当前位置:网站首页>C# SolidWorks二次开发---工程图简单版标注孔信息
C# SolidWorks二次开发---工程图简单版标注孔信息
2022-08-04 14:45:00 【Paine Zeng】
一般来说,工程图上的孔信息主要就是定位与大小,外加上公差 基准这些,但这有点复杂,我们从简,标X 方向 Y 方向 ,再标上孔大小,相同尺寸的合并一下前缀。
与上篇类似就是找基准,找孔, 读信息,再标注。
感觉写了很多,但字却很少。 可能是觉得大家都已经学会了。
private void btnAddDimForHoles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var swApp = PStandAlone.GetSolidWorks();
var swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
AddSizeDimensionForDrawing addSizeDimensionForDrawing = new AddSizeDimensionForDrawing(swApp, swModel);
/// <summary>
/// 给工程图标注长宽
/// </summary>
internal class AddSizeDimensionForDrawing
public SldWorks swApp {
get; set; }
public ModelDoc2 swModel {
get; set; }
public SelectData swSelData {
get; set; }
public string strError {
get; set; }
//public string Options = "Two";
/// <summary>
/// 尺寸标注上方
/// </summary>
public bool DimOnTop = true;
/// <summary>
/// 尺寸标注左侧
/// </summary>
public bool DimOnLeft = true;
/// <summary>
/// 尺寸位置偏移量
/// </summary>
public double HorOffset = 0.005;
/// <summary>
/// 尺寸位置偏移量
/// </summary>
public double VerOffset = 0.005;
#region Holes相关
/// <summary>
/// 孔边集合
/// </summary>
List<Edge> swHoleList = new List<Edge>();
/// <summary>
/// 边集合
/// </summary>
List<Edge> swEdgesList = new List<Edge>();
/// <summary>
/// 点集合
/// </summary>
List<Vertex> swPointList = new List<Vertex>();
public AddSizeDimensionForDrawing(SldWorks App, ModelDoc2 model)
swApp = App;
swModel = model;
double AllowAutoArrange = 0;
/// <summary>
/// 自动增加孔尺寸
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s"></param>
public void AutoAddHoleDimesnions(string s) {
var swDraw = swModel as DrawingDoc;
if (swDraw != null)
HorOffset = 0;
VerOffset = 0;
var swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
var swSelMgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;
swModel.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swViewDisplayHideAllTypes, true);
Sheet swSheet = (Sheet)swDraw.GetCurrentSheet();
var swViews = (object[])swSheet.GetViews();
for (int i = 0; i < swViews.Length; i++)
View swView = (View)swViews[i];
if (swView.GetOrientationName() != "*Isometric" && swView.GetOrientationName() != "*Trimetric" && swView.GetOrientationName() != "*Dimetric")
var vBounds = (double[])swView.GetOutline();
var swViewType = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(swView.GetReferencedModelName());
var vComps = (object[])swView.GetVisibleComponents();
if ( swView.GetVisibleComponentCount() > 0 )
var vEdges = (object[])swView.GetVisibleEntities((Component2)vComps[0], (int)swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Edge);
swSelData = (SelectData)swModel.ISelectionManager.CreateSelectData();
swSelData.View = swView;
MathTransform swViewXform = ViewMathTransform(swDraw, swView);
for (int itr = 0; itr < vEdges.Length; itr++)
var swCurve = (Curve)((Edge)vEdges[itr]).GetCurve();
if (swCurve.IsCircle()) {
var swCircleParam = swCurve.GetEndParams(out double StartP, out double EndP, out bool IsClosedP, out bool IsPeriodicP);
if (IsClosedP)
else {
var startVertex = ((Edge)vEdges[itr]).GetStartVertex();
Entity swEntXmax = null, swEntXmin = null, swEntYmax = null, swEntYmin =null;
var refModel = swView.ReferencedDocument;
if (swViewType.ToString().ToLower()==".sldprt")
if (swPointList.Count>0)
swEntXmax = FindExtremun(0, "max", swPointList, refModel.GetType(), swViewXform);
swEntXmin = FindExtremun(0, "min", swPointList, refModel.GetType(), swViewXform);
swEntYmax = FindExtremun(1, "max", swPointList, refModel.GetType(), swViewXform);
