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[Video] Markov chain Monte Carlo method MCMC principle and R language implementation | data sharing
2022-07-02 01:42:00 【Extension Research Office】
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In Bayesian methods , Markov chain Monte Carlo method is particularly mysterious . They must be a heavy mathematical and computational process , But the basic reasoning behind them , Like many other things in Data Science , Can become intuitive . That's my goal .
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Markov chain Monte Carlo method MCMC Principle and R Language implementation
, Duration 08:47
that , What is Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Method ? The short answer is :
MCMC The method is used to approximate the posterior distribution of the parameter of interest by random sampling in the probability space .
In this article , I will explain this short answer .
First , Some terms . The parameters of interest are just some numbers summarizing the phenomena of interest . Usually we use statistics to estimate parameters . for example , If we want to know the height of adults , The parameter we are interested in may be the average height . The distribution is a mathematical representation of every possible value of our parameter , And the possibility that we observe each value . The most famous example is the bell curve :
In Bayesian statistical methods , Distribution has additional explanations . Bayes not only represents the value of parameters and the possibility of each parameter becoming a real value , Instead, we think of distribution as describing our beliefs about parameters . therefore , The bell curve above shows that we are very sure that the value of the parameter is very close to zero , However, we believe that the probability of the real value being higher or lower than this value is the same , Until some point .
It happened that , Human height does follow a normal curve , So suppose we believe that the true value of the average human height follows the following bell curve :
obviously , The man of faith represented in this picture has been living among giants for many years , Because as far as they know , The most likely average adult height is 1 rice 8( But they are not particularly confident ).
Let's imagine this person collecting some data , They observed 1 rice 6 To 1 rice 8 Between the crowd . We can show this data below , And another normal curve showing that the average human height can best explain the data :
In Bayesian Statistics , The distribution representing our belief in parameters is called a priori distribution , Because it captures our beliefs before seeing any data . The likelihood distribution summarizes what the observed data tells us by representing a series of parameter values and the possibility of each parameter explaining the data we are observing . Estimating the parameter value of the maximum likelihood distribution only answers this question : What parameter values are most likely to observe the data we observe ? Without a priori belief , We may stop here .
However , The key of Bayesian analysis is to determine the posterior distribution by combining the prior distribution and likelihood distribution . This tells us , Considering our previous beliefs , Which parameter values can maximize the opportunity to observe the specific data we do . In our case , The posterior distribution is as follows :
Upper figure , The red line represents the posterior distribution . You can think of it as an average of prior distribution and likelihood distribution . Because the prior distribution is shorter and wider , Therefore, it represents a set of true values of the average human height “ Not sure ” Belief . meanwhile , Likelihood summarizes data in a relatively narrow range , Therefore, it represents “ More sure ” Guess .
When transcendental possibilities are combined , data ( Expressed by possibility ) The weak transcendental beliefs that govern the hypothetical individuals who grew up in giants . Although the man still believes that the average height of human beings is higher than the data tells him , But he basically believes in data .
In the case of two bell curves , It is very easy to solve the posterior distribution . There is a simple formula that can combine the two . however , What if our prior distribution and likelihood distribution are not so good ? Sometimes , It is most accurate to model our data or our prior beliefs using distributions without convenient shapes . If our probability is best represented by a distribution with two peaks , And for some reason we want to explain what to do with some very strange prior distributions ? I visualize the following scene by hand drawing an ugly prior distribution :
Same as before , There are some posterior distributions , It gives the possibility of each parameter value . But it's a little hard to see what it might look like , And it is impossible to solve it through analysis .
MCMC Method
MCMC The method allows us to estimate the shape of the posterior distribution , In case we can't calculate it directly . Think about it ,MCMC Represents Markov chain Monte Carlo method . To understand how they work , I will introduce Monte Carlo simulation .
Monte Carlo simulation is just a method of estimating fixed parameters by repeatedly generating random numbers . By obtaining the generated random numbers and performing some calculations on them , Monte Carlo simulation provides an approximation of the parameters .
Suppose we want to estimate the area of a circle :
Because the length of the circle on the side is 1 In the square of , Therefore, the area can be easily calculated as 0.785 . however , We can place randomly in the square 20 A little bit . Then we calculate the proportion of points falling in the circle , And multiply it by the area of the square . This figure is a good approximation of the circular area .
because 20 A point is 15 One is in the circle , So the circle looks about 0.75 . For only 20 Monte Carlo simulation of random points is not bad .
