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Stress testing and performance analysis of node projects
2022-08-02 06:19:00 【Programmer Weizi】
在系统上线前,In order to see how the system can withstand the concurrency and the load condition of concurrent,The round pressure test.在压测过程中,发现服务器的cpuMAO's very high,而tps,接口耗时、Services are available such as are normal,卧槽,这就奇了怪了,You want to along while also didn't figure out why,To turn the bosses,Bosses said check the cpu processor what?这是啥??虽然听不懂,But you can look up╭(╯^╰)╮,But before I found out,Leaders directly to fit,一顿骚操作,Then find out the reason~ It is shame yourself,Internal work enough,Come back online to find the information,Catch up with a handful of how to analyzenodeThe performance problems in engineering.
在开发过程中,Because too focus on the implementation of business logic,Some possible performance is ignored,And these points can only be slightly larger amount of concurrent scenarios will appear,Forget where to see a word 可能会出问题的点,It will be a problem Performance analysis is necessary.
为了便于演示,Write a simple little example:
// app.js
const crypto = require('crypto')
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router');
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
router.get('/crypto', async(ctx, next) => {
const salt = crypto.randomBytes(128).toString('base64')
const hash = crypto.pbkdf2Sync('crypto', salt, 10000, 64, 'sha512').toString('hex')
ctx.body = { hash: hash }
ctx.status = 200
let reqNum = 0
router.get('/empty', async(ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = { hash: 'empty' }
ctx.status = 200
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log("listen 3000")
基于koa2,有两个路由,一个/crypto,The business logic is,使用cryptoLibrary of string encryption;一个是 /empty,No business logic interface,Is an empty interface.
Stress test tool on the market there are many kinds of,就不一一列举了,In the community saw someone recommend autocannon ,Make an introduction to the tool,The official introduction is fast HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool written in Node.js ,使用node编写的压测工具,能比wrkTo generate more load.
npm i autocannon -g
npm i autocannon --save
1. 命令行 autocannon -c 100 -d 5 -p 2 简单快速.
2. api调用 autocannon(opts[, cb]) Easy to write a script.
So a few key parameters are:
-c/--connections NUM 并发连接的数量,默认10.
-p/--pipelining NUM Each connection line request requests.默认1.
-d/--duration SEC 执行的时间,单位秒.
-m/--method METHOD 请求类型 默认GET.
-b/--body BODY 请求报文体.
还有很多参数,You can view the website document.
This library currently only support one interface pressure test,我写了个脚本,Can support batch pressure measurement and generate test report,See the specific code at the end of the article.
下图是对 /empty 接口压测 autocannon -c 100 -d 5 -p 1 结果如下:
可看到,每秒有100个链接,Each link a request,持续5秒,一共产生 31k 次请求.
报告分三部分,The first line says the delay of the interface,The second line indicates the number of requests per second(tps),The third line said returns number of bytes per second.那么,延迟越低,tps越高,It means the better the performance of interface,因为empty 是个空接口,所以它的tps=6221还不错,Response time is also very soon,我们换成 /crypto Interface in a try.
Immediately see the gap between,这个接口tps只有77,Interface takes to1100ms,Indicates that the interface has a lot of optimization space.
Generates performance file and analysis
Through pressure measurement tools we found defective interface,那接下来,Is going to analyzes the interface,But at the interface code,不好分析啊,After all, no convincing,We need a performance report,用数据说话,Here are the two methods for everyone.
V8 Profiler
V8 The official has been considering this for you,提供了Profiler工具 Use is also very quick,步骤如下.以app.js为例)
在启动命令中加上 --prof ,如 node --prof app.js ,在项目根目录会生成isolate-xxxxxxx-v8.log格式的文件,Used to record information such as the call stack and time during running,其中内容如下.(文件较大,Will capture the top a bit)
shared-library,"C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe",0x7ff7505f0000,0x7ff751c0f000,0
对刚刚生成的log文件分析,Or using official tools node --prof-process isolate-xxxxxxxx-v8.log,生成结果如下.(Remove the useless part)
Statistical profiling result from isolate-00000209B99A60A0-v8.log, (17704 ticks, 8 unaccounted, 0 excluded).
[Shared libraries]:
ticks total nonlib name
13795 77.9% C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
ticks total nonlib name
12 0.1% 11.3% Builtin: CallFunction_ReceiverIsAny
ticks total nonlib name
ticks total nonlib name
94 0.5% 88.7% JavaScript
0 0.0% 0.0% C++
8 0.0% 7.5% GC
17598 99.4% Shared libraries
8 0.0% Unaccounted
[C++ entry points]:
ticks cpp total name
[Bottom up (heavy) profile]:
Note: percentage shows a share of a particular caller in the total
amount of its parent calls.
