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【Harmony OS】【FAQ】Hongmeng Questions Collection 1
2022-08-03 04:32:00 【Huawei Developer Forum】
1. [ArkUI] Display Toast in eTS mode
import prompt from '@system.prompt'@[email protected] Index {build() {Column() {Row() {Button("Hello Button").fontColor(Color.White).fontSize(20).padding(20).onClick(() => {prompt.showToast({message: 'Hello,I am Toast',duration: 2000,bottom: 200})})}}.backgroundColor(Color.Black).width('100%').height('100%')}}
Show effect:
2. [DevEco Device Tool] cannot find the corresponding download link for the tool
The HarmonyOS official website cannot find the corresponding download link for the DevEco Device Tool
1. The current tool is temporarily offline and optimized. It is expected that the 3.0Beta2 version will be launched on December 30 (Thursday)
2. You can log in to this link through your account, and the DP platform-integrated development tab can be downloaded
3. [Java UI] How to debug the Hongmeng app to run to the real machine
To run the debugging application on the real machine, you need to obtain the udid first, and then add the device information in the AGC console.
The command line to get the UDID is as follows:
adb shell bm get -u
You can refer to the official website application debugging guide: Document Center
Guidelines for compiling and generating hap packages: Documentation Center
4. When developing [ArkUI]ets, how to set the minimum width or maximum width of components?
You can refer to the following API methods to set the maximum and minimum widths:
/*** constraint Size:* minWidth: minimum Width, maxWidth: maximum Width, minHeight: minimum Height, maxHeight: maximum Height,* @since 7*/constraintSize(value: {minWidth?: number | string | Resource;maxWidth?: number | string | Resource;minHeight?: number | string | Resource;maxHeight?: number | string | Resource;}): T;
The following is the ets code:
@[email protected] Second {build() {Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {Text('Hello World').fontSize(50).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold).constraintSize({minWidth: 100,maxWidth: 200,minHeight: 100,maxHeight: 200})}.width('100%').height('100%')}}
5. [Java UI] The name of the app generated during real machine debugging is always entry_Mainability. How to customize the name?
Please modify the name and value in the resource→base→element→string.json file in the corresponding resource directory. Each language needs to be modified:
{"string": [{"name": "entry_MainAbility","value": "entry_MainAbility"}]}
For more technical articles, please visit: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/forum/topic/0203810194016170224?fid=0101587866109860105?ha_source=zzh |
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