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Unified interface for reading and writing data files in xml/json/ini and ubjson formats
2022-07-02 17:57:00 【jim. li】
Reading and writing XML/JSON/INI and UBJSON Data files in other formats
Put the abstraction into the code , Details are put into metadata .
Developing applications , Will often use various data files ( Such as configuration data and metadata ), Common data file formats are INI、XML、JSON and UBJSON, For a complex application , Many different formats of data files may be used at the same time .
Usually , The functions that operate on these data files are different , For programmers, it is a burden of learning , It's also a burden on memory .AWTK It provides a set of unified interface functions , The same set of interface functions , You can operate data files in different formats .
1. Basic usage
After loading the data file successfully, you get a object Example , It can be used object To add it 、 modify 、 Delete and query . If you are familiar with object Usage of , That's very simple .
1.1 Reading data
The following function can read any basic type of data .
/** * @method tk_object_get_prop * Gets the value of the specified property . * * @annotation ["scriptable"] * @param {tk_object_t*} obj object object . * @param {const char*} name Name of property . * @param {value_t*} v Returns the value of the property . * * @return {ret_t} return RET_OK It means success , Otherwise, it means failure . */
ret_t tk_object_get_prop(tk_object_t* obj, const char* name, value_t* v);
For ease of use , It also provides wrapper functions for common data types . Such as :
/** * @method tk_object_get_prop_str * Get the value of the string type of the specified property . * * @annotation ["scriptable"] * @param {tk_object_t*} obj object object . * @param {const char*} name Name of property . * * @return {const char*} Returns the value of the string type of the specified property . */
const char* tk_object_get_prop_str(tk_object_t* obj, const char* name);
1.2 increase / Modifying data
The following functions can be added / Modify any basic type of data .
/** * @method tk_object_set_prop * Set the value of the specified property . * * @annotation ["scriptable"] * @param {tk_object_t*} obj object object . * @param {const char*} name Name of property . * @param {value_t*} value The value of the property . * * @return {ret_t} return RET_OK It means success , Otherwise, it means failure . */
ret_t tk_object_set_prop(tk_object_t* obj, const char* name, const value_t* value);
For ease of use , It also provides wrapper functions for common data types . Such as :
/** * @method tk_object_set_prop_str * Set the value of the string type of the specified property . * * @annotation ["scriptable"] * @param {tk_object_t*} obj object object . * @param {const char*} name Name of property . * @param {const char*} value The value of the property . * * @return {ret_t} return RET_OK It means success , Otherwise, it means failure . */
ret_t tk_object_set_prop_str(tk_object_t* obj, const char* name, const char* value);
1.3 Delete data
/** * @method tk_object_remove_prop * Delete the specified attribute . * * @annotation ["scriptable"] * @param {tk_object_t*} obj object object . * @param {const char*} name Name of property . * * @return {ret_t} return RET_OK It means success , Otherwise, it means failure . */
ret_t tk_object_remove_prop(tk_object_t* obj, const char* name);
1.4 path The basic format of
- Configuration information is usually hierarchical , In order to access all data ,path It must also be multi-level , Use “.” Separate .
“.” Cannot be part of the name , If appear , Need to replace with other characters .
"network" : {
"eth0" : {
"ip" : "",
"gateway" : "",
"mask" : ""
In this case , To visit ip This configuration of , It can be used "network.eth0.ip":
- Access by index
During the visit , The name of each level , Index can be used instead , The format is :[+ Indexes +], such as [0] Indicates the first item ,[2] Indicates the third item . This is not clear about the name of the case , Or traverse
All configuration , Very helpful .
- use #size Get the number of child nodes
Example :
on = 1
name = awtk
port = 8080
timeout = 1.000000
In the example above ,"#size" The number of obtained groups is 2,"wifi.#size" obtain wifi The number of sub items under is 2.
- use #name Get the name of the item .
Example :
on = 1
name = awtk
port = 8080
timeout = 1.000000
In the example above ,“[0].#name” Get the name of the first group as "wifi",“wifi.[0].#name” obtain wifi The name of the next item is “on”.
