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【 Make YOLO Great Again 】 YOLOv1 v7 full range with large parsing (Neck)
2022-08-01 02:43:00 【WeThinkIn】

Rocky Ding

【Make YOLO Great Again】Columns to focus on more practical,A more profound aspects,YOLOv1-v7这个CVOn matters of algorithm series,In our business and give the side,The extension of competition side and the side to think.欢迎大家一起交流学习,To share the preciousideas与思考~
近年来YOLOEndless series of,更新不断,已经到v7版本.RockyThink version can't simply use discretion to judge the effect of a series of good or bad,YOLOv1-v7Different versions have distinguishing feature each,在不同场景,Different upstream and downstream environment,Under the condition of different resources to support,How to choose easy use which version,Which specific part even use,Need we toYOLOv1-v7有一个全面的认识.
故Rocky将YOLOSeries of each version as below five parts,逐一进行解析,And each part into the business side,竞赛侧,Research lateral extension of thinking,探索更多可能性.
而本文将聚焦于NeckSide to share,Hope to be able to let the hero in jianghu benefit,Also hope you put forward valuable Suggestions and ideas,Make the program more prosperous.

YOLOv1-v7论文&&Big code and pored over
YOLO系列中NeckThe origin of the structure and function
YOLOv1-v3 Neck侧解析
YOLOv4 Neck侧解析
YOLOv5 Neck侧解析
YOLOx Neck侧解析
YOLOv6 Neck侧解析
YOLOv7 Neck侧解析
【一】YOLOv1-v7论文&&Big code and pored over
YOLOv1Paper name and paper address:You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection
YOLOv2Paper name and paper address:YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger
YOLOv3Paper name and paper address:YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement
YOLOv4Paper name and paper address:YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection
YOLOv5Paper name and paper address:无
YOLOxPaper name and paper address:YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021
YOLOv7Paper name and paper address:YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors
YOLOv7开源代码:Official YOLOv7-PyTorch
【二】YOLO系列中NeckThe origin of the structure and function
YOLO从v3Version began to designNeck结构,其中的特征融合Thought originally inFPN(feature pyramid networks)The network is put forward,在YOLOv3The structure of fine-tuning,最终成为YOLOAn integral part of the subsequent series.
FPNTrain of thought that small target,Many original target detection algorithm are only predict the high-level features,高层的特征语义信息比较丰富,But low resolution,Target location is rough.Assuming that in deep web,High-level features of the final figure in a pixel may correspond to the output image的像素区域,那么小于The characteristic of small objects large probability of pixels has been lost.与此同时,低层的特征语义信息比较少,但是目标位置准确,This is helpful to small target detection.FPNHigh-level characteristics to the underlying characteristics of fusion,And at the same time by using low-level feature rich characteristics of high resolution and the high-level semantic information,And the multi-scale features of independent forecasts,For small objects detection effect has obvious improvement.

FPN论文地址:Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
【RockyThe extension of thinking】
业务侧:FPNHave a business module sedimentation value,But I still will divide the scene to use,Mainly in small target scenario can try,But at the same time to take into account the upstream data side and downstream side of the adapter. 竞赛侧:FPNThought is the side of the race a weapon,在分类,分割,Detection task can make,To migrate applications. 研究侧:FPN具备作为baseline的价值,Whether expand research or simply learning ideas,The algorithm is right choice.
【三】YOLOv1-v3 Neck侧解析
YOLOv1和YOLOv2Are not includingNeck结构的,RockyIn this seriesBackboneArticle on the two models in detail,In this article, it is no need to do too much.

YOLOv3Is good to introduceFPN的思想,以Support the back of theHeadSide using multi-scale to differentsize的目标进行检测,越精细的grid cellCan detect the target object in the fine.YOLOv3Set the size of the three different,分别是,和,The ratio between the they as.
YOLOv3The thinking of using convolution,在NeckSide is no exception(YOLOv1-v2Do figure by pooling layer of the sampling, v3Using convolution layer to realize).
【RockyThe extension of thinking】
业务侧:YOLOv3 NeckSide through the test of time and precipitation,Very suitable for as the business side ofbaselinePart of the module to build. 竞赛侧:YOLOv3 NeckThe value of architecture in competition side have migration application. 研究侧:YOLOv3 NeckArchitecture have asbaseline的价值,Whether expand research or simply learning ideas.
【四】YOLOv4 Neck侧解析
YOLOv4的NeckSide mainly containsSPP模块和PAN模块.

