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Dameng replaces the officially authorized dm.key
2022-08-01 12:04:00 【Handsome ちいさい Treasure】
Dameng replaces the official authorizationdm.key
1. 简单介绍
In the early stage of the database adaptation test, it is inevitable to obtain a trial temporary authorization file through a business relationship applicationdm.key,General trial period3个月,Later, the company launched trials one after anotherkey期限有6个月、12个月.
Once the trial period has expired,The database process will automatically stop,At that time, I had to rush to find a business to continue to apply for a renewal trial,Or have purchased a formal authorization certificate,Requires official removal from cargo CD-ROM mediakey,Formal after uploading to the database serverkeyThe replacement takes effect.
总体来说,Replace Damon officiallydm.key的操作并不复杂,It's extremely simple for those in the industry.But consider the crowd who have never been exposed to the Damon database,I wrote this article specifically,It is easy for anyone to understand and operate,To spread it out to everyone.
注意事项:Like with a normal security versionSECDameng database software,At first use the default built into the softwarekey(Trial license)初始化的库,Next time, take the official security version authorizationdm.keyReplacement is invalid,That is, the database cannot be started.2. 操作指南
2.1 针对Linux操作系统环境
2.1.1 Confirm Damondmservermain process path
View from the command line terminaldmserver进程方法一: ps -ef | grep dmserver
方法二: pgrep dmserver | xargs -I FS ls -l /proc/FS/exe | awk '{print $NF}'
输出结果: /home/dmdba/dmdbms/bin/dmserver
This example environment is listeddmserverThe path where the process is located/home/dmdba/dmdbms/bin,and the process isdmdba用户启动的.
注意:Position according to your real environmentdmserverThe path and the owner of the process.The second method is listed to deal with some people./dmserver启动的情况,Displays the full path of the process. |
2.1.2 Upload a CD media licensedmXXXXXX.key文件
建议:If you are not familiar with system operation,Best to use steps1The system user of the process known in the query to copy orFTP上传.
将授权dmXXXXXX.keyThe file is moved to the path found in the previous stepbin下,同时将dmXXXXXX.keyThe file name was renameddm.key.
If you change your name,The operating system prompts that a file with the same name already exists,直接覆盖替换即可.
注意:Make the user who started the process have at least readable permissions on the authorization file -r--r--r--. |
2.1.3 Overload formal authorization information into the library
Available through Damon's management tool ordisqlThe command line window executes the stored procedure,Let it load the authorization nowkey文件生效.call sp_load_lic_info();
注意:In fact, it is also possible not to execute the above stored procedure,让dmserverThe process itself automatically loads and takes effect(As for how long it will take effect,I don't remember,大概半小时). In addition to executing stored procedures,You can also restart the service process of Dameng database to take effect,Do not use this method for production libraries,Because there will be short-term downtime. Depends on your environment,Restart the corresponding Dameng instance service,可以systemctl restart DmServiceXXXX,可以/bin/DmServiceXXXX restart, I do not recommend restarting the service in this way,Encounter a cluster environment,You will not start and stop the normal operation of the cluster,May cause cluster failure. |
2.1.4 核查license信息
执行查询SQL,The product serial number can be obtained,产品期限、Supported cluster types、Authorized Customer Name.
If using official authorizationkey并生效后,The product expiration date queried is empty,That is, a permanent license.
About the cluster types supported by this license can be passedcluster_typeThe field return result is known,There are four characters in total,使用1Indicates support for the corresponding cluster feature,第1个字符表示DM DATAWATCH数据守护集群 , 第2个字符表示 MPP大规模并行集群, 第3个字符表示DMRWC读写分离集群,第4个字符表示 DSCData sharing storage cluster,When all four characters are 0时,Indicates common stand-alone functions only.
例如:0010 表示第3字符为1Indicates that the read-write separation cluster is supported.
select series_no, expired_date, cluster_type, authorized_customer from v$license;
或者 Log in directly to the management tool,Click the connection root node in the object navigation bar on the left Look at the status bar at the bottom corner,The authorization period and authorization unit information can be found out.
2.2 针对Windows操作系统环境
2.2.1 确认dmservermain process path
打开任务管理器,找到dmserverprocess and open the path where it is located,即dmserver父目录bin.
进入服务管理窗口(开始–>菜单–>运行–>services.msc 换车),Look for the specified Damon service nameDmServiceXXXX,右键属性打开,可查看到bin的完整路径.
或者 通过powershell查看得知.
2.2.2 Upload a CD media licensedmXXXXXX.key文件
建议:If you are not familiar with system operation,Best to use steps1The location of the process known from the query,Make an upload copy orFTP上传.
将授权dmXXXXXX.keyThe file is moved to the path found in the previous stepbin下,同时将dmXXXXXX.keyThe file name was renameddm.key.
If you change your name,The operating system prompts that a file with the same name already exists,直接覆盖替换即可.
2.2.3 Overload formal authorization information into the library
Available through Damon's management tool ordisqlThe command line window executes the stored procedure,Let it load the authorization nowkey文件生效.call sp_load_lic_info();
注意:In fact, it is also possible not to execute the above stored procedure,让dmserverThe process itself automatically loads and takes effect(As for how long it will take effect,I don't remember,大概半小时). In addition to executing stored procedures,You can also restart the service process of Dameng database to take effect,Do not use this method for production libraries,Because there will be short-term downtime. Depends on your environment,in the Service Management window,Manually restart the selected Dameng instance service,I do not recommend restarting the service in this way,Encounter a cluster environment,You will not start and stop the normal operation of the cluster,May cause cluster failure. |
2.2.4 核查license信息
此处省略,请参照2.1.4Section content reading comprehension.
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