Monte Carlo simulation is not only used to estimate regions with difficult shapes . By generating a large number of random numbers , They can be used to model very complex processes .
With some knowledge of Monte Carlo simulation and Markov chain , I hope so MCMC No mathematical explanation of how the method works is very intuitive .
Think about it , We are trying to estimate the posterior distribution of the parameters of interest , That is, the average human height :
I'm not a visualization expert , Obviously, I'm not good at keeping my examples within the scope of common sense : My posterior distribution example severely overestimates the average human height .
We know that the posterior distribution is within the range of our prior distribution and likelihood distribution , But for whatever reason , We can't calculate it directly . Use MCMC Method , We will effectively extract samples from the posterior distribution , Then calculate the statistics , For example, the average value of the sample .
First ,MCMC Methods choose a random parameter value to consider . The simulation will continue to generate random values ( This is the Monte Carlo part ), But there are some rules to follow to determine what is a good parameter value . The trick is , For a pair of parameter values , You can calculate which parameter value is better by calculating the possibility of interpreting the data for each value , Given our transcendental beliefs . If the randomly generated parameter value is better than the previous one , Then it is added to the parameter value chain with a certain probability , The probability depends on how good it is ( This is the Markov chain part ).
To explain this intuitively , Let's recall that the distribution height of a value represents the probability of observing that value . therefore , We can think of our parameter value (x Axis ) Shows areas of high and low probability , Displayed in the y On the shaft . For a single parameter ,MCMC Method from along x Axis random sampling starts :
The red dot is a random parameter sample
Because random samples are affected by fixed probability , They tend to converge to the highest probability region of the parameter of interest after a period of time :
The blue dot only represents the random sample after any time point , Convergence is expected at this time . Be careful : Vertical stacking points are purely for illustrative purposes .
After convergence ,MCMC Sampling produces a set of points , These points are samples from the posterior distribution . Draw histograms around these points , And calculate any statistics you like :
stay MCMC Any statistic calculated on the sample set generated by simulation is our best guess of the real posterior distribution statistic .
MCMC The method can also be used to estimate multiple parameters ( For example, people's height and weight ) A posteriori distribution of . about n Parameters , stay n There are high probability regions in dimensional space , Some of these parameter value sets can better explain the observed data . therefore , In my submission MCMC The method is to sample randomly in the probability space to approximate the posterior distribution .
What is? MCMC, When to use it ?
MCMC It's just a sampling algorithm from the distribution .
It's just one of many algorithms . The term stands for “ Markov chain Monte Carlo ”, Because it's a use “ Markov chain ”( We will discuss later ) Of “ Monte Carlo ”( It's random ) Method .MCMC It's just one of the Monte Carlo methods , Although you can think of many other common methods as MCMC A simple special case of .
Why should I sample from the distribution ?
Sampling from the distribution is the easiest way to solve some problems .
Probably MCMC The most common method is to extract samples from the posterior probability distribution of a model in Bayesian reasoning . Through these samples , You can ask some questions :“ What is the average value and reliability of the parameters ?”.
If these samples ( See the end of the article for data acquisition methods ) Is an independent sample from the distribution , be The estimated mean will converge on the real mean .
Let's assume that our goal distribution is one with mean value m And the normal distribution of the standard deviation s.
As an example , Consider using the mean m And standard deviation s To estimate the mean of the normal distribution ( ad locum , I'll use the parameters corresponding to the standard normal distribution ):
We can easily use this rnorm Function samples from this distribution
seasamples<-rn 000,m,s)
The average of the sample is very close to the real average ( zero ):
mean(sa es) ## \[1\] -0. 537
in fact , under these circumstances ,$ n $ The expected variance of the sample estimate is $ 1 / n $, So we expect most of it to be in $ \ pm 2 \,/ \ sqrt {n} = 0.02 .
summary(re 0,mean(rnorm(10000,m,s)))) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## -0.03250 -0.00580 0.00046 0.00042 0.00673 0.03550
This function calculates the sum of the cumulative averages .
cummean<-fun msum(x)/seq_along(x) plot(cummaaSample",ylab="Cumulative mean",panel.aabline(h=0,col="red"),las=1)
take x The axis is converted to logarithmic coordinates and another 30 It's a random method :
Sample quantiles can be extracted from your series of sampling points .