SPP模块在YOLOv3_SPP.cfgIn the first show,但是在YOLOv4Became a standard.SPP模块包含3个最大池化层,Its sliding nuclear(sliding kernel)尺寸分别是,并通过Padding操作,Each maximum output characteristics of pooling layer figure remains the same,用于Concat融合操作.
SPPModule to replace the convolutional conventional pooling layer after layer,可以增加感受野,Can get more multi-scale features,Training speed also satisfactory.Yolov4论文中使用的图像在COCOTarget detection task in experiment,SPPModule can以0.5%的额外计算代价将AP50提升2.7%.

SPPModule paper:Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
PAN模块对Different levels of fusion characteristics were crazy,其在FPNModule on the basis of increased from the bottom up the characteristics of the pyramid structure,Retain the more shallow location features,Will the overall feature extraction ability further enhance.
在引入YOLOv4时,Figure the final fusion operation compared to the original paper has changed,从add操作改为concat操作,Increase the figure characteristics of the channel number:

PANModule paper:Path Aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation
【RockyThe extension of thinking】
业务侧:可以作为baselineModel of an alternative,Actual effect still need feedback by experiment. 竞赛侧:YOLOv4 NeckSide can be used as a competition side lift points strategy. 研究侧:YOLOv4 NeckArchitecture have asbaseline的价值,Whether expand research or simply learning ideas.
【五】YOLOv5 Neck侧解析
由于YOLOv5在YOLOv4After the release soon open source,And no papers published,Innovative part has been hot.

YOLOv5的NeckSide also useSPP模块和PAN模块,但是在PANModule after fusion,将YOLOv4Used in the conventionalCBLModule is replaced with reference toCSPnet设计的CSP_v5结构,加强网络特征融合的能力.
【RockyThe extension of thinking】
业务侧:YOLOv5 NeckSide is very stable in the engineering,且其githubLibrary update frequency to let a person admire,Can be used as a businessbaselineModel of choice. 竞赛侧:YOLOv5 NeckSide can be used as a contest entry for detecting and segmenting module.
【六】YOLOx Neck侧解析
YOLOx的NeckSide still useYOLOv3的结构,并且使用了SPP模块.

【七】YOLOv6 Neck侧解析
YOLOv6的NeckSide inspired by hardware perception neural network design,基于RepVGG style设计了可重参数化、更高效的Rep-PAN.

Hardware perception neural network design ideasOn the basis of the characteristics of hardware、推理框架/编译框架的特点,以硬件和编译友好的结构作为设计原则,在网络构建时,综合考虑硬件计算能力、内存带宽、编译优化特性、网络表征能力等,进而获得又快又好的网络结构.
Rep-PAN在PAN模块基础上,引入RepVGG style的RepBlock替换了YOLOv5中使用的CSP-Block,同时对整体Neck中的算子进行了调整,目的是在硬件上达到高效推理的同时,保持较好的多尺度特征融合能力.
RepVGG论文:RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again
【RockyThe extension of thinking】
业务侧:YOLOv6的NeckUSES the design strategy of end side friendly side,I also tested in practice,Found that the effect will be change by task type and the change of scene,Whether to use also need feedback by experiment. 竞赛侧:相信YOLOv6的NeckSide in the race some limited work force resources will shine.
【八】YOLOv7 Neck侧解析
YOLOv7的NeckSide mainly containsSPPSCPModule and optimizationPAN模块.

SPPCSP模块在SPPModule based on the last increase inconcat操作,与SPPModule characteristic figure of fusion before,More abundant characteristic information.
PAN模块引入E-ELAN结构,使用expand、shuffle、merge cardinalityStrategy implementation such as in the case of without destroying the original gradient path,提高网络的学习能力.
论文原文:(E-ELAN uses expand, shuffle, merge cardinality to achieve the ability to continuously enhance the learning ability of the network without destroying the original gradient path.)

【RockyThe extension of thinking】
业务侧:YOLOv7 Neck侧作为YOLOSeries is the latest version of the,It is worth in the business side experiments verify its effect. 研究侧:YOLOv7 NcekIs just published,With strong research side value.
RockyThe algorithm knowledge is high value interview“三年面试五年模拟”Nine swords dugu techniques first six type of collecting and combing into summary article,并制作成pdf版本,You can be in the public, the background 【精华干货】Menu or back key words“三年面试五年模拟” 进行取用.由于“三年面试五年模拟”之独孤九剑秘籍pdf版本是Rocky在工作之余进行整理总结,难免有疏漏与错误之处,欢迎大家对可优化的部分进行指正,RockyIn the subsequent optimization iteration timely correction.
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