- use #index Get the ordinal number of the configuration item in the sibling node .
on = 1
name = awtk
port = 8080
timeout = 1.000000
In the example above ,“wifi.#index” obtain wifi The ordinal of is 0,“server.#index” obtain server The ordinal of is 1.
2. Advanced usage
The above function is easy to use , But when there is a large amount of data , It's better to operate directly node More efficient , If you have this requirement, you can check src/conf_io/conf_node.h Middle function , And the usage in unit testing , No more details here .
3. Open and save
At this time, you need to use functions in specific formats
3.1 JSON Format
- open
/** * @method conf_json_load * From specified URL load JSON object . * @annotation ["constructor"] * * @param {const char*} url route ( Usually the file path ). * @param {bool_t} create_if_not_exist If not, whether to create . * * @return {tk_object_t*} Return the configuration object . */
tk_object_t* conf_json_load(const char* url, bool_t create_if_not_exist);
- preservation
/** * @method conf_json_save_as * take doc Object is saved to the specified URL. * @annotation ["static"] * * @param {tk_object_t*} obj doc object . * @param {const char*} url Saved in . * * @return {ret_t} return RET_OK It means success , Otherwise, it means failure */
ret_t conf_json_save_as(tk_object_t* obj, const char* url);
3.2 XML Format
- open
/** * @method conf_xml_load * From specified URL load XML object . * * @annotation ["constructor"] * * @param {const char*} url route ( Usually the file path ). * @param {bool_t} create_if_not_exist If not, whether to create . * * @return {tk_object_t*} Return the configuration object . */
tk_object_t* conf_xml_load(const char* url, bool_t create_if_not_exist);
- preservation
/** * @method conf_xml_save_as * take doc Object is saved to the specified URL. * @annotation ["static"] * * @param {tk_object_t*} obj doc object . * @param {const char*} url Saved in . * * @return {ret_t} return RET_OK It means success , Otherwise, it means failure */
ret_t conf_xml_save_as(tk_object_t* obj, const char* url);
3.3 INI Format
- open
/** * @method conf_ini_load * From specified URL load INI object . * * @annotation ["constructor"] * * @param {const char*} url route ( Usually the file path ). * @param {bool_t} create_if_not_exist If not, whether to create . * * @return {tk_object_t*} Return the configuration object . */
tk_object_t* conf_ini_load(const char* url, bool_t create_if_not_exist);
- preservation
/** * @method conf_ini_save_as * take doc Object is saved to the specified URL. * @annotation ["static"] * * @param {tk_object_t*} obj doc object . * @param {const char*} url Saved in . * * @return {ret_t} return RET_OK It means success , Otherwise, it means failure */
ret_t conf_ini_save_as(tk_object_t* obj, const char* url);
/** * @method conf_ubjson_load * From specified URL load UBJSON object . * * @annotation ["constructor"] * * @param {const char*} url route ( Usually the file path ). * @param {bool_t} create_if_not_exist If not, whether to create . * * @return {tk_object_t*} Return the configuration object . */
tk_object_t* conf_ubjson_load(const char* url, bool_t create_if_not_exist);
* preservation
/** * @method conf_ubjson_save_as * take doc Object is saved to the specified URL. * @annotation ["static"] * * @param {tk_object_t*} obj doc object . * @param {const char*} url Saved in . * * @return {ret_t} return RET_OK It means success , Otherwise, it means failure */
ret_t conf_ubjson_save_as(tk_object_t* obj, const char* url);
Complete example
#include "conf_io/conf_json.h"
void demo_conf_json(c) {
tk_object_t* doc = conf_json_load("./test.json", TRUE);
tk_object_set_prop_str(doc, "name", "awtk");
tk_object_set_prop_int(doc, "age", 100);
conf_json_save_as(doc, "./test.json");
doc = conf_json_load("./test.json", TRUE);
log_debug("name:%s\n", tk_object_get_prop_str(doc, "name"));
log_debug("age:%d\n", tk_object_get_prop_int(doc, "age", 0));
The corresponding data file is :
"name" : "awtk",
"age" : 100
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