swEntYmin = FindExtremun(1, "min", swPointList, refModel.GetType(), swViewXform);
if (swHoleList.Count>0)
AllowAutoArrange = 0;
HorOffset = HorOffset + 0.01;
VerOffset = VerOffset + 0.001;
var swHcollSortX = SortHoles(0, swHoleList, swViewType, "CleanYes", swViewXform);// ' 0 = X ,1 = Y
PlaceHoleDimension((Vertex)swEntXmin , swHcollSortX, "Horizontal", vBounds, swViewType, swViewXform);
var swHcollSortY = SortHoles(1, swHoleList, swViewType, "CleanYes", swViewXform); // ' 0 = X ,1 = Y
PlaceHoleDimension((Vertex)swEntYmax, swHcollSortY, "Vertical", vBounds, swViewType, swViewXform);
PlaceHoleLocationDimension(swHoleList, vBounds, swViewType, swViewXform);
if (AllowAutoArrange > 0 && AllowAutoArrange< 0.005 )
var swViewAnnot = (object[])swView.GetAnnotations();
Annotation annotation;
foreach (var item in swViewAnnot)
annotation = (Annotation)item;
annotation.Select3(true, null);
swModelDocExt.AlignDimensions((int)swAlignDimensionType_e.swAlignDimensionType_AutoArrange, 0.001);
/// <summary>
/// 标注孔位置尺寸
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swHcoll"></param>
/// <param name="vBounds"></param>
/// <param name="swViewType"></param>
/// <param name="swViewXform"></param>
private void PlaceHoleLocationDimension(List<Edge> swHcoll, double[] vBounds, string swViewType, MathTransform swViewXform)
var swColl = new List<Edge>();
var swTempColl = new List<Edge>();
for (int n = swColl.Count - 1; n >= 0; n--)
(swColl[n] as Entity).Select4(false, swSelData);
var swCircleCurve = (Curve)swColl[n].GetCurve();
var swCircleParams = (double[])swCircleCurve.CircleParams;
var swTempRadius = swCircleParams[6];
for (int j = swColl.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
swCircleCurve = (Curve)swColl[j].GetCurve();
(swHcoll[j] as Entity).Select4(false, swSelData);
swCircleParams = (double[])swCircleCurve.CircleParams;
if (Math.Abs(swTempRadius-swCircleParams[6])<0.001) {
swTempColl = SortHoles(1, swTempColl, swViewType, "CleanNo", swViewXform);
swTempColl = SortHoles(0, swTempColl, swViewType, "CleanNo", swViewXform);
swCircleParams = CircleCoordinates(swTempColl[0], swViewType, swViewXform);
var Xpos = swCircleParams[0] - 0.025;
var Ypos = vBounds[3];
(swTempColl[0] as Entity).Select4(false, swSelData);
var myDisplayDim = (DisplayDimension)swModel.AddDimension2(Xpos, Ypos, 0);
if (swTempColl.Count > 2)
myDisplayDim.SetBrokenLeader2(false, (int)swDisplayDimensionLeaderText_e.swBrokenLeaderHorizontalText);
var oldText = myDisplayDim.GetText((int)swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextPrefix);
myDisplayDim.SetText((int)swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextPrefix, $"{
n = swColl.Count;
catch (Exception ex )
/// <summary>
/// 标注孔尺寸
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swVertex"></param>
/// <param name="swHcoll"></param>
/// <param name="DimOrientation"></param>
/// <param name="vBounds"></param>
/// <param name="swViewType"></param>
/// <param name="swViewXform"></param>
private void PlaceHoleDimension(Vertex swVertex, List<Edge> swHcoll, string DimOrientation, double[] vBounds, string swViewType, MathTransform swViewXform)
var vPt = PointCoordinates(swApp,swVertex, swViewType, swViewXform);
var vPt2 = CircleCoordinates(swHcoll[0], swViewType, swViewXform);
double Xpos, Ypos;
(swVertex as Entity).Select4(true, swSelData);
//double dblConvFactor = GetUnitConvFactor("");
if (DimOrientation == "Horizontal")
(swHcoll[0] as Entity).Select4(true, swSelData);
vPt2 = CircleCoordinates(swHcoll[0], swViewType, swViewXform);
Xpos = (vPt[0] + vPt2[0]) / 2;
