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C # joint Halcon application - Dahua camera acquisition class
2022-07-01 19:58:00 【123 mengye】
Dahua camera acquisition class
class Camera // Dahua cameras
private IDevice m_dev; /* Device objects */
List<IGrabbedRawData> m_frameList = new List<IGrabbedRawData>(); /* Image cache list */
Thread renderThread = null; /* Show threads */
bool m_bShowLoop = true; /* Thread control variables */
Mutex m_mutex = new Mutex(); /* lock , Ensure multithreading safety */
// public event Action<HObject> NewImage; // The image shows the event
public Camera()
if (null == renderThread)
renderThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ShowThread));
renderThread.IsBackground = true;
m_stopWatch.Start();// The timing starts
/* Transcoding display thread */
private void ShowThread()
while (m_bShowLoop)// The thread control variable is True
if (m_frameList.Count == 0) // Image cache list
/* The image queue takes the latest frame */
m_mutex.WaitOne();// Block current thread , Until the current signal is received
IGrabbedRawData frame = m_frameList.ElementAt(0);// Returns the element at the specified index in the queue
/* Actively call garbage collection */
/* The maximum frame rate of control display is 25FPS */
if (false == isTimeToDisplay())
/* Image transcoding bitmap Images */
var bitmap = frame.ToBitmap(false);
// Use the collected image here
//if (NewImage != null)
// NewImage(image);
const int DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 40;// Default interval
Stopwatch m_stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); /* Time counter */
/* Judge whether the display operation should be done */
private bool isTimeToDisplay()
long m_lDisplayInterval = m_stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;// Get the total time measured by the instance
if (m_lDisplayInterval <= DEFAULT_INTERVAL)
return false;
return true;
/* Camera open callback */
private void OnCameraOpen(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Record here that the camera has been turned on
/* Camera off callback */
private void OnCameraClose(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Record here that the camera is off
/* Camera lost callback */
private void OnConnectLoss(object sender, EventArgs e)
m_dev = null;
/* Bitstream data callback */
private void OnImageGrabbed(Object sender, GrabbedEventArgs e)
m_mutex.WaitOne();// m_mutex lock , Ensure multithreading safety
m_frameList.Add(e.GrabResult.Clone());/* Image cache list */
/// <summary>
/// Turn on camera
/// </summary>
/// <returns> If the return string is empty, it means that the opening is successful , If it is not empty, it means that the opening fails , The string content is exception information </returns>
/// <param name="triggerSource"> Trigger source selection Soft trigger or external trigger </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string Open(string triggerSource)
string sRet = string.Empty;
/* Device search */
List<IDeviceInfo> li = Enumerator.EnumerateDevices();
if (li.Count > 0)
/* Get the first device searched */
m_dev = Enumerator.GetDeviceByIndex(0);
/* Register link events */
m_dev.CameraOpened += OnCameraOpen;
m_dev.ConnectionLost += OnConnectLoss;
m_dev.CameraClosed += OnCameraClose;
/* Turn on the device */
if (!m_dev.Open())
sRet = " Failed to open camera ";
/* Set up TriggerSource Soft trigger or external trigger */
/* Format image */
using (IEnumParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImagePixelFormat])
/* Set the number of caches to 8( The default value is 16) */
/* Register the bitstream callback event */
m_dev.StreamGrabber.ImageGrabbed += OnImageGrabbed;
/* Start bitstream */
if (!m_dev.GrabUsingGrabLoopThread())
sRet = " Failed to start bitstream ";
sRet = " Camera device not found ";
catch (Exception e)
sRet = e.Message;
return sRet;
/// <summary>
/// Turn off camera
/// </summary>
/// <returns> If the return string is empty, it means that the shutdown is successful , If it is not empty, it means closing failed , The string content is exception information </returns>
public string Close()
string sRet = String.Empty;
1 try
if (m_dev == null)
sRet = "Device is invalid";
m_dev.StreamGrabber.ImageGrabbed -= OnImageGrabbed; /* Unregister callback */
m_dev.ShutdownGrab(); /* Stop the bitstream */
m_dev.Close(); /* Turn off camera */
catch (Exception e)
sRet = e.Message;
return sRet;
/* The window closed */
public void OnClosed(EventArgs e)
if (m_dev != null)
m_dev = null;
m_bShowLoop = false;
/// <summary>
/// Set the trigger mode Set under soft trigger On Post free pull flow ( Continuous trigger )Off( Single trigger )
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
public string SetTriggerMode(string value = "On")
if (m_dev == null)
return "Device is invalid";
if (!m_dev.IsOpen)
return " The camera is not turned on ";
using (IEnumParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.TriggerMode])
return "";
/// <summary>
/// Set the exposure
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
public string SetExposureTime(float value)
if (m_dev == null)
return "Device is invalid";
