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Spend 2 hours a day to make up for Tencent T8, play 688 pages of SSM framework and Redis, and successfully land on Meituan
2022-08-02 09:07:00 【Java technology stuff】
I believe everyone is like me,Every day is not in overtime or on the way to overtime,hard work,But not much was obtained.
This is probably the status quo for most programmers!!
最关键的是,All day longCRUD、实现需求,Really want to fight a product manager! There is no time to learn to improve yourself!
直到后来,An expert recommended that I learn to play purely by hand688页SSM框架和Redis实现文档,And keep me in control every day2个小时!
I follow the documentation and methods that the experts have taught me,Finally successfully landed on Meituan,Today I will share it for everyone to learn from!!
首先,Struts2 框架和Spring结合,Over the years can not change the old problem of bloated,More serious is the vulnerability problem that has appeared many times in recent years,It has greatly reduced its reputation and usage.这个时候Spring MVCFrameworks are a new generationMVC框架的主流.It is native toSpring 框架,可以无缝对接Spring的核心技术.与Struts不同,Its process is modular,Not so many bloated classes,Therefore, most of the frameworks of Internet applications use Spring MVC.
其次,目前企业的Java应用中,Spring 框架是必须的,Spring 的核心是loC (控制反转),It's a big container,It is convenient to assemble and manage internal and external resources of various systems,同时支持AOP (面向切面编程),This is a complement to object orientation,Currently widely used for log and database transaction control,减少了大量的重复代码,使得程序更为清晰.因为Spring Modules can be decoupled,Controls collaboration between objects,所以Spring框架是目前JavaThe most popular framework,几乎没有之一.
最后,对于Hibermate 而言,The author is most emotional,In need of stored procedures or complexSQL时,Its mapping relationship is almost completely useless,All problems need to be dealt with by typing the code yourself.as a fully mapped framework,Its fatal flaw is that there is no way to fully control the databaseSQL,而优化SQL是高并发、A necessary requirement for a highly responsive system,This is a common feature of Internet systems,所以Hibernateexcluded from the Internet system.And another persistence layer frameworkMyBatis,It needs to be writtenSQL、提供映射规则,But it adds dynamicsSQL、自动映射、Features such as interface programming make it simple and easy to use,同时支持SQL优化、动态绑定,And meet the requirements of high concurrency and high response,So it became the most popularJava 互联网持久框架.
NoSQL的成功在于,首先它是基于内存的,也就是数据放在内存中,而不是像数据库那样把数据放在磁盘上,而内存的读取速度是磁盘读取速度的几十倍到上百倍,所以NoSQL工具的速度远比数据库读取速度要快得多,满足了高响应的要求.即使NoSQL将数据放在磁盘中,It is also a semi-structured data format,The complexity of reading to parsing is much simpler than the database,This is because database storage is structured、多范式等有复杂规则的数据,还原为内存结构的速度较慢.NoSQL在很大程度上满足了高并发、快速读/Write and respond to requests,所以它也是Java互联网系统的利器.So twoNoSQL的工具Redis和MongoDB流行起来,尤其是Redis已经成为了主要的NoSQL工具,This book will detail its common methods.
基于以上原因,Spring+Spring MVC +MyBatis已经成了Java The mainstream framework of the Internet age,而RedisCaching has become mainstreamNoSQL技术,I would like to share my knowledge with you,Fight for the presentSSM和RedisColleagues on the front donated a copy A valuable reference book,Give some help and guidance to some newbies who are preparing to enter the industry.
General catalog arrangement
The full text has five characteristics.
- 实用性:The content of the book comes from the author's many years of Internet practice and development work,Theory combined with practical application.
- 理论性:Highlight the basic idea,Combined with the design pattern, the realization principle and application concept of the framework are expounded,让读者知其然也知其所以然.
- 与时俱进:Introduce the latest frame technology,Keep up with current internet businesses,For example, full annotation constructionSSM框架和Redis的应用,Enables readers to apply the latest technology to practical work.
- Highlight hot spots and key points:着重介绍MyBatis实践应用,SpringDatabase and transaction applications,使用Spring介绍Redis实践应用、Hot spots and key points of popular Internet technologies such as high concurrency and locks.
- Performance requirements are outstanding:This is a requirement of mobile internet,Because the Internet faces big data and high concurrency,Reflect the real needs of Internet companies.
Arrangement of the content of this article
This article is based on the actual application requirements of first-line enterprises,介绍了Java互联网最流行的框架技术,内容全面,以实际应用为导向,取舍明确,尤其对于技术的重点、难点解释得深入浅出,Case abundance,!
Specifically, this paper is divided into six parts.
第1部分,首先讲解基础,让读者对SSMThe main role of each technology in the framework is understood.然后介绍SSM框架的主要设计模式,它们有助于从底层深入理解框架.
第3部分,讲解Spring IoC和Spring AOP.掌握Spring如何通过IoC管理资源,然后通过设计模式讨论AOP的实现原理及其使用方法、实践.讨论Spring对数据库的支持,如何整合MyBatis,并且着重讨论了Spring 数据库事务的相关内容,包括数据库隔离级别和传播行为的应用.
第9章Spring loC的概念
第10章装配Spring Bean
第4部分,讲解Spring MVC主要的流程、HandlerMapping 的应用、控制器Controller、处理适配器( HandlerAdapter)、视图和视图解析器,然后讨论传递参数、注解、数据校验、消息转换和国际化等应用.
第14章Spring MVC的初始化和流程
第15章深入Spring MVC组件开发
第16章Spring MVC高级应用
第6部分,SSM框架+Redis的实战,通过全注解的方式搭建SSM框架,讲解Redis应用,And shows the core problem of the Internet is a high 并发和锁的问题.介绍了通过悲观锁、乐观锁和Redis Lua语言方案来解决高并发和锁的问题.
这份SSM框架和Redis有688The page has been organized and packaged!!
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