Ypos = (vBounds[3] + HorOffset);
if (AllowAutoArrange == 0 || AllowAutoArrange > (Math.Abs(vPt[0] - vPt2[0])))
AllowAutoArrange = Math.Abs(vPt[0] - vPt2[0]);
var myDisplayDim = swModel.AddHorizontalDimension2(Xpos, Ypos, 0);
if (DimOrientation == "Vertical")
(swHcoll[0] as Entity).Select4(true, swSelData);
vPt2 = CircleCoordinates(swHcoll[0], swViewType, swViewXform);
Xpos = (vBounds[0] - VerOffset);
Ypos = (vPt[1] + vPt2[1]) / 2; ;
if (AllowAutoArrange == 0 || AllowAutoArrange > (Math.Abs(vPt[1] - vPt2[1])))
AllowAutoArrange = Math.Abs(vPt[1] - vPt2[1]);
var myDisplayDim = swModel.AddVerticalDimension2(Xpos, Ypos, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < swHcoll.Count-1; i++)
(swHcoll[i+1] as Entity).Select4(true, swSelData);
var vPt1 = CircleCoordinates(swHcoll[i], swViewType, swViewXform);
vPt2 = CircleCoordinates(swHcoll[i + 1], swViewType, swViewXform);
if (DimOrientation == "Horizontal")
if (Math.Round(vPt1[1],10)!= Math.Round(vPt2[1], 10))
(swVertex as Entity).Select4(true, swSelData);
HorOffset = HorOffset + 0.005;
Xpos = (vPt[0] + vPt2[0]) / 2;
Ypos = (vBounds[3] + HorOffset);
(swHcoll[i] as Entity).Select4(true, swSelData);
Xpos = (vPt1[0] + vPt2[0]) / 2;
Ypos = (vBounds[3] + HorOffset);
if (AllowAutoArrange == 0 || AllowAutoArrange > (Math.Abs(vPt[0] - vPt2[0])))
AllowAutoArrange = Math.Abs(vPt[0] - vPt2[0]);
var myDisplayDim = swModel.AddHorizontalDimension2(Xpos, Ypos, 0);
}else if (DimOrientation == "Vertical") {
(swHcoll[i] as Entity).Select4(true, swSelData);
//vPt2 = CircleCoordinates(swHcoll[0], swViewType, swViewXform);
Xpos = (vBounds[0] - VerOffset);
Ypos = (vPt[1] + vPt2[1]) / 2; ;
if (AllowAutoArrange == 0 || AllowAutoArrange > (Math.Abs(vPt[1] - vPt2[1])))
AllowAutoArrange = Math.Abs(vPt[1] - vPt2[1]);
var myDisplayDim = swModel.AddVerticalDimension2(Xpos, Ypos, 0);
catch (Exception ex )
/// <summary>
/// 排序孔
/// </summary>
/// <param name="axis"></param>
/// <param name="swHcoll"></param>
/// <param name="swViewType"></param>
/// <param name="swNeedToClean"></param>
/// <param name="swViewXform"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private List<Edge> SortHoles(int axis, List<Edge> swHcoll, string swViewType, string swNeedToClean, MathTransform swViewXform)
var swColl = new List<Edge>();
for (int i = 0; i < swColl.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < swColl.Count-i-1; j++)
double[] swCircleParams1 = CircleCoordinates(swColl[j], swViewType, swViewXform);
double[] swCircleParams2 = CircleCoordinates(swColl[j+1], swViewType, swViewXform);
if (axis==0)
if (swCircleParams1[axis]>swCircleParams2[axis])
var vTemp = swColl[j + 1];
swColl.Remove(swColl[j + 1]);
swColl.Insert(j, vTemp);
else if (axis==1)
if (swCircleParams1[axis] < swCircleParams2[axis])
var vTemp = swColl[j + 1];
swColl.Remove(swColl[j + 1]);
swColl.Insert(j, vTemp);
if (swNeedToClean== "CleanYes")
return CleanSortedHoles(axis, swColl, swViewType, swViewXform);
else if (swNeedToClean == "CleanNo")
return swColl;
return null;
catch (Exception ex )
return null;
/// <summary>
/// 清理排序过的孔,比如X值 一样, Y值 一样的
/// </summary>
/// <param name="axis"></param>
/// <param name="swColl"></param>
/// <param name="swViewType"></param>
/// <param name="swViewXform"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private List<Edge> CleanSortedHoles(int axis, List<Edge> swColl, string swViewType, MathTransform swViewXform)
for (int k = 0; k < swColl.Count-2; k++)
for (int n = swColl.Count - 1; n >= 1; n--)
double[] swCircleParams1 = CircleCoordinates(swColl[n], swViewType, swViewXform);
