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Leetcode-100: same tree
2022-07-03 10:10:00 【ITSOK_ U】
100. Same tree
Title Description : Here are the root nodes of two binary trees p and q , Write a function to check whether the two trees are the same .
If two trees are the same in structure , And the nodes have the same value , They are the same .
Depth first recursive solution (O(min(m,n)),O(min(m,n)))
class Solution {
bool isSameTree(TreeNode* p, TreeNode* q) {
if(p == nullptr && q==nullptr) return true;
else if( p== nullptr && q!=nullptr) return false;
else if( p!= nullptr && q==nullptr) return false;
else if (p->val != q->val) return false;
else {
// Deliver ————> Judge whether the left and right subtrees are the same
return isSameTree(p->left,q->left) && isSameTree(p->right,q->right);
breadth-first (O(min(m,n)),O(min(m,n)))
class Solution {
bool isSameTree(TreeNode* p, TreeNode* q) {
// First, judge whether the root node meets the conditions
if(p == nullptr && q==nullptr) return true;
else if(p==nullptr || q==nullptr) return false;
// Initialize two breadth first traversal queues
queue<TreeNode*> que1,que2;
// Root in line
// Perform hierarchical traversal , Notice here because it's a comparison between two trees
// So it's not like the previous level traversal
while(!que1.empty() && !que2.empty()){
// Get the team leader element every time and judge
TreeNode* node1 = que1.front();
TreeNode* node2 = que2.front();
// Unequal node values indicate different trees
if(node1->val!=node2->val) return false;
// Take the four children of the current two team head nodes of the two trees
auto cur1 = node1->left,cur2 = node1->right,cur3 = node2->left,cur4 = node2->right;
// If only one of the left and right child pointers of the two nodes is empty, it indicates that the tree is different
if(cur1==nullptr ^ cur3==nullptr) return false;
if(cur2==nullptr ^ cur4==nullptr) return false;
// Nodes that are not empty are queued
if(cur1!=nullptr) que1.push(cur1);
if(cur2!=nullptr) que1.push(cur2);
if(cur3!=nullptr) que2.push(cur3);
if(cur4!=nullptr) que2.push(cur4);
// If both teams have finished processing when the hierarchical traversal exits, the tree is the same
return que1.empty() && que2.empty();
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