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Lecture 3: Several common table field data types in MySQL database
2022-08-01 21:48:00 【Jiangxl ~】
MySQLSeveral common table field data types in databases
1.The numeric type of the table field data type
There is a notion of conforming ranges in numeric types,are signed respectively(SIGNED)Range and unsigned(UNSIGNED)范围,Simple understanding of signed range refers to the inclusion of negative numbers,Unsigned range refers to only positive numbers,A data type that does not contain negative numbers.
1.1.Several common numeric types
TINYINTThe meaning of the type is a small integer value,数据大小为1字节.
(-128 ~ 127)
,无符号范围:(0 ~ 255)
SMALLINTThe meaning of the type is a large integer value,数据大小为2字节.
(-32768 ~ 32767)
,无符号范围:(0 ~ 65535)
MEDIUMINTThe meaning of the type is also a large integer value,比SMALLINTA wider range of types,数据大小为3字节.
(-8388608 ~ 8388607)
,无符号范围:(0 ~ 16777215)
- INT和INTEGERType functions the same,are also large integer values,INT和INTEGER类型比MEDIUMINTThe range of types is even wider,数据大小为4字节.
- 有符号范围:
(-2147483648 ~ 2147483647)
,无符号范围:(0 ~ 4294967295)
- BINGINTThe type is also a large integer value,A wider range than the several types mentioned earlier,Also known as a very large integer value,数据大小为8个字节.
- 有符号范围:
(-2^63 ~ 2^63-1)
,无符号范围:``(0 ~ 2^64-1)`.
FLOATThe meaning of the type is a single-precision floating-point value,数据大小为4字节.
(-3.402823466 E+38 ~ 3.402823466351 E+38)
,无符号范围:0 和 (1.175494351 E-38 ~ 3.402823466 E+38)
DOUBLEThe meaning of the type is a double-precision floating-point value,数据大小为8字节.
(-1.7976931348623157 E+308 ~ 1.7976931348623157 E+308)
,无符号范围:0 和 (2.2250738585072014 E-308 ~ 1.7976931348623157 E+308)
- DECIMALType is the most commonly used data type in decimals,The meaning is the decimal value,The number of points can be precisely determined.
- DECIMALBoth the signed range and the unsigned range of the type depend onM(精度)和D(标度)指定的值,The so-called precision is the sum of all points in the decimal,Scale is the number of decimal places after the decimal point.
- 例如34.156这个小数,to the left of the decimal point2位,精度就是2,to the right of the decimal point3位,scale is3.
1.2.A few points for choosing a numeric type
in all numeric types,The integer value is not the bigger the better,According to your data storage needs,Select the data type to be set as needed.
The larger the range of integer values,Then it takes up more space,Proper setting of data types is critical.
Floating point decimals are generally usedDESCIMAL数据类型.
1.3.Typical example of applying numeric types
among so many numeric types,How to choose the data type that is really suitable for the current application scenario?在前面也说了,不是越大越好,The more reasonable the better,The following example will help you understand.
1)Data type selection for person age field
According to the literal meaning of this field,We generally know that this field stores the age of the person,Then the numerical range of age must not be particularly large,Several large integer values like the ones seen earlier can be completely omitted,但是很多情况下,Development only knowsINT类型,INTTypes have a very wide range of values,The range is really good,But it doesn't have to be that big for the age requirement,范围大了,采用INT类型占用4个字节,占用的空间也很大.
So you have to understand one thing,合适自己的才是最好的,Numeric types like the first introductionTINYINT,There will be no negative numbers in age,因此可以采用TINYINTAn unsigned range of types,This data type is a small integer value though,But the scope is0 ~255之间,So old enough to use it.
