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[microservice openfeign] use openfeign to remotely call the file upload interface
2022-07-04 04:18:00 【Bulst】
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Service providers - File upload interface
@ApiOperation(value = " file save ", response = ResponseEntity.class)
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "fileUploadModel", value = " File upload information ",
required = true, dataType = "String", paramType = "query"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "uploadFiles", value = " File stream ",
required = true, allowMultiple = true, dataType = "__file", paramType = "query")
public ResponseEntity<Object> saveFile(@RequestParam(value = "fileUploadModel", required = false) String fileUploadModel,
@RequestParam(value = "uploadFiles", required = false) List<MultipartFile> uploadFiles) {
FileUploadModel model = JSON.parseObject(fileUploadModel, FileUploadModel.class);
// JSON.toJSONString()
// The attachment
List<OfficeAttach> uploadFileList = new ArrayList<>();
if (uploadFiles != null && uploadFiles.size() > 0) {
uploadFileList = addFileInfoDto(uploadFiles, model);
// this.fileService.saveOfficeAttachList(uploadFileList);
return ResponseEntity.ok(" File upload succeeded ");
@FeignClient(name = "${custom.feign.file.name}", url = "${custom.feign.file.url}", fallback = FileFeignClientFallBack.class, configuration = FileFeignClient.MultipartSupportConfig.class)
public interface FileFeignClient {
@RequestMapping(value = "/upload/saveFile", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Object> fileUpload(@RequestParam(value = "fileUploadModel", required = false) String fileUploadModel,
@RequestPart(value = "uploadFiles", required = false) List<MultipartFile> uploadFiles);
consumer - adopt FeignClient Call file upload interface
/** * @Description: 1、 Call the asset service to insert the application asset information * 2、 Insert the request information to itsm_request_info surface , The status is directly written as IT Waiting list * 3、 Call the file service to upload files * @Param: * @return: * @Author: Brest * @Date: 2022/7/3 */
@ApiOperation(value = " Request Submission ", response = ResultModel.class)
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "requestInfo", value = " Demand application information ",
required = true, dataType = "String", paramType = "query"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "assetModelList", value = " Asset application information ",
required = true, dataType = "String", paramType = "query"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "uploadFiles", value = " Upload file information ",
required = true, allowMultiple = true, dataType = "__file", paramType = "query")
public ResultModel commitRequest(@RequestParam(value = "requestInfo", required = false) String requestInfoModel,
@RequestParam(value = "assetModelList", required = false) String assetRequestModel,
@RequestParam(value = "uploadFiles", required = false) List<MultipartFile> uploadFiles,
HttpServletRequest request) {
RequestInfo requestInfo = JSON.parseObject(requestInfoModel, RequestInfo.class);
List<AssetRequestModel> applyModelList = JSON.parseArray(assetRequestModel, AssetRequestModel.class);
String time = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());
String userId = request.getHeader("userId");
String issueId = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format(new Date());
// Call the asset service to insert the application asset information
FileUploadModel uploadModel = new FileUploadModel();
uploadModel.setAttachType(" Demand application ");
uploadModel.setObjectType("office End ");
for (AssetRequestModel requestModel : applyModelList) {
// Save the request information
requestInfo.setStatus("IT Waiting list ");
// Call the file service to upload files
String fileUploadModel = JSON.toJSONString(uploadModel);
feignClient.fileUpload(fileUploadModel, uploadFiles);
return ResultModel.ok(" Submit successfully ");
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