Callers occupying less than 1.0% are not shown.
ticks parent name
13795 77.9% C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
3795 21.4% C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
3768 99.3% C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
3287 87.2% Function: ~pbkdf2 crypto.js:633:16
3287 100.0% Function: ~exports.pbkdf2Sync crypto.js:628:30
3287 100.0% Function: ~router.get D:\github\webapp\js\usen\app.js:8:23
3287 100.0% Function: ~dispatch D:\github\webapp\js\usen\node_modules\[email protected]@koa-compose\index.js:37:23
The report contains six parts:Shared libraries、JavaScript、C++、Summary、C++ entry points 和 Bottom up (heavy) profile,[JavaScript] 部分列出了 JavaScript Code execution occupied CPU ticks(CPU 时钟周期),[C++] 部分列出了 C++ Code execution occupied CPU ticks,[Summary] Lists the various parts of,[Bottom up] 列出了所有 CPU Elapsed time from large to small function and stack information.
根据 3287 87.2% Function: ~pbkdf2 crypto.js:633:16 We can see the function cost 87.2% 的cpu.
File is not intuitive,那我们换个UI界面的,步骤如下:
·先clone v8The warehouse down git clone GitHub - v8/v8: The official mirror of the V8 Git repository
· The log file is converted into json格式 node --prof-process --preprocess isolate-xxxxxxxxxx-v8.log > v8.json
· 打开 v8/tools/profview/index.html 文件,Is a static interface,In the center of the interface to choose just generated v8.json文件,After the success of the file parsing,界面如下:
Specific function not explain one,We drill-down,Looking for time-consuming point,Soon find consumptioncpu的地方,如下图:
node占比是45%,其中 pbkdf2 crypto.js便占用了92%.
In addition to the official offer,We can also choose to open source the library of,v8-profiler ,This library to create an earlier time,6Years ago he created,More recently as a year and a half ago,Community assessment is good.
Generation is simple,不足的是,Need to hard code in the project,如下:
profiler.startProfiling('', true);
setTimeout(function() {
var profile = profiler.stopProfiling('');
.on('finish', () => profile.delete())
}, 1000);
我们的大ChromeTo be a horse,在Chrome的控制台,有一栏 JavaScript Profile 如下图:
点击load,Select just the generated files,Resolved as follows:
逐层查看,Then know.
· flamegraph-火焰图
使用 flamegraph Generate cool flame figure,With a force in the report that is cool,官网图如下:
Use will not dwell on.
· v8-analytics
This is a community leaders,Write a open source library v8-analytics,官方介绍如下
解析v8-profiler和heapdumpA tool such as the output ofcpu & heap-memory日志,可以提供:
1)v8Inverse optimization engine or the red show failure function and optimize the reasons for failure to show;
2)Function performs the length more than expected standard red show;
3)Suspicious of memory leak point in the current project show.
va test bailout --only This command can only take thosev8Engine inverse optimization functions listed show.
va test timeout 200 --only This command can only put those holding over200msThe function of listed show.
va test leak Suspicious reveal a testheapsnapshotFile suspicious of memory leak point.
The benefits of this library are,It opens at province we one by one to find,Screening questions so that we can more convenient to us~
Batch tests and generate a report
autocannon Can only run one interface,To test the next interface,就得修改代码,Such as to batch test multiple interfaces,Just need to change the code back and forth,操作就比较麻烦,所以我基于 autocannon 写了个脚本,Can one by one, pressure measurement YiHaoDe interface,At the same time can also generate test report.
'use strict'
const autocannon = require('autocannon')
const reporter = require('autocannon-reporter')
const path = require('path')
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
* @description
* 运行autocannon
* [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=267564]@Author[/url] lizc
* @param {*} param
function makeAutocannon(param) {
autocannon(param).on('done', handleResults)
* @description
* 处理接口
* @author lizc
* @param {*} result
function handleResults(result) {
const reportOutputPath = path.join(`./${result.title}_report.html`)
reporter.writeReport(reporter.buildReport(result), reportOutputPath, (err, res) => {
if (err) console.err('Error writting report: ', err)
else console.log('Report written to: ', reportOutputPath)
// 请求参数
const autocannonParam = {
url: '',
connections: 100,
duration: 10,
headers: {
type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
// 请求报文参数
const requestsParam = {
method: 'POST', // this should be a put for modifying secret details
headers: { // let submit some json?
'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
* @description
* Start the batch pressure test
* @author lizc
* @param {*} methodList 接口列表
async function run(methodList) {
const autocannonList = methodList.map(val => {
return {
url: autocannonParam.url + val,
title: val,
requests: [
for (let i = 0; i < autocannonList.length; i++) {
if (i !== 0) {
await sleep((autocannonList[i - 1].duration + 2) * 1000)
} else {
// 启动
run(['order', 'crypto'])
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