2)Data type selection for score fields
Decimal types can be usedDOUBLE和DECIMAL两者都可,没有太大的区别,To consider that the score will not exceed one thousand points,Therefore, the left side of the decimal point can only have the largest3个,Fractions contain decimals,但是都是.5之类的,So there will only be to the right of the decimal point1个,根据分析得知,精度为4,标度为1.
fenshu DOUBLE(4,1)
fenshu DECIMAL(4,1)
2.The string type of the table field data type
2.1.Several common string types
The most used of the string data types isCHAR和VARCHAR两种,TEXT和LONGTESXTIt is also a commonly used string data type.
其中带有TEXTThe data type is the data type for text,带有BLOBThe data type is the data type for binary text,Binary string storage is rarely used,There will be a dedicated file server for storage,The database storage binary string performance is not high.
类型 | 大小 | 描述 |
CHAR | 0~ 255 bytes | 定长字符串 |
VARCHAR | 0 ~ 65535 bytes | 变长字符串 |
TINYBLOB | 0 ~ 255 bytes | 不超过255个字符的二进制数据 |
TINYTEXT | 0 ~ 255 bytes | 短文本字符串 |
BLOB | 0 ~ 65535 bytes | 二进制形式的长文本数据 |
TEXT | 0 ~ 65535 bytes | 长文本数据 |
MEDIUMBLOB | 0 ~ 16777215 bytes | 二进制形式的中等长度文本数据 |
MEDIUMTEXT | 0 ~ 16777215 bytes | 中等长度文本数据 |
LONGBLOB | 0 ~ 4 294967295 bytes | 二进制形式的极大文本数据 |
LONGTEXT | 0 ~ 4 294 967295 bytes | 极大文本数据 |
无论使用CHAR还是VARCHARBoth require specifying the length of the string,例如
char(10) varchar(10)
.CHAR是定长字符串,When we specify the length of the stored string as 10,If the number of text strings written is not enough10个,will be padded with spaces,性能比VARCHAR好.
VARCHAR是变长字符串,When we specify the length of the stored string as 10,Several text strings are written,Will not be supplemented with spaces,Due to the need to calculate the number of strings written to compare with the total length,因此VARCHARThe performance is slightly lower than that of CHAR.
When explicitly specifying the number of strings written to this field,and will definitely write the specified number of strings,选择CHAR作为数据类型.
When not fixing how many strings the user will write,But limited by the number of characters,此时就使用VARCHAR作为数据类型.
For example, the username cannot be fixed,采用VARCHAR作为数据类型,And performance is fixed,只有一个字符串,则使用CHAR数据类型.
name varchar(10)
xingbie char(1)
3.The datetime type of the table field data type
2.1.Several common datetime types
Common date-time data types are:DATE、TIME、YEAR、DATETIME、TIMESTAMP等,其中最为常用的是DATE、TIME和DATATIME这三种.
- DATE类型的大小是3字节,时间范围是1000-01-01 至 9999-12-31,足够使用.
- The display format in the table is YYYY-MM-DD,Equivalent to a date value,只显示年月日.
- TIME类型的大小是3字节,时间范围是-838:59:59 至 838:59:59.
- The display format in the table is HH:MM:SS,Equivalent to a time value or duration,Only hours, minutes and seconds are displayed.
- YEAR类型的大小是1字节,时间范围是1901至2155.
- The display format in the table is YYYY,Equivalent to the year value,只显示年.
- DATETIME类型的大小是8字节,时间范围是1000-01-01 00:00:00 至 9999-12-31 23:59:59.
- The display format in the table is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,Equivalent to mixed date and time values,A combination of date and time values,Both the year, month, day and hour, minute, and second are displayed.
- TIMESTAMP类型的大小是4字节,时间范围是1970-01-01 00:00:01 至 2038-01-19 03:14:07,只能使用到2038年.
- The display format in the table is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,和DATETIME类型相似,It also displays both the year, month, day, and hour, minute, and second,不过TIMESTAMPType shows timestamp.
2.2.Datetime type usage tips
When the field is onboarding time、毕业时间、birth time, etc,Fields like this that can only be fixed to the year, month, and day,使用DATE数据类型.
像创建时间、更新时间、Add time, etc. to trackable fields,使用DATETIME类型.
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