2022-07-01 21:45:00 【haohaounique】
比较多的开发工作中,涉及业务分支和同一业务不同逻辑的,会比较适合下面模型:从大到小(漏斗结构) 或从小到大(倒漏斗结构) 或一次性选择(选择维度,获取维度参数)
create table check_expression
id int auto_increment
primary key,
business_type varchar(20) null comment '业务类型',
check_model varchar(20) null comment '校验模型',
check_expression text null comment '表达式',
check_expression_name varchar(200) null comment '表达式名称',
status tinyint default 1 null comment '0-失效 1-生效',
create_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
create_by varchar(60) null comment '创建人',
update_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
update_by varchar(60) null comment '更新建人'
comment '校验表达式';
create table check_config
id int auto_increment
primary key,
business_key varchar(100) null comment '业务key',
business_type varchar(20) null comment '业务类型',
business_name varchar(100) null comment '业务名称',
check_word varchar(100) null comment '校验关键字',
check_word_name varchar(100) null comment '校验关键字名称',
check_model varchar(20) null comment '校验模型',
check_model_name varchar(200) null comment '校验模型名称',
check_class varchar(500) null comment '业务类',
check_expression text null comment '校验表达式',
check_order tinyint default 1 null comment '校验顺序',
check_msg text null comment '提示语',
status tinyint default 1 null comment '0-无效 1-生效',
fresh_status tinyint default 0 null comment '0-未刷新 1-刷新中,2-已刷新',
try_times tinyint default 0 null comment '刷新次数,线程池处理',
fresh_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment '上次刷新时间',
create_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
create_by varchar(60) not null comment '创建人',
update_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
update_by varchar(60) null comment '更新建人'
comment '校验配置' auto_increment = 9;
create index id_business_key
on check_config (business_key);
create index id_business_type
on check_config (business_type);
create index id_check_model
on check_config (check_model);
create index id_create_by
on check_config (create_by);
create index id_fresh_status
on check_config (fresh_status);
create index id_status
on check_config (status);
create table business_class
id int auto_increment
primary key,
business_type varchar(20) null comment '001-校验',
business_model varchar(20) null comment '业务模型',
business_name varchar(200) null comment '业务名称',
business_class varchar(500) null comment '业务类',
status tinyint default 1 null comment '生效状态',
create_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
create_by varchar(60) null comment '创建人',
update_time datetime null comment '更新时间',
update_by varchar(60) null comment '更新建人'
comment '业务配置类' auto_increment = 9;
create index id_business_model
on business_class (business_model);
create index id_business_type
on business_class (business_type);
create index id_status
on business_class (status);
List<CheckConfig> checkList = checkConfigService.getCheckList(map, map.get("business_key")); boolean checkResult = checkConfigService.checkConfigList(checkList, map);
public boolean checkConfigList(List<CheckConfig> checkList, Map<String, String> map) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(checkList)) {
for (CheckConfig checkConfig : checkList) {
ICheckService checkService = CACHE_CHECK_CLASS.getIfPresent(checkConfig.getCheckClass());
if (checkService == null) {
checkService = SpringBeanUtils.getBeanByName(checkConfig.getCheckClass(), ICheckService.class);
if (checkService == null) {
throw new BusinessException(500, CommonUtils.getStringBuilder().append("checkConfigList bean未配置:").append(checkConfig.getCheckClass()).toString());
CACHE_CHECK_CLASS.put(checkConfig.getCheckClass(), checkService);
boolean param = checkService.checkParam(checkConfig, map);
if (param) {
map.put("check_code", CODE_500);
map.put("check_result", Boolean.FALSE.toString());
map.put("check_msg", checkConfig.getCheckMsg());
map.put("remark", CHECK_NOTICE_MSG);
return true;
return false;
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