This is the point of analysis and calculation , Its probability density is 2.5% lower than :
p<-0.025a.true<-qnorm(p,m,s)a.true1## \[1\] -1.96
We can estimate this by direct integration in this case
aion(x)dnorm(x,m,s) g<-function(a)integrate(f,-Inf,a)$valuea.int<-uniroot(function(x)g(a10,0))$roota.int1## \[1\] -1.96
And use Monte Carlo Integral estimate point :
a.mc<-unnasamples,p))a.mc## \[1\] -2.023a.true-a.mc## \[1\] 0.06329
however , Within the limit of sample size approaching infinity , This will converge . Besides , It is possible to state the nature of the error ; If we repeat the sampling process 100 Time , Then we get a series of estimates of errors of the same magnitude as the errors near the mean value :
a.mc<-replicate(anorm(10000,m,s),p)) summary(a.true-a.mc) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## -0.05840 -0.01640 -0.00572 -0.00024 0.01400 0.07880
This kind of thing is really common . In most Bayesian reasoning , The posterior distribution is some ( It could be very big ) A function of a parameter vector , You want to reason about a subset of these parameters .
In a hierarchical model , You may have a large number of random effects fitted , But you want to infer a parameter most . stay
In the Bayesian framework , You can calculate the marginal distribution of the parameters you are interested in over all the other parameters ( This is what we're going to do up there ).
Why? “ Traditional statistics ” Monte Carlo method is not used ?
For many problems in traditional teaching statistics , Not sampling from the distribution , You can maximize a function or maximize . So we need some functions to describe the possibility and maximize it ( Maximum likelihood reasoning ), Or functions that compute the sum of squares and minimize it .
However , Monte Carlo method plays the same role in Bayesian statistics as optimization program in frequency statistics , It's just an algorithm for performing reasoning . therefore , Once you basically know MCMC What are you doing , You can treat it like most people treat their optimizer as a black box , Like a black box .
Markov chain Monte Carlo
Suppose we want to extract some target distributions , But we can't take independent samples as we used to . There is one using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) To do this solution . First , We have to define something , So that the next sentence makes sense : What we're going to do is try to construct a Markov chain , It samples the target distribution as its stationary distribution .
Suppose we have a three state Markov process . Let us P Is the transition probability matrix in the chain :
P<-rbind(a(.2,.1,.7),c(.25,.25,.5))P ## \[,1\] \[,2\] \[,3\]## \[1,\] 0.50 0.25 0.25## \[2,\] 0.20 0.10 0.70## \[3,\] 0.25 0.25 0.50 rowSums(P) ## \[1\] 1 1 1
P[i,j] From the State i Probability to state j.
Please note that , Unlike lines , Columns don't necessarily add up to 1:
colSums(P) ## \[1\] 0.95 0.60 1.45
This function takes a state vector x( among x[i] It's the probability of being in a state i), And iterate it by multiplying it with the transition matrix P, Advance the system to n step .
iterate.P<-function(x,P,n){ res<-matrix(NA,n+1,len a<-xfor(iinseq_len(n)) res\[i+1,\]<-x<-x%*%P res}
From being in a state 1 The system starts (x vector [1,0,0] So it is with , It means in a state 1 The probability of is 100%, Not in any other state )
Again , For the other two possible starting states :
This shows the convergence of the stationary distribution .
We can use R Of eigen Function to extract the main eigenvectors of the system (t() Here we transpose the matrix to get the left eigenvector ).
v<-eigen(t(P) ars\[,1\] v<-v/sum(v)# Normalized eigenvectors
Then add a dot to the previous number , Shows how close we are to convergence :
The above process iterates over the overall probability of different states ; Not through the actual transformation of the system . therefore , Let's iterate over the system , Not the probability vector .
run<-function(i,P,n){ res<-integer(n)for(a(n)) res\[\[t\]\]<-i<-sample(nrow(P),1,pr=P\[i,\]) res}
The chain is running 100 A step :
Plot our time fractions over time in each state , Instead of drawing States :
Run it again (5000 Step )
n<-5000set.seed(1) samples<-run(1,P,n)plot(cummeanasamples==2),col=2)lines(cummean(samples==3),col=3)abline(h=v,lty=2,col=1:3)
So the key here is : Markov chains have some nice properties . Markov chain has a fixed distribution , If we run them long enough , We can see where the chain takes time , And the stationary distribution is estimated reasonably .
