当前位置:网站首页>Jiuqi ny3p series voice chip replaces the domestic solution KT148A, which is more cost-effective and has a length of 420 seconds
Jiuqi ny3p series voice chip replaces the domestic solution KT148A, which is more cost-effective and has a length of 420 seconds
2022-07-31 16:51:00 【Qingyue Electronics】
2.2 KT148AIntroduction to the chip
九齐ny3pThe voice chip replacement solution is made in ChinaKT148A性价比更高420秒长度
九齐ny3pThe voice chip is from Taiwan Jiuqi Company2013The classic voice chip launched in 2009,还是采用的4Bit machine architecture,It is also the most familiar formula and the most familiar taste of Taiwanese chip manufacturers
As soon as the chip is released,Basically, it occupies a large market share of voice chips,Really good performance,The cost is also low enough,Especially for toy guns,toy cars, etc,非常的稳定
But stand this year2022year's perspective,Nine Qi'sny3pIt's no longer the best,Domestic voice chips have also grown rapidly,Basically everyone can see it online,and can find somesop8封装的语音ic,They are also based on the secondary development or self-packaged chips of Jiuqi or Shuocheng
Their cost is actually quite low,But how to operate、推广、售前、After-sale costs remain high,So lead to the actual chip,to the final product
价格并不亲民,basic100seconds or more chips,reach nearly2元的成本,A little more voice,成本就更高了
此时KT148A的优势凸显出来了,The core advantages are as follows
- Products with high seconds,有成本优势,单价1.5,不分版本,不分型号
- KT148A芯片采用aDSP+flashstack packaging,Solved the difficulty of proofing,Proofing is expensive,The user can repeat the replacement of the sound by himself
2.1 九齐ny3p的简介
NY3PxxxJOTPSeries products are single-chipCMOS语音合成IC,It is Jiuqi Technology for supportNY3ANY3BNY3CNY3D系列MaskROMThe product is specially developed embedded typeEPROM架构的OTPIC(OneTime Programmable),共有7The mothers are respectivelyNY3P005J、NY3P010JNY3P016JNY3P035JNY3P065JNY3P087J和NY3P115J.最多有5个/O脚(NY3P005J&NY3P010J只有3个//O脚),Use precise internal resistance to oscillate(+/-0.5%),Therefore, there is only one set of oscillating resistors that do not need to be addedPWM输出,Therefore, no additional parts are required.Speech synthesis method and NY3ANY3BNY3CNY3D系列MaskROM产品相同,藉由OTPReplaced during burningCode资料,You can write different voice data by yourselfEPROM中.User can use simple Q-Speech和Quick-10tool software for rapid development,然后使用Q-Writer软件搭配OTPWriterThe hardware comes very fastOTP烧录.
(2).共有7个母体,对应不同NY3series capacity(Hex-16进制)和秒数(@6kHz
2.2 KT148AIntroduction to the chip
1、性价比高,相比较传统的OTP芯片,Technological improvements have reduced costs,同时芯片可重复烧录
1. 32 位 DSP 语音芯片、5MHZ的内部振荡,PLL到120MHZ; |
2. 工作电压 2.0~5.5V; 注意低于3.3V的供电,硬件上有细节的区别 |
3. 待机功耗小于 25ua;另有低功耗模式1.5uA |
4. 16bit 的 PWM输出、可直接驱动 8欧姆 /0.5W 喇叭; |
5. 提供工具自行转换音频格式,全部用户可以自己操作,非常简单 |
6. 16KHZ 下最大可以支持200秒.8KHZ 下最大可以支持400秒 |
7. 客户可以通过电脑端的工具软件,通过串口直接更换语音内容 |
8. 支持一线串口控制,当然可以根据需求订制各种协议 |
9. 支持 224 段地址,有更多需求可以扩展; |
10.具有硬件 iic接口、UART 接口,可以为客户定制各类功能. |
11.芯片具备重复烧录的能力,所以任何时候不用担心测试不完整,导致批量性的问题 |
Complete development information,The data package is as shown above,Very complete and detailed
Pad No | Pad Name | ATTR | Description 描述 |
1 | GND | Power | 电源负极 |
2 | PB9 | I/O | Busy信号=播放输出低空闲输出高 复用串口下载,连接MCU或者USB转TTL的RX脚 |
3 | PB1 | I/O | [ONELINE-DATA]一线串口输入端 复用串口下载,连接MCU或者USB转TTL的TX脚 |
4 | PB0 | I/O | KEY按键--测试IO--对地触发就播放 |
5 | SPK1 | Out | 不分正负,支持8欧姆0.5W |
6 | SPK2 | Out | 不分正负,支持8欧姆0.5W |
7 | VDDIO | Power | 芯片内部的LDO输出,最大100mA |
8 | VBAT | Power | 电源正极 |
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