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SQL stored procedure
2022-07-02 15:27:00 【slb190623】
Method statement :
Method name Parameters call Return value
The parameters are mainly one-to-one corresponding Dean
1. Corresponding types : A child class can replace a parent class int-dount
2. The number of corresponding : The default value is 、 Variable parameters
3. Sequence correspondence : have access to Parameters : Value method call
Return value : adopt return Return value . But only a single value can be returned
Can pass Ref/out Extended method's " Return value "
void show( Parameters )
Custom local variables
Logical statement
Stored procedure and function creation are similar
Stored procedure syntax
create procedure usp_ Stored procedure name
( Shape parameter ) -- Parameters can be defined in this
as -- Equivalent to method body
– Custom local variables
– Logical statement
Example 1
Create stored procedure , Check all student information
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'usp_getAllStuInfo') -- If stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfo There is , Just delete
drop proc usp_getAllStuInfo
create procedure usp_getAllStuInfo -- Create stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfo
select * from student
-- Calling stored procedure , Get all student information
exec usp_getAllStuInfo
Calling stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfo Result :
Example 2
Create stored procedure , Query the student information of the specified gender
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'usp_getAllStuInfoBySex')
drop proc usp_getAllStuInfoBySex
create procedure usp_getAllStuInfoBySex
@sex char(1) -- Formal parameters only need to be declared , It's not a definition , So no need declare
select * from student where Gender = @sex
-- Calling stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfoBySex, Query male student information
Exec usp_getAllStuInfoBySex 1
Calling stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfoBySex Result :
Example 3
Create stored procedure , Query the student information of the specified gender and class ,( The stored procedure defaults to gender male )
-- Create stored procedure , Query the student information of the specified gender and class
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId') -- If stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId Delete if it exists
drop proc usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId
create procedure usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId -- Create stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId
@sex char(1) = 1, -- Formal parameters only need to be declared , It's not a definition , So no need declare, Add commas between multiple formal parameters
@gradeName nvarchar(20)
declare @gradeId int = (select gradeid from grade where gradeName = @gradeName)
select * from student where Gender = @sex and GradeId = @gradeId
-- Execute stored procedures usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId, Query the student information of the specified gender and class
Exec usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId 1,' Social University 1'
Calling stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId , The result of specifying gender : Calling stored procedure usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId , The result of not formulating gender :
-- The parameters are passed in the same order : The first argument corresponds to the first parameter ... By analogy
-- If there is a default value , have access to default
-- You can also use Parameters = value Call stored procedures in a way ( Note that once invoked in this way , Then the subsequent parameters must also use this method , Otherwise, the report will be wrong , The previous parameters are irrelevant ), This has nothing to do with order
Exec usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId default,' Social University 1'
-- perhaps
Exec usp_getAllStuInfoBySexAndGradeId @gradeName =' Social University 1'
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