Metropolis Algorithm
This is the simplest MCMC Algorithm .
MCMC sampling 1d( Single parameter ) problem
This is the weighted sum of two normal distributions . This distribution is quite simple , It can be downloaded from MCMC Take samples from .
Here are the definitions of some parameters and target density .
Probability density mapping
Let's define a very simple algorithm , The algorithm takes the standard deviation centered on the current point as 4 Sampling in the normal distribution of
And it just needs to run MCMC Several steps of . It will start from point x Return a matrix , Its nsteps The number of rows and columns is related to x Elements have the same number of columns . If you run on scalars , x It will return a vector .
run<-funagth(x))for(iinseq_len(nsteps)) res\[i,\]<-x<-step(x,f,q)drop(res)}
This is the front of the Markov chain 1000 Step , The target density is on the right :
layout(matrix(ca,type="s",xpd=NA,ylab="Parameter",xlab="Sample",las=1) usr<-par("usr") xx<-seq(usr\[a4\],length=301)plot(f(xx),xx,type="l",yaxs="i",axes=FALSE,xlab="")
hist(res,5aALSE,main="",ylim=c(0,.4),las=1,xlab="x",ylab="Probability density") z<-integrate(f,-Inf,Inf)$valuecurve(f(x)/z,add=TRUE,col="red",n=200)
Run longer , The results start to look better :
Now? , Run different scenarios - One standard deviation is very large (33), The other standard deviation is very small (3).
Notice the different ways the three tracks are moving .
contrary , The red trace rejects most of the space .
The blue trail suggests little moves that tend to be accepted , But it walks randomly along most of the tracks . It takes hundreds of iterations to reach most of the probability density .
You can see the effect of different scheme steps in autocorrelation in the subsequent parameters - These graphs show the attenuation of autocorrelation coefficients between different lag steps , The blue line indicates statistical independence .
From this we can calculate the effective number of independent samples :
1coda::effectiveSize(res)1 2## var1 ## 1871coda::effectiveSize(res.fast)1 2## var1 ## 33.191coda::effectiveSize(res.slow)1 2## var1 ## 5.378
This shows more clearly that the chain runs longer :
naun(-10,f,q,n)) xlim<-range(sapply(saa100) hh<-lapply(samples,function(x)hist(x,br,plot=FALSE)) ylim<-c(0,max(f(xx)))
Show 100,1,000,10,000 and 100,000 Step :
MCMC In two dimensions
We give a multivariate normal density , Given a mean vector ( The center of the distribution ) And variance - Covariance matrix .
make.mvn<-function(mean,vcv){ logdet<-as.numeric(detea+logdet vcv.i<-solve(vcv)function(x){ dx<-x-meanexp(-(tmp+rowSums((dx%*%vcv.i)*dx))/2)}}
As mentioned above , Define the target density as two mvns The sum of ( This time it's not weighted ):
Sampling from multivariate normal distribution is also quite simple , But we will use MCMC Take samples from it .
Here are some different strategies - We can propose actions in two dimensions at the same time , Or we can sample along each axis independently . Both strategies work , Although their mixing speed will be different .
Suppose we don't actually know how to get from mvn Medium sampling , Let's propose a proposal distribution that is consistent in two dimensions , The width from each side is “d” The square sampling of the sample .
Compare the sampling distribution with the known distribution :
for example , Parameters 1 What is the marginal distribution of ?
hisales\[,1\],freq=FALSa",xlab="x",ylab="Probability density")
We need to integrate all possible values of the second parameter of the first parameter . that , Because the objective function itself is not standardized , So we have to decompose it into one-dimensional integral values .
m<-function(x1){ g<-Vectorize(function(x2)f(c(x1,ae(g,-Inf,Inf)$value} xx<-seq(mina\]),max(sales\[,1\]),length=201) yy<-s uehist(samples\[,1\],freq=FALSE,ma,0.25))lines(xx,yy/z,col="red")
Data acquisition
Reply to the official account below. “MCMC Count According to the ”, Complete data is available .
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Get the full text and complete information .
This article from the 《R Language to achieve Markov chain Monte Carlo MCMC Model 》.
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