double[] swCircleParams2 = CircleCoordinates(swColl[n - 1], swViewType, swViewXform);
if (Math.Abs(swCircleParams1[axis]- swCircleParams2[axis])<0.000001)
if (axis == 0)
if (swCircleParams1[Math.Abs(axis-1)] > swCircleParams2[Math.Abs(axis - 1)])
swColl.Remove(swColl[n - 1]);
else if (axis == 1)
if (swCircleParams1[Math.Abs(axis - 1)] < swCircleParams2[Math.Abs(axis - 1)])
swColl.Remove(swColl[n - 1]);
return swColl;
catch (Exception)
/// <summary>
/// 圆点坐标
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swCircle"></param>
/// <param name="swViewType"></param>
/// <param name="swViewXform"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private double[] CircleCoordinates(Edge swCircle, string swViewType, MathTransform swViewXform)
Curve swCircleCurve = (Curve)swCircle.GetCurve();
var swCircleParams = (double[])swCircleCurve.CircleParams;
var vPt = new double[3];
vPt[0] = swCircleParams[0];
vPt[1] = swCircleParams[1];
vPt[2] = swCircleParams[2];
var swMathUtils =(MathUtility) swApp.GetMathUtility();
var swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathUtils.CreatePoint(vPt);
var swComp =(Component2) (swCircle as Entity).GetComponent();
if (swViewType.ToUpper()==".SLDASM")
var swCompXform = swComp.Transform2;
var swTotalXForm = swCompXform.Multiply(swViewXform);
swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swTotalXForm);
swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swViewXform);
return (double[])swMathPt.ArrayData;
/// <summary>
/// 增加长宽尺寸
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Top">尺寸位置放左?</param>
/// <param name="Left">尺寸位置放右?</param>
public void AutoAddSize(bool Top = true, bool Left = true) {
DimOnLeft = Left;
DimOnTop = Top;
catch (Exception)
/// <summary>
/// 标注
/// </summary>
public void AutoOveralDimensions() {
var swDraw = swModel as DrawingDoc;
if (swDraw != null)
Sheet swSheet = (Sheet)swDraw.GetCurrentSheet();
var swViews = (object[])swSheet.GetViews();
for (int i = 0; i < swViews.Length; i++) {
View swView = (View)swViews[i];
if (swView.Type==(int)swDrawingViewTypes_e.swDrawingNamedView)
if (swView.GetOrientationName() != "*Isometric" && swView.GetOrientationName() != "*Trimetric" && swView.GetOrientationName() != "*Dimetric")
ProcessView(swDraw, swView, true, true);
var depHorView = GetAlignedDependantView(swView, 0);
if (depHorView != null)
ProcessView(swDraw, depHorView, true, false);
var depVerView = GetAlignedDependantView(swView, 1);
if (depVerView != null)
ProcessView(swDraw, depVerView, false, true);
/// <summary>
/// 找关联视图
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swParentView"></param>
/// <param name="intOrientation">方向,横向/纵向</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private View GetAlignedDependantView(View swParentView, int intOrientation)
var delta = 0.00001;
var intDependantViews = swParentView.GetDependentViewCount(false, (int)swDrawingViewTypes_e.swDrawingProjectedView);
var objDependantViews = (object[])swParentView.GetDependentViews(false, (int)swDrawingViewTypes_e.swDrawingProjectedView);
var ParentPos =(double[]) swParentView.Position;
for (int i = 0; i < intDependantViews; i++)
var depView = (View)objDependantViews[i];
var DependantPos = (double[])depView.Position;
if (Math.Abs(ParentPos[Math.Abs(intOrientation - 1)] - DependantPos[Math.Abs(intOrientation - 1)])<delta) {
return depView;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// 遍历 点 ,计算再标注
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swDraw"></param>
