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Alibaba cloud accelerates its growth and further consolidates its leading edge

2020-11-08 13:02:00 open_fh6bkifc

Alibaba announced 2021 Second quarter of fiscal year (2020 The three quarter of 2014 ) The results show that the revenue of Alibaba cloud in the third quarter of this year increased year on year 60%, The growth rate set a new quarter high this year , It shows that it is further consolidating the status of China's largest cloud computing enterprise .

Alibaba cloud computing's leading position in the domestic market has been continuously consolidated since the fourth quarter of last year , Market organization Canalys released 2019 According to the data of China's cloud computing market in the fourth quarter of, Alibaba cloud has 46.4% Market share of the first place , comparison 2019 year Q3 Of 45% Market share has increased , Almost half of the domestic cloud computing market .

by comparison , Second place Tencent cloud 、 Baidu cloud, the third largest, owns respectively 18.0%、8.8% Market share , Far behind Alibaba cloud , Alibaba cloud's dominance in the domestic cloud computing market has taken shape .

As the advantages of cloud computing are gradually recognized by enterprises , More and more enterprises in China use cloud computing , Promote the domestic cloud computing market into a stage of rapid growth ,IDC According to the data released, the scale of public cloud market in China increased year on year in the first half of this year 51% to 84 Billion dollars .

Alibaba cloud's revenue increased year on year in the second quarter of this year 59%, Higher than the growth rate of China's overall cloud computing market ; The data of the third quarter of this year shows that Alibaba cloud computing has further accelerated its growth , This has pushed Alibaba cloud's share in the domestic market to further increase . This has always been the case in the Internet industry , Heng Qiang the strong , The same is true in the cloud computing market .

From the enterprise market, we can see that most domestic enterprises have chosen Alibaba cloud , According to the financial report released by Alibaba, about 60% of domestic listed companies have chosen Alibaba cloud , This shows that Alibaba cloud has won the recognition of more and more domestic enterprises .

Alibaba cloud is a surprise to Alibaba , In the early years, Ali developed e-commerce business , We found that the data flow increased sharply in the shopping season such as double 11 , The rise of the development of Cloud Computing , later 12306 Due to the rapid increase of data flow, the Spring Festival train ticket purchase business has switched to Alibaba cloud business , As a result, Alibaba cloud quickly became famous in the domestic market , Finally, let Alibaba cloud develop into a giant today .

With the rise of the cloud computing market , Many domestic enterprises are trying to enter this market , In addition to the top three, there are Huawei cloud 、 Cloud computing , But judging from the market trend , It is becoming more and more difficult for latecomers to compete with Alibaba cloud computing .


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