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Difference between @JsonProperty and JSONField?

2022-08-03 06:12:00 Shiyu

Purpose: It is all to solve the problem that some attribute names in the json string do not match the attribute names in JavaBean.

1.JsonProperty is located in the jackson package and used with the ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(entity class) method to convert the entity class into a string.

Use with the ObjectMapper().readValue(string) method to convert the string into an entity class.

com.fasterxml.jackson.corejackson-databindversion number

Test example:

Entity class: User.java

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;public class User {@JsonProperty("JsonPropertyName")private String name;private String sex;private Integer age;public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public String getSex() {return sex;}public void setSex(String sex) {this.sex = sex;}public Integer getAge() {return age;}public void setAge(Integer age) {this.age = age;}public User(String name, String sex, Integer age) {super();this.name = name;this.sex = sex;this.age = age;}public User() {super();}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "User [name=" + name + ", sex=" + sex + ", age=" + age + "]";}}

Test method:

@Testpublic void testJsonProperty() throws IOException{User user=new User("shiyu","man",22);System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(user));String str="{\"sex\":\"man\",\"age\":22,\"JsonPropertyName\":\"shiyu\"}";System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().readValue(str, User.class).toString());}

Output result:

{"sex":"man","age":22,"JsonPropertyName":"shiyu"}User [name=shiyu, sex=man, age=22]

2.JSONField is located in the fastjson package and used with the JSON.toJSONString (entity class) method to convert the entity class into a json string.Use with the JSON.parseObject(string, entity class. class) method to convert the string into an entity class.

com.alibabafastjsonversion number

Test example:

Entity class: User.java

import com.alibaba.fastjson.annotation.JSONField;public class User {@JSONField(name="JSONFieldName")private String name;private String sex;private Integer age;public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public String getSex() {return sex;}public void setSex(String sex) {this.sex = sex;}public Integer getAge() {return age;}public void setAge(Integer age) {this.age = age;}public User(String name, String sex, Integer age) {super();this.name = name;this.sex = sex;this.age = age;}public User() {super();}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "User [name=" + name + ", sex=" + sex + ", age=" + age + "]";}}

Test method:

 @Testpublic void testSONField(){User user=new User("shiyu","man",22);System.out.println(JSON.toJSONString(user));String str="{\"JSONFieldName\":\"shiyu\",\"age\":22,\"sex\":\"man\"}";System.out.println(JSON.parseObject(str, User.class).toString());}

Output result:

{"JSONFieldName":"shiyu","age":22,"sex":"man"}User [name=shiyu, sex=man, age=22]

