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Common operations of oracle under linux and daily accumulation of knowledge points (functions, timed tasks)
2022-08-05 10:17:00 【qingfengvssuibian】
oracle startup and shutdown
#Login as dba
sqlplus / nolog conn / as sysdba
shutdown immediate
Monitor start:
#Listening to start
lsnrctl start
#Monitoring status
lsnrctl status
#Monitoring stop
lsnrctl stop
Trunk function: intercept date or number
--Intercept dateselect trunc(sysdate,'yyyy') from dual union all --accurate to the year, showing the first day of the current yearselect trunc(sysdate,'mm') from dual union all --monthselect trunc(sysdate,'dd') from dual union all --daysselect trunc(sysdate,'hh') from dual union all --hourselect trunc(sysdate,'mi') from dual union all -- pointsselect trunc(sysdate) from dual union all -- as accurate as day ddselect sysdate from dual union allSELECT (sysdate + 1) FROM dual; -- next day 1 means 1 day, +1 means the next day +1/24 means add an hour
--Truncate the numerical value without rounding, which can be used to retain valid digitsselect trunc(155.555) from dual union all -- keep three significant digitsselect trunc(155.555,3) from dual union allselect trunc(155.555,2) from dual union allselect trunc(155.555,0) from dual union allselect trunc(155.555,-2) from dual; --reserve -2 significant digits
forupdate and rowid modify data
It appears that the data cannot be modified (read-only readonly mode), you can try to modify only one table.It is generally recommended to use rowid.
Scheduled tasks
Perform a task at regular intervals.Not much to say, just go to the operation.
Create new table
create table testDsrw(name varchar2(50),riqi date);
Create a stored procedure
create or replace procedure testPro isbegininsert into testdsrw(name,riqi)values('tie',sysdate);commit;end testPro;
Visually create a scheduled task job
Create a new job under DBMS_JOBS, and configure the red part, where the name of the stored procedure is written (it must be followed by a semicolon, otherwise an error will be reported), and the next execution time is written in the interval, such as TRUNC(sysdate,'mi') + 1/(24*60), representing the next minute.So far, a simple timed task has been created.
Click Apply
Click Disconnect and apply again to stop the scheduled task
At this point, the introduction of the scheduled task interface version is completed.
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