if (!m_dev.IsOpen)
return " The camera is not turned on ";
double min = GetMinExposureTime();
double max = GetMaxExposureTime();
if (value < min || value > max)
return string.Format(" Parameter value is out of range ,min:{0},max:{1}", min, max);
using (IFloatParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ExposureTime])
return "";
/// <summary>
/// Set the gain
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
public string SetGainRaw(float value)
if (m_dev == null)
return "Device is invalid";
if (!m_dev.IsOpen)
return " The camera is not turned on ";
double min = GetMinGainRaw();
double max = GetMaxGainRaw();
if (value < min || value > max)
return string.Format(" Parameter value is out of range ,min:{0},max:{1}", min, max);
using (IFloatParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.GainRaw])
return "";
/// <summary>
/// Set the width of the image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string SetImageWidth(int value)
if (m_dev == null)
return "Device is invalid";
if (!m_dev.IsOpen)
return " The camera is not turned on ";
double min = GetMinImageWidth();
double max = GetMaxImageWidth();
if (value < min || value > max)
return string.Format(" Parameter value is out of range ,min:{0},max:{1}", min, max);
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageWidth])
return "";
/// <summary>
/// Set the width of the image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string SetImageHeight(int value)
if (m_dev == null)
return "Device is invalid";
if (!m_dev.IsOpen)
return " The camera is not turned on ";
double min = GetMinImageHeight();
double max = GetMaxImageHeight();
if (value < min || value > max)
return string.Format(" Parameter value is out of range ,min:{0},max:{1}", min, max);
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageHeight])
return "";
/// <summary>
/// Set image offset X
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string SetImageOffsetX(int value)
if (m_dev == null)
return "Device is invalid";
if (!m_dev.IsOpen)
return " The camera is not turned on ";
double min = GetMinImageOffsetX();
double max = GetMaxImageOffsetX();
if (value < min || value > max)
return string.Format(" Parameter value is out of range ,min:{0},max:{1}", min, max);
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageOffsetX])
return "";
/// <summary>
/// Set image offset Y
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string SetImageOffsetY(int value)
if (m_dev == null)
return "Device is invalid";
if (!m_dev.IsOpen)
return " The camera is not turned on ";
double min = GetMinImageOffsetY();
double max = GetMaxImageOffsetY();
if (value < min || value > max)
return string.Format(" Parameter value is out of range ,min:{0},max:{1}", min, max);
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageOffsetY])
return "";
#region Get the value range of camera parameters
public double GetMinExposureTime()
using (IFloatParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ExposureTime])
return p.GetMinimum();
public double GetMaxExposureTime()
using (IFloatParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ExposureTime])
return p.GetMaximum();
public double GetMinGainRaw()
using (IFloatParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.GainRaw])
return p.GetMinimum();
public double GetMaxGainRaw()
using (IFloatParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.GainRaw])
return p.GetMaximum();
public long GetMinImageWidth()
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageWidth])
return p.GetMinimum();
public long GetMaxImageWidth()
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageWidth])
return p.GetMaximum();
public long GetMinImageHeight()
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageHeight])
return p.GetMinimum();
public long GetMaxImageHeight()
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageHeight])
return p.GetMaximum();
public long GetMinImageOffsetX()
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageOffsetX])
return p.GetMinimum();
public long GetMaxImageOffsetX()
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageOffsetX])
return p.GetMaximum();
public long GetMinImageOffsetY()
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageOffsetY])
return p.GetMinimum();
public long GetMaxImageOffsetY()
using (IIntegraParameter p = m_dev.ParameterCollection[ParametrizeNameSet.ImageOffsetY])
return p.GetMaximum();
/// <summary>
/// bitmap Image to HObject
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bmp"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
//private HObject Bitmap2HObjectBpp24(Bitmap bmp)
// HObject Hobj;
// HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out Hobj);
// try
// {
// Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
// BitmapData srcBmpData = bmp.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
// HOperatorSet.GenImageInterleaved(out Hobj, srcBmpData.Scan0, "bgr", bmp.Width, bmp.Height, 0, "byte", 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0);
// bmp.UnlockBits(srcBmpData);
// }
// catch (Exception e)
// {
// }
// return Hobj;
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