2022-07-03 19:17:00 【股_四】
int main()
long m, t, x, y;
scanf("%d", &m);
x = m / 20;
t = m - 20 * x;
y = t / 3;
t = m - 20 * x - 3 * y;
printf("喝%ld瓶汽水,至少需要%.2f元", m, (13 * x + 2 * y) * 1.4 + t);
return 0;
int main()
double x,y;
printf(" 请输入月用电量(度):");
scanf ("%lf", &x);
if( x <= 240) //1/分3档计
y = x * 0.49;
else if (x <= 400)
y= 240 * 0.49 + (x - 240) *0.54;
y = 240 * 0.49 +(400-240) *0.54 + (x - 400) *0.79;
printf(" 应缴电费(元):%9.2f\n",y);
return 0;
double f (double x)
double y;
if (x <= 240)
y= x * 0.49;
else if (x <= 400)
y=f (240) + (x-240) *0.54; //调用自身函数
else y=f (400) + (x-400) *0.79;
return (y); //返回电费值了
int main()
double x;
printf(" 请输入月用电量: ");
scanf("%lf", &x);
printf("应交电费 %9.2f\n",f(x));
return 0;
double s(double x)
double y, c, d;
if (x<=c) y=0;
else if (x-c <= 1500)
y= (x-c) *0.03;
else if (x-c <= 4500)
y=s (c+1500) + (x-c-1500) *0.10;
else if (x-c <= 9000)
y=s(c+4500) + (x-c-4500) *0.20;
else if (x-c <= 35000)
y=s (c+9000) + (x-c-9000) *0.25;
else if (x-c <= 55000)
y=s (c+35000) + (x-c-35000) *0.30;
else if (x-c <= 80000)
y=s (c+55000) + (x-c-55000) *0.35;
y =s(c + 80000) + (x-c-80000) *0.45;
return (y) ;
int main()
double x;
printf(" 请输入月收入金额:");
scanf("%lf", &x);
printf(" 应交个人所税:%9.2f\n", s(x));
return 0;
int main()
long i, m; double n, s, s1;
printf(" 请输入正数n (n>3):");
scanf ("%lf", &n) ; //输入任意正数
while (1)
for (i=m; i<=2*m; i++)
s=s+sqrt (i) ; //对每一个川计算和 s
if (s >= n) break;
else s1=s; //为以下注明提供依据
printf(" 不等式的解为 m >= %ld\n",m);
printf("注:当m = %ld时, s = %.2f; 当 m = %ld时, s = %.2f\n", m-1, s1, m, s);
return 0;
int main()
long m;
double n, s, s1;
printf(" 请给入正数n (n > 3):");
scanf ("%lf", &n) ;//输入任意正数
m = 1;
s = 1.0+ sqrt (2);
s1 = s;
s = s - sqrt( m - 1) + sqrt(2 * m- 1) + sqrt (2*m);
while(s < n);
printf(" 不等式的解为 m >= %ld\n",m);
printf("注:当m = %ld时, s = %.2f; 当 m = %ld时, s = %.2f\n", m-1, s1, m, s);
return 0;
int main()
long c, d, m;
double x, y, s;
printf(" 请输入正数 x,y (2<x<y): ");
scanf ("%lf,%lf", &x, &y);
while (s <= x) //循环求和探索m的下确界c
s = s + 1.0 / (++m);
c = m;
s = s + 1.0/ (++m) ;
while (s < y);//循环求和探索m的上确界d
d = m-1;
printf(" 满足不等式的解为:%1d ≤ m ≤ %1d \n", c, d);
return 0;
int main()
long n, k;
double d,s;
printf(" 请输入正数 d:");
scanf ("%lf", &d) ;
printf(" %lf <1+1/2-1/3+1/4+1/5-1/6+..+-1/n 的解:\n",d);
while (1)
s = s - 1.0 / n + 1.0 / (n+1) + 1.0 / (n+2);
if (s > d) break;
n = n + 3;
printf(" n = %ld \n", n + 2);
k = n + 2;
if ((s = s - 1.0 / (++k)) > d) break;
if ((s = s + 1.0 / (++k)) > d) break;
s = s + 1.0 / (++k);
printf(" n = %ld \n", k) ; //离散解k
printf(" n >= %ld \n", k);
return 0;
int main()
long n, k;
double d,s;
printf(" 请输入正数 d:");
scanf ("%lf", &d) ;
printf(" %lf <1+1/2-1/3+1/4+1/5-1/6+..+-1/n 的解:\n",d);
while (1)
s = s + 1.0 / n + 1.0 / (n+1) - 1.0 / (n+2);
if (s > d) break;
n = n + 3;
printf(" n >= %ld \n", n + 1);
for(s = 0, k =1; k <= n; k++)
if(k % 3 > 0) s = s + 1.0 / k;
else s = s- 1.0/ k;
if(s > d) printf(" n = %ld \n", k);
return 0;
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