/// <param name="swView"></param>
/// <param name="PlaceHorDim"></param>
/// <param name="PlaceVerDim"></param>
private void ProcessView(DrawingDoc swDraw, View swView, bool PlaceHorDim, bool PlaceVerDim)
List<Vertex> swPcoll= new List<Vertex> ();
var refModel= swView.ReferencedDocument;
var vComps = (object[])swView.GetVisibleComponents();
MathTransform swViewXform = ViewMathTransform(swDraw, swView);
for (int j = 0;j < swView.GetVisibleComponentCount(); j++)
var vEdges = (object[])swView.GetVisibleEntities((Component2)vComps[j], (int)swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Edge);
swSelData = (SelectData)swModel.ISelectionManager.CreateSelectData();
for (int itr = 0; itr < vEdges.Length; itr++)
var swCurve = (Curve)((Edge)vEdges[itr]).GetCurve();
if (!swCurve.IsCircle())
var startVertex= (Vertex)((Edge)vEdges[itr]).GetStartVertex();
var endVertex = (Vertex)((Edge)vEdges[itr]).GetEndVertex();
if (startVertex !=null)
if (endVertex != null)
Entity swEntXmax, swEntXmin, swEntYmax, swEntYmin;
if (swPcoll.Count>0)
swEntXmax = FindExtremun(0, "max", swPcoll, refModel.GetType(), swViewXform);
swEntXmin = FindExtremun(0, "min", swPcoll, refModel.GetType(), swViewXform);
swEntYmax = FindExtremun(1, "max", swPcoll, refModel.GetType(), swViewXform);
swEntYmin = FindExtremun(1, "min", swPcoll, refModel.GetType(), swViewXform);
var vBounds = (double[])swView.GetOutline();
if (PlaceHorDim)
PlaceOverallDimension(swModel, swEntXmax, swEntXmin, "Horizontal", vBounds);
if (PlaceVerDim)
PlaceOverallDimension(swModel, swEntYmax, swEntYmin, "Vertical", vBounds);
/// <summary>
/// 放置尺寸
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swModel"></param>
/// <param name="swVertex1"></param>
/// <param name="swVertex2"></param>
/// <param name="DimOrientation"></param>
/// <param name="vBounds"></param>
private void PlaceOverallDimension(ModelDoc2 swModel, Entity swVertex1, Entity swVertex2, string DimOrientation, double[] vBounds)
double dblConvFactor = GetUnitConvFactor("");
if (DimOrientation == "Horizontal") {
HorOffset = HorOffset * dblConvFactor;
if (DimOrientation == "Vertical")
VerOffset = VerOffset * dblConvFactor;
swVertex1.Select4(false, swSelData);
swVertex2.Select4(true, swSelData);
double Xpos, Ypos;
if (DimOrientation == "Horizontal")
Xpos = (vBounds[0] + vBounds[2]) / 2;
if(DimOnTop) //标注在顶部
Ypos = (vBounds[3] + HorOffset);
Ypos = (vBounds[1] - HorOffset);
var myDisplayDim = swModel.AddHorizontalDimension2(Xpos, Ypos, 0);
} else if (DimOrientation == "Vertical")
Ypos = (vBounds[1] + vBounds[3]) / 2;
if (DimOnLeft)
Xpos = (vBounds[0] - HorOffset);
Xpos = (vBounds[2] + HorOffset);
var myDisplayDim = swModel.AddVerticalDimension2(Xpos, Ypos, 0);
/// <summary>
/// 获取单位
/// </summary>
/// <param name="v"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private double GetUnitConvFactor(string v)
var LenUnit = swModel.GetUserPreferenceIntegerValue((int)swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e.swUnitsLinear);
switch (LenUnit)
case 0 : return 0.001;
case 1 : return 0.01;
case 2 : return 1;
case 3 : return 0.0254;
case 4 : return 0.3048;
case 5 : return -1;
case 6 : return 0.0000000001;
case 7 : return 0.000000001;
case 8 : return 0.000001;
case 9 : return 0.00254;
case 10 : return 0.00000254;
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// 找极点
/// </summary>
/// <param name="axis"></param>
/// <param name="MinMax"></param>
/// <param name="swPcoll"></param>
/// <param name="swViewType"></param>
