinates of a point in the picture,坐标为”614802.89177, 3257472.36997”
So how do you determine which coordinate system this coordinate is?? If you already know can coordinate backward coordinate system?
可以,但是得分情况.Here we only discuss the Gauss-Kruger projection.
Assume it is already known that the projection of the data is Gauss Kruger,How to determine is6°belt or3°带?How to determine the central meridian??
If the coordinate range is6位,We can determine that the coordinate system does not have a number.如果Y值范围在333000m~667000m,可能是3°分带法;如果Y值范围在166 000m~834000m,一定是6°分带法.If the overlapping part of the value range is possible3°Banding may also be6°分带法.
If the coordinate range is8位,We can determine that the coordinate system is named after the band number,And according to the band number, it can be known that it is3°belt or6°带.The scope of longitude is roughly in of our country73°33′E~105°05′E,So if it is named with a number,Take in13~23between the bands,说明是6°分带法;Take in25~45between the bands,说明是3°分带法.
在这个图中,坐标为”614802“为6位,There is a high probability that it can be determined that the belt is omitted.3°Zone coordinates.And according to the coordinate system in the frame in the figure, it is written as2000坐标系,At the same time, the location is near Chongqing.The longitude of Chongqing is almost106开头.我们去epsgOfficial website inquiry,The coordinate system should be"EPSG:4544".
let imageryProvider= new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({ url: "http://t0.tianditu.gov.cn/img_w/wmts?tk=3346bb6ad29b5013c5952cf1117b80e9", layer: "img", style: "default", tileMatrixSetID: "w", format: "tiles", maximumLevel: 14, }); let viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', { imageryProvider: imageryProvider, contextOptions: { webgl: { alpha: true } }, selectionIndicator: false, animation: false, //是否显示动画控件 baseLayerPicker: false, //是否显示图层选择控件 geocoder: false, //是否显示地名查找控件 timeline: false, //是否显示时间线控件 sceneModePicker: false, //是否显示投影方式控件 navigationHelpButton: false, //是否显示帮助信息控件 infoBox: false, //是否显示点击要素之后显示的信息 fullscreenButton: false, shouldAnimate: true //动画播放 }); var layers = viewer.scene.imageryLayers; layers.addImageryProvider( new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider({ // 通过vjmap的wms加载cad图 url: `https://vjmap.com/server/api/v1/map/cmd/wms/ sys_cadcesium/v1?mapbounds=&format=image/png&service=WMS&version=1.1.1&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:4326&transparent=true&width=256&height=256&layers=se92105f73&crs=EPSG:4544&fourParameter=&token=your token`, }) );
The above code seems simple and clear,can be found in practice,在cesium中,cadCan figure image superposition of heaven and earth.But in the process of enlargement,发现wmsGenerated tiles have staggered issues.如下图所示:
在cesium中,是WGS84坐标系,而CAD图是4544坐标系.Convert between two different ellipsoids,在WMSMedium tile generation is tile data generated according to coordinate transformation,And since the coordinate transformation is non-linear,As a result, the content of the generated image cannot be completely aligned.So there is a staggered problem.
First pass the four parameters,把CADwith Mercator3857The conversion parameters of
Re Mercator3857转wgs4326
通过这样的转换,The data transformation is a linear transformation,There will be no staggering issues.
