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Three modes of vim

2022-08-05 06:08:00 Magic star

Three modes of vim:

The relationship between the three modes of vim

insert image description here

Command mode: the mode entered at the beginning

  • Move the cursor (up, down, left and right)

    1, Jump between lines: the beginning goes directly to the end (end or $), and the end goes directly to the beginning(^ or 0)

    2, Jump between multiple lines: last line (G), first line (gg), 10th line (10G)

  • Copy whole line (yy), copy multiple lines (number yy), copy one word (yw)

  • Paste: p (paste to the next line where the cursor is), (big) P (the previous line where the cursor is)

  • Cut the whole line (dd), cut the number of lines (#dd)

  • Delete

    1. Delete a single letter: x del
    2. Delete the cursor to the beginning:d^
    3. Delete the cursor to the end: d$
    4. Delete a word: dw

  • Undo once (u), undo all (big U)

  • Replacement mode (r): one character can be replaced, no additional characters can only be replaced

  • Big R: the fourth mode, the replacement mode (whatever you type will always replace the characters you type)

  • Exit: zzsave exit

  • Find content (/the character you want), n (down), N (up)

Display line number: set nu

Jump to the current page:
H: Top of page
M: Middle line of page
L: Bottom of page
zt: Move the current line where the cursor is located to the top of the screen
zz: move the current line where the cursor is located to the middle of the screen
zb: move the current line where the cursor is located to the bottom of the screen

Input Mode

  • i: insert, type where the cursor is
  • I: Type at the beginning of the line where the current cursor is located
  • a: append, enter after the cursor position
  • A: Type at the end of the line where the current cursor is located
  • o: Opens a new line below the current cursor line
  • O: open a new line above the current cursor line

Last line mode

set allShow all command options
set nuShow line numbers
set nounClose line numbers
set culShow underline
set noculTurn off underline
set listShow hidden characters
set key=the secret you setEncryption
set key=Nothing to loseRelease Password
set aiAuto-indent
w +pathSave As
r + file pathAdd another file to the current file editor
. ! CommandRead the command result and write it to the current file

Find Replace in Last Line Mode

Range s/old characters/new characters/modifiers


  • Do not write, the default cursor current line
  • #, # a certain line to a certain line (# represents the number 2, 20: 2 to 20 lines)
  • %, representing the full text

Command search (search)

/ , #, @

Old characters
What you are looking for or what you are replacing (you can use *^)

New character
The character you want to replace the old character with (* cannot be used)

i: case insensitive
g: all hits in the entire line are replaced (if not g, only the first hit in the entire line is replaced)

In the configuration file, the behavior comments beginning with # do not take effect

Begin all lines with #(:%s/^/#/g)
insert image description here

The delimiter can be / # @ can be used (% s#/sbin/nologin#/zz/#g)


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