/// <param name="swViewXform"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Entity FindExtremun(int axis, string MinMax, List<Vertex> swPcoll, int swViewType, MathTransform swViewXform)
var swVertex = swPcoll[0];
var vPt = PointCoordinates(swVertex, swViewType, swViewXform);
var Extr = vPt[axis];
for (int i = 0; i < swPcoll.Count; i++)
vPt = PointCoordinates(swPcoll[i], swViewType, swViewXform);
if (MinMax=="max" && vPt[axis]>Extr)
Extr = vPt[axis];
swVertex = swPcoll[i];
else if (MinMax == "min" && vPt[axis] < Extr)
Extr = vPt[axis];
swVertex = swPcoll[i];
return swVertex as Entity;
/// <summary>
/// 坐标系转换
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swVertex"></param>
/// <param name="swViewType"></param>
/// <param name="swViewXform"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private double[] PointCoordinates(Vertex swVertex, int swViewType, MathTransform swViewXform)
var swMathUtils = swApp.IGetMathUtility();
var vPt = (double[])swVertex.GetPoint();
var swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathUtils.CreatePoint(vPt);
if (swViewType==(int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY)
var swComp =(Component2) (swVertex as Entity).GetComponent();
if (swComp!=null)
MathTransform swCompXform = swComp.Transform2;
MathTransform swTotalXForm = (MathTransform)swCompXform.Multiply(swViewXform);
swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swTotalXForm);
swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swViewXform);
return (double[])swMathPt.ArrayData;
/// <summary>
/// 坐标系转换
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swVertex"></param>
/// <param name="swViewType"></param>
/// <param name="swViewXform"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private double[] PointCoordinates(SldWorks swApp,Vertex swVertex, string swViewType, MathTransform swViewXform)
var swMathUtils = swApp.IGetMathUtility();
var vPt = (double[])swVertex.GetPoint();
var swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathUtils.CreatePoint(vPt);
if (swViewType == "SLDASM")
var swComp = (Component2)(swVertex as Entity).GetComponent();
if (swComp != null)
MathTransform swCompXform = swComp.Transform2;
MathTransform swTotalXForm = (MathTransform)swCompXform.Multiply(swViewXform);
swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swTotalXForm);
swMathPt = (MathPoint)swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swViewXform);
return (double[])swMathPt.ArrayData;
/// <summary>
/// 视图转换
/// </summary>
/// <param name="swDraw"></param>
/// <param name="swView"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private MathTransform ViewMathTransform(DrawingDoc swDraw, View swView)
var swViewXform = (MathTransform)swView.ModelToViewTransform;
var swSheet = (Sheet)swDraw.GetCurrentSheet();
var swSheetView = (View)swDraw.GetFirstView();
var swSheetXform = (MathTransform)swSheetView.ModelToViewTransform;
var vSheetPrps = (double[])swSheet.GetProperties();
var scaleNom = vSheetPrps[2];
var scaleDenom = vSheetPrps[3];
var ViewMatrix = (Double[])swSheetXform.ArrayData;
ViewMatrix[12] = 1; //'scaleNom / scaleDenom
var swMathUtil = (MathUtility)swApp.GetMathUtility();
swSheetXform = (MathTransform)swMathUtil.CreateTransform(ViewMatrix);
return (MathTransform)swViewXform.Multiply(swSheetXform.Inverse());
catch (Exception)
return null;
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FRED Application: Capillary Electrophoresis System
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FRED Application: Capillary Electrophoresis System
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