// --Cesium中加载CAD图(WMS图层)-- // map service object let svc = new vjmap.Service(env.serviceUrl, env.accessToken) // 打开地图 let mapId = "sys_cadcesium"; let res = await svc.openMap({ mapid: mapId, // 地图ID mapopenway: vjmap.MapOpenWay.GeomRender, // 以几何数据渲染方式打开 style: vjmap.openMapDarkStyle() // div为深色背景颜色时,这里也传深色背景样式 }) if (res.error) { // 如果打开出错 message.error(res.error) } let layer = res.layer;//layer style name let mapBounds = vjmap.GeoBounds.fromString(res.bounds); let boundsArray = mapBounds.toPointArray(); // Get the Mercator point after coordinate conversion let mktPoints = await svc.cmdTransform("EPSG:4544", "EPSG:3857", boundsArray.map(a => vjmap.geoPoint(a))); // cadabove point coordinates let cadPoints = [...boundsArray]; // Four parameters are obtained by coordinate parameters let fourparam = vjmap.coordTransfromGetFourParamter( mktPoints.map(a => vjmap.geoPoint(a)), cadPoints.map(a => vjmap.geoPoint(a)), true ); if (typeof Cesium !== "object") { // 如果没有环境 await vjmap.addScript([{ src: "js/Cesium/Cesium.js" }, { src: "js/Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css" }]) } let imageryProvider= new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({ url: "https://t0.tianditu.gov.cn/img_w/wmts?tk=3346bb6ad29b5013c5952cf1117b80e9", layer: "img", style: "default", tileMatrixSetID: "w", format: "tiles", maximumLevel: 14, }); let viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('map', { imageryProvider: imageryProvider, contextOptions: { webgl: { alpha: true } }, selectionIndicator: false, animation: false, //是否显示动画控件 baseLayerPicker: false, //是否显示图层选择控件 geocoder: false, //是否显示地名查找控件 timeline: false, //是否显示时间线控件 sceneModePicker: false, //是否显示投影方式控件 navigationHelpButton: false, //是否显示帮助信息控件 infoBox: false, //是否显示点击要素之后显示的信息 fullscreenButton: false, shouldAnimate: true //动画播放 }); var layers = viewer.scene.imageryLayers; // Add a gold lettering layer layers.addImageryProvider( new Cesium.UrlTemplateImageryProvider({ url: "https://webst02.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&lang=zh_cn&size=1&scale=1&style=8", }) ); // 增加cad的wms图层 let wmsUrl = svc.wmsTileUrl({ mapid: mapId, // 地图id layers: layer, // 图层名称 bbox: '', // bbox这里不需要传,cesium会自动加上 srs: "EPSG:4326", // cesium地图是wgs84 crs: "EPSG:3857", // 先把wgs84转3857 fourParameter: [fourparam.dx,fourparam.dy,fourparam.scale,fourparam.rotate] // 转成 3857后,Then use four parameters to convert tocad坐标 }) layers.addImageryProvider( new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider({ url: wmsUrl, }) ); // cadFigure coordinate rotationweb wgs84坐标 const cadToWebCoordinate = point => { // First convert to Mercator with four parameters3857,Re Mercator3857转wgs84 // Here you need to use four parameters to inverse calculation,Because the above four parameters are3857转cad的,Here is the reverse,要cad转3857,So you need to back calculation let ptMkt = vjmap.coordTransfromByInvFourParamter(vjmap.geoPoint(point), fourparam); return vjmap.Projection.mercator2LngLat(ptMkt);// Re Mercator3857转经纬度 } // 转web wgs84坐标转cadfigure coordinates const webTocadCoordinate = point => { // 先wgs84Turn to Mercator3857,Then use four parameters to convert tocad let ptMkt = vjmap.Projection.lngLat2Mercator(vjmap.geoPoint(point)); return vjmap.coordTransfromByFourParamter(ptMkt, fourparam); } // 根据cadthe center point of the graph,计算wgs84的中心点坐标 let cadCenter = mapBounds.center(); let webCenter = cadToWebCoordinate(cadCenter); //设置初始位置 viewer.camera.flyTo({ destination: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(webCenter[0], webCenter[1], 30000) }); // If you need to check on the mapcadThe entity coordinates,,可通过svc.rectQueryFeature来实现,需要传入两个cadrange of point coordinates // 可以通过 webTocadCoordinate 接口把wgs84The coordinates are converted to cad the coordinates to query.
For the need to keep data confidential,我们对CADFigure desensitized,The superimposed effect is as follows
上面的案例代码已开源.访问 (https://vjmap.com/demo/#/demo/map/web/